Chapter 1121 Kuroba Kaito goes to Kudo Yusaku

"Can't I go into the kitchen?"Chen looked at Mingmei and smiled, then looked at the breakfast made by Mingmei.

"Mingmei, thank you for your hard work. You have to prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner every day."Chen said, touching Mingmei's head.

In an instant, Mingmei's face turned red, and then she shook her head gently towards Chen.

"It’s not hard work, there’s no such thing as hard work."

Although she prepares a lot of things every day, Mingmei doesn't feel hard at all, and Mingmei also wants to repay Chen in her heart.

"If you hadn't saved me in the first place, I probably wouldn't have had the chance to work hard."

Mingmei's eyes fell into memories, thinking of what happened in the past. If it weren't for Chen, she would have been killed by Gin's gun. The reason why she and her sister were still alive in"197" was because of Chen. Mingmei will always remember this

"Chen, did you come to the kitchen to steal some food?"Mingmei put aside these thoughts in her heart and asked Chen with a smile.

"No, I'm definitely not here to steal food."Chen said that he could swear it.

But having said that, when he saw the fragrant buns steamed by Mingmei, Chen couldn't help but pick one up and eat it.

"I came to the kitchen to tell you, remember to cook more when making breakfast. After all, today is different. Now there is Fei Yingli."Chen said to Mingmei.

While talking about Chen, Mingmei couldn't help but roll her eyes at Chen.

"You just came here to steal food, what excuse are you looking for? Get out quickly, otherwise no one else will eat."

Mingmei pushed Chen out directly, but when pushing out, she kindly left two buns with Chen.

Chen touched his nose, then walked out of the kitchen, and was kicked out by Mingmei, It felt a little awkward.

Akemi smiled slightly and continued to prepare breakfast.

At this time, Kuroba Kaito came to the hospital and opened the door of the ward where Kudo Yusaku lived.

"Does Kudo Yusaku live here?"

Kuroba Kaito looked towards the hospital bed, but there was no one. Kudo Yusaku was obviously not there. Kuroba Kaito frowned, then sat here and waited.

According to the information he obtained from the investigation, Kudo Yusaku was Hinata was injured and lived here. This information is absolutely unmistakable.

Now he comes to Kudo Yusaku. Kuroba Kaito wants to ask Kudo Yusaku to help, and Kuroba Kaito specially put on makeup.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Kudo Yusaku came back in hospital clothes, accompanied by Conan and Hattori Heiji.

Dr. Agasa was not here. Dr. Agasa went home to rest, but Conan and Hattori Heiji were. Here.

As a son, Conan will come to the hospital to see Kudo Yusaku's condition now that he is on vacation. In fact,

Kudo Yusaku's injury is not particularly serious, and it is estimated that he will be discharged from the hospital soon.

"Who are you?"Kudo Yusaku frowned when he saw Kuroba Kaito in the ward.

"Sure enough, the legendary Chang writer is really here."Kuroba Kaito smiled slightly after seeing Kudo Yusaku.

At this time, Kuroba Kaito was naturally not using his original face, but the appearance after changing his disguise.

Of course, he didn't want to use his original face, and he didn't want to change his appearance. The original appearance is exposed, because it is more troublesome for him

"Mr. Yusaku, don't be wary. In fact, I just want to talk to you about something, and we also have a common enemy."Kuroba Kaito smiled faintly and said to Kudo Yusaku.

He wanted to investigate information about Ri Xiangchen, and then found out that he had a conflict with Kudo Yusaku and sent Kudo Yusaku to the hospital.

Kuroba Kaito feels that this should be good news for him, and maybe he can take advantage of it.

"Common enemy, I don’t know who you are referring to by this common enemy?" Kudo Yusaku asked Kuroba Kaito

"Haha, Mr. Kudo Yusaku, aren’t you asking the question knowingly? Who else could it be besides Ri Xiangchen?"

Kuroba Kaito said with a laugh.

Although his appearance is relatively old and he is a middle-aged man, Kuroba Kaito can change his voice, and he does not need a voice changer. Not to mention using a voice changer, that is It doesn’t mean that your voice has changed.

"You shouldn't be old, right? Is this your appearance after the disguise?"

Kudo Yusaku looked at Kuroba Kaito wisely. It's not that easy to deceive him.

Kuroba Kaito's expression was for a while, but he didn't expect to be able to see through him and see that he was disguised......

To be honest, Kuroba Kaito is very confident in his disguise skills and feels that basically no one can see through his disguise skills.

But now facing Kudo Yusaku and being seen through instantly, Kuroba Kaito was also a little shocked.

However, he was very calm on the surface. After being discovered, he still planned to continue pretending.

"It doesn't really matter whether I'm disguised or not. What's important is our common enemy, Ri Xiangchen."Kuroba Kaito said to Kudo Yusaku

"I won't communicate with someone who doesn't even dare to show his true face."Kudo Yusaku didn't wait for Kuroba Kaito to continue.

"Why?"Kuroba Kaito frowned. He really came to cooperate with Kudo Yusaku, so he can't leave so quickly now.

Moreover, Kuroba Kaito doesn't want Kudo Yusaku to reject him.

"Why? The reason is actually very simple. I don’t know you at all. Do you think I will believe you? If it were you, would you be willing to communicate with someone you don't know anything about?"

Kudo Yusaku's words stopped Kuroba Kaito from questioning him and told him to shut up.

But if you want him to reveal his true face, Kuroba Kaito is not willing. He really He didn’t want to reveal his identity.

At the same time, Kuroba Kaito didn’t use Kaito Kid’s identity, so he couldn’t use it. Kaito Kid is a thief. 2.6

"In this case, Mr. Kudo, I will take my leave now, but I will not give up easily, and I will come again."

Kuroba Kaito doesn't plan to stay any longer. Now he realizes that he didn't think carefully and came to find Kudo Yusaku rashly. It's obviously not feasible.

After going back first, he can find a way to contact Kudo Yusaku. If Kudo Yusaku If this line really doesn't work, let's wait until later.

In fact, Kuroba Kaito is also very helpless at this time. He knows that he can't deal with Ri Xiangchen, so he plans to find a helper.

It's not easy to find a suitable person, but he I still don’t believe him. He really doesn’t have any ill will towards Kudo Yusaku in his heart.

After Kuroba Kaito left, Kudo Yusaku glanced at Kuroba Kaito’s back.

I don’t know who he is, but Kudo Yuzuo feels that he must know about it._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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