Chapter 1120 Are you teasing me?

Xiao Ai didn't talk to Chen because she was depressed, and didn't pay attention to Chen until dinner. According to Chen's estimation, she should have a cold war with him for a few days.

In the evening, Chen came to Yukiko's room as promised, but Chen did not forget the bet he made with Yukiko.

Early the next morning, Chen woke up and pushed Yukiko next to him. Yukiko rubbed her sleepy eyes, and then looked at Chen with a confused and angry expression.~

"Chen, why did you wake me up? Don't you know that lack of sleep - is a woman's worst enemy."

I slept very late yesterday night. Yukiko naturally felt sleepy in the morning and couldn't open her eyes. She was very resentful of Chen who woke her up.

"Didn't we make a bet yesterday, but I didn't say anything to you, so you lost, don't you want to admit it?"

"bet? When did I make a bet? I didn’t. It’s inexplicable."

Yukiko covered her head and continuedsleep.

Well, Chen knew that was it. In fact, for the two of them, the so-called bet was just an unnecessary excuse.

Tatsuya didn't expect Yukiko to cash in on anything, so he just paid it all as yesterday evening.

Chen couldn't sleep anyway, so he got up and walked out of the room.

Just as Chen walked out of the room, the door of the room next to him was also opened, and then Fei Yingli walked out of the room, and the two of them went out at the same time.

Yesterday, although Fei Yingli seemed unhappy about living next to Yukiko, Yukiko was not unhappy at all in her heart.

"Chen, what a coincidence."

Fei Yingli glanced at Yukiko's room next to her, and then understood everything instantly. She is the famous queen of the legal world, and some things can be seen at a glance.

"What a coincidence, Yingli. How are you, how are you enjoying your rest at my house?"Chen didn't feel embarrassed when he was bumped into. He asked Fei Yingli with a smile.

"It's not bad. I feel like I can get used to it. It's no different from at home."

"Really, that's fine. If I don't entertain you well, I guess Xiaolan won't let me go. Chen said with a smile.

"Since you said so, shouldn't you come and entertain me in person?"Fei Yingli suddenly blinked at Chen, then turned around, leaving Chen with a beautiful back.

Chen was stunned for a while, and then came back to his senses, are you teasing me? He looked at her tightly. Looking at Fei Yingli's back, Chen was 100% sure that Fei Yingli's face had turned red now. It's a pity that Fei Yingli's face cannot be seen now. If it could be seen, it would definitely look good.

Chen had a look of pity on his face, but he did not run over to see Fei Yingli specifically. Otherwise, Fei Yingli would definitely blush. Strong women are sometimes shy, so he would not run over and embarrass Fei Yingli. At this time,

Fei Yingli would be embarrassed.

Fei Yingli's heart was beating loudly, and her face looked as if she was drunk.

"Why did I just say it was so big? Is this a hint? What if Chen takes him seriously?"

Fei Yingli's eyes were a little panicked, which she had never seen before. Normally, Fei Yingli's eyes were basically very calm.

As a barrister, how could he not look forward without changing his expression? But she couldn't do it at this time.

There was still a trace of deep expectation in the panic in her eyes, but soon Fei Yingli shook her head, then quickened her pace and left

"I was so panicked."

After Chen saw Fei Yingli speeding up her pace, she couldn't help but say.

Fei Yingli is indeed like this now. Her mentality is too panicked, giving people a feeling of guilty conscience.

In fact, there is no need to be so panicked.

She shook her head slightly, Then Chen stopped thinking so much.

Just as he was about to go to the kitchen to see if Mingmei had prepared breakfast, Chen paused slightly as he passed by the door of Xiao Ai's room.

"Are there any lights on in the room?"

Chen walked over and opened Xiao Ai's door. Then he saw Xiao Ai sitting on a chair and sleeping on the table.

"It’s not because you studied it too late and you’re familiar with it, right?"Chen glanced at the computer in front of Xiao Ai that had not been shut down yet, and thought it should be like this

"Really, why is this girl working so hard?"

Chen picked up Xiao Ai, but just as he picked her up, Xiao Ai woke up.

"what you do?"Xiao Ai looked at Chen with a vigilant look.

"Do you want to do something shameful secretly while I'm asleep? What a beast"

····Asking for flowers·······

Xiao Ai's vigilant gaze was replaced by a look of disdain

"Listening to your vicious words, I have the urge to spank you. What do you think Belmod would look like if he saw you being spanked?"

Chen asked Xiao Ai with a smile. To Xiao Ai, his words were like the devil's whisper.

Let Belmod see it? This is absolutely impossible. Even if she is beaten to death, he must not let her Belmod saw her embarrassed side

"Hum, you dare, if you really dare, I will tell my sister."Xiao Ai snorted coldly. On the surface, she was very calm, but inside she was very panicked.

Because Xiao Ai knew that Chen really dared, so she was not so calm..................

"Tell your sister, can Mimei help you?"Chen couldn't help but asked Xiao Ai.

Xiao Ai remained silent, as if Mingmei really couldn't help her.

"Hum, let me go."Xiao Ai snorted arrogantly. Although she feels very comfortable when being held by Chen now, Xiao Ai is so arrogant.

"Okay, I let you go and you go to rest. When did you go to bed yesterday? Also, don’t sleep here in the future, do you understand?"

Chen lectured Xiao Ai.

Although Xiao Ai looked impatient, she was quite touched. It felt good to be cared about like this.

"I'll come over and call you later during breakfast."Chen touched Xiao Ai's head and said to Xiao Ai

"Um."Xiao Ai hummed softly and agreed.

"Are you going to stop being arrogant?"Chen Weiwei was a little surprised. She originally thought that Xiao Ai would continue to be arrogant, but she didn't expect that she would stop being arrogant.

"I want you to take care of it."Xiao Ai continued to be arrogant, covered her head with a quilt, and then didn't look at Chen at all.

Chen shook his head slightly, then walked out of Xiao Ai's room, and gently closed the door for Xiao Ai.

Then Chen came to the kitchen, and this This was also Chen Yi’s original plan.

"Chen, why did you come to the kitchen?"

Mingmei, who was preparing breakfast, had a surprised expression on her face. No wonder Mingmei was surprised, because Chen usually never entered the kitchen at all, and the number of times he entered the kitchen was simply counted._ Please download the novel without underlining Feilu novels

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