Chapter 1109 Be more confident, this is how I miss you

"Go in, go in and take a look."

After hesitating for a long time, Nakamori Aoko decided to go in and take a look. She was already here. If she was allowed to leave again, Nakamori Aoko would not feel comfortable. She opened the door in the yard, and then Nakamori Aoko walked in. , Nakamori Aoko is actually quite curious about it.

Although this is Hongzi’s home, Nakamori Aoko has never been here before and doesn’t know much about it.

But Hongzi is very mysterious, and I don’t know what her family is like..

Before arriving at the door, Nakamori Aoko walked in cautiously

"Hey, that's strange, why is there no one there?"

After Nakamori Aoko came in, she felt more and more strange that there was no one inside.

"I obviously watched him walk in. Could it be that he went to another room?"

Zhongmori Aoko saw no one in the living room and looked towards the guest room.

"never mind,Just sit here."

It's too much to enter someone else's home without permission. If she enters someone else's room again, I'm afraid she can be called to the police.

After looking at the furniture in the living room, Nakamori Aoko just waited.

"197 Hey, why does it feel so dark inside the house?"

While doing this, Nakamori Aoko suddenly noticed a change. The entire living room became a lot darker, and it looked a little scary.

"How is this going?"Nakamori Aoko couldn't help but stand up.


A slight sound made Nakamori Aoko couldn't help but look over, and saw that the wall suddenly turned into blood, looking a little scary.

"This, how could this become like this?"

Nakamori Aoko stood up immediately, instinctively feeling that something was wrong, and then wanted to run out.

However, when Nakamori Aoko ran to the door, she found that the door could not be opened at all, and it seemed to be locked.

Then, Nakamori Aoko felt that something was approaching her from behind, which made Nakamori Aoko tremble with fear.

"No, don't scare me, I'm not afraid of anything."

Nakamori Aoko shouted loudly, as if to use her voice to dispel fear, and at the same time, to attract others' attention.

"Yeah? Are you really not afraid of anything? Miss Nakamori Aoko?"

The eerie voice sounded in Nakamori Aoko's ears, and then Nakamori Aoko rolled her eyes and fainted.

"It was really boring. I was so scared that I fainted before I even started."Chen said with a disappointed look on his face.

Of course it was Chen who was scaring Nakamori Aoko before and ran over here to teach her a lesson and let Nakamori Aoko know that not everyone can go anywhere.

"You have to pay for following others, and you are already like this."Chen helped up Nakamori Aoko who was lying on the ground.

Then he tested Nakamori Aoko's breathing. Fortunately, he still had breath and was not scared to death. But that's right. How could a person be frightened to death? Unless it's the heart. There is something wrong inside, but Nakamori Aoko must have something wrong inside, so Chen would scare Nakamori Aoko like this.

He helped Nakamori Aoko to the sofa, and then Chen heard a cold question

"who is she? Why are you here?"

After Xiao Ai walked out of the room, she asked Chen lightly.


Seeing Xiao Ai's angry and jealous look, Chen Tan spread his hands and said to Xiao Ai:"Don't make too much of a fuss. She was just someone who followed me without authorization. She was frightened by me and then fainted."

"Yeah? Weren't you the one who fainted?"Xiao Ai looked at Chen with a sneer.

The expression on Chen's face was a little ugly. Xiao Ai, who do you think I am? Is this the kind of person I am in your heart?

"Xiao Ai, do you think of me like this?"

"Haha, be more confident and remove it, that’s how I miss you."

Xiao Ai looked like a scumbag, which Chen couldn't explain even if he wanted to.

"Forget it, if you don’t believe it (becg), just wait until she wakes up and ask her."

"What are you talking about? I heard you guys arguing so early in the morning."

Koizumi Anko walked out lazily. She hadn't washed up yet, so Koizumi Anko's hair was a little messy, but this didn't affect Koizumi Anko's charm at all.

"Hey, this person looks so familiar."

After Koizumi Anko saw Aoko, although she only saw Aoko's profile, she still felt very familiar.

Then Koizumi Anko couldn't help but walked over and took a closer look.

"It's actually Nakamori Aoko?"Koizumi Anko showed a very surprised expression on her face.

Then she looked at Chen with questioning eyes. Why did Nakamori Aoko appear here? This should have something to do with Chen.

Koizumi Anko definitely didn't believe it. Nakamori Aoko appeared here. It has nothing to do with Chen

"It was she who followed me and came here."Chen said to Koizumi Hongzi, and whether Koizumi Hongzi believed it or not, it was the fact anyway.

"Is Aoko following you? Why would she follow you when she has nothing to do?"Koizumi Hongzi asked Chen suspiciously.

"There was probably something wrong with her head and a sudden problem with her IQ, so she followed me, otherwise I wouldn't be able to explain it."

Chen spread his hands and said that he couldn't explain it either.

Because Chen didn't know what Nakamori Aoko was thinking. Who knew what was in her mind, and Chen couldn't open her mind to take a look.

"Then why did she faint?"

Koizumi Hongzi looked at Chen. Although she felt that Chen would not be that kind of person, at this time, Koizumi Hongzi still had doubts about Chen in her heart.

After all, it was too suspicious. Who knows if it would be possible? It was Chen who saw Nakamori Aoko's beauty and kidnapped her.

"Why does she look so much like Xiaolan?"Xiao Ai asked doubtfully.

I didn't look at it before, but now I see that the other person and Xiaolan look really similar. It's as if they were carved from the same mold.

If not there are some places that are not very similar. , coupled with Xiao Ai's observation ability, if you look carefully, you might really think that the other party is Xiao Lan.

In fact, Xiao Ai really thought Nakamori Aoko was Xiao Lan at the first glance. This is really because of Nakamori Aoko and Xiao Ai. Lan looks so similar, almost exactly the same.

"Regarding this question, in fact, when I first met Xiaolan, I was also curious about why Xiaolan looked the same as Nakamori Aoko."

Koizumi Anko had just transferred to Didan High School. When she met Xiaolan for the first time, she had the same doubts. She immediately mistaken Xiaolan for Nakamori Aoko, and even thought that Nakamori Aoko had also transferred to Didan High School. Dan is in high school, but Koizumi Hongzi later realized that she was wrong.

There are really people who look so similar in this world. I was surprised for a while, and Koizumi Hongzi also put aside his surprise._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading -Collect and recommend

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