Chapter 1108 Curiosity killed the cat!

"We won’t go back today, let’s rest here for a night."Chen said to Koizumi Hongzi and Xiao Ai.

It's already dark now, and there's no point in going back. It's better to wait until early tomorrow morning to go back.

"Well, okay, I'll take a good rest too."

Koizumi Anko yawned. She hasn't slept well for several days. She must take a good rest to make up for it.

"Xiao Ai, aren't you going to rest?"Chen asked Xiao Ai

"I'll watch for a while and then go to rest, you don't have to worry about me."Xiao Ai raised her head and glanced at Chen, and then said

"Well, you also remember to go to bed early."

Chen didn't say anything, and then he found a room at random, and then went to rest. Koizumi Hongzi's house was big enough, so he just found a room. The next morning, Chen was used to getting up earlier, and he got up After that, neither Koizumi Hongzi nor Xiao Ai got up yet.

It was normal. Koizumi Hongzi had not had enough sleep and needed to make up for it.

As for Xiao Ai, I don’t know when she took a rest yesterday. Anyway, Xiao Ai yesterday It’s never too early to take a break

"Let's buy some breakfast first."

Chen suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. If it were at home, Mingmei would basically be responsible for breakfast. All she had to do was wait for it.

Although it doesn't matter whether she eats or not, Chen is already used to having breakfast.

Have breakfast here. , I can only go out and buy it. Let’s not talk about whether Chen is willing to make it by himself. Even if he really wants to make it, there are no ingredients here.

After all, Koizumi Hongzi’s house has not been occupied for countless days. Even if There is food in the refrigerator, but the contents must not be eaten.

Chen walked out without driving, but Koizumi Hongzi’s home is a bit far away from the place where she buys things.

So she still has to walk a long distance, for For Chen, it doesn't matter. He no longer has the word"tired" anymore.

"The house is nice, but it's too remote."Chen couldn't help but shook his head. Although Koizumi Hongzi's home is nice, it's a bit remote.

"Boss, buy some sushi and rice balls."

Chen came to the place where he bought breakfast and said to the boss.

At this time, Chen was slightly bumped behind him.

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you."

A very beautiful girl behind her immediately apologized after realizing that she had bumped into someone.

Chen couldn't help but look back, and this look immediately stunned Chen.


"ah? My name is not Xiaolan, my name is Nakamori Aoko."Zhongzhu Chen was confused for a moment at his words, and then he immediately spoke.

"Oh, it turns out you are Aoko Nakamori, that’s right."

At first, Chen thought she was Xiaolan, but now she has come to her senses.

Xiaolan cannot appear here, and the other person's appearance is very similar to Xiaolan, but the hairstyle is different.

Aoko Nakamori, It's Kuroba Kaito, Kaito's childhood sweetheart and classmate, and the daughter of police officer Nakamori Ginzo. She looks very similar to Ran, almost carved from the same mold.

In addition, Nakamori Ginzo and There are also great similarities in face shapes between Mouri and Kogoro.

"You look a lot like my girlfriend."Chen said to Nakamori Aoko.

Hearing Chen's words, Nakamori Aoko was stunned for a moment, then she distanced herself from Chen with a red face, and looked at Chen with vigilant eyes.

"Your approach is outdated."Nakamori Aoko no longer has a good impression of Chen.

Generally, people who want to pick up girls like to say this. Originally, Chen was handsome. Although he is not a super good-looking person, Nakamori Aoko still has a good impression of Chen.

But because of one sentence , Nakamori Aoko's sense of Chen is much worse.

"It's weird, there's something wrong with my head, I should see a doctor."

Chen glanced at Nakamori Aoko. At this time, breakfast had been obtained and Chen was ready to leave.

"Although you and my girlfriend look very similar, in some aspects, you are really incomparable."

Chen specifically glanced at a certain area of ​​Nakamori Aoko. Although it was not a flat plain, it didn't have much ups and downs. It couldn't be compared with Xiaolan.

"You, what do you mean?"Nakamori Aoko looked at Chen angrily. She had roughly understood what Chen meant in his eyes.

"What do I mean? Don’t you understand now? If you don't understand, it can only mean that your IQ is too low."

Chen shook his head towards Nakamori Aoko with a look of helplessness.

"That's right. You have a problem with your IQ. How could you possibly understand? It seems like I'm thinking too much."

"Damn it, stop right there."

At this time, Nakamori Aoko didn't even bother to buy breakfast, and directly chased Chen.

But at this time, Chen had already walked far away, and Nakamori Aoko gritted his teeth in anger.

".~No, that direction seems to be Hongzi’s residence."

Nakamori Aoko was a little confused. There was no one living in that direction, but Nakamori Aoko knew that Hongzi's home was in that direction.

Nakamori Aoko and Koizumi Hongzi were direct friends. That's why Nakamori Aoko knew that Many.

It’s just that Nakamori Aoko didn’t understand why Hongzi transferred to another school, so she suddenly transferred and left.

"Follow along and take a look."

Nakamori Aoko's curiosity was aroused, and she immediately followed her quietly.

Curiosity killed the cat, but Nakamori Aoko probably hadn't heard of it, so she followed directly out of curiosity.

When Nakamori Aoko followed, Chen's footsteps paused for a moment, and then he continued to move forward.

Nakamori Aoko was following behind. How could Chen not know that a normal person would be able to follow Nakamori Aoko's clumsy tracking? You should be aware of it.

And Chen is more aware of it (Denuo Zhao), follow him if you like, Chen just ignores it.

All the way, Chen returned to Koizumi Hongzi's home, and after a long time, Nakamori Aoko followed. here

"I walked so fast that I couldn't even see anyone."

Nakamori Aoko looked at the castle in front of her. This is Hongzi's home, but Nakamori Aoko has never been there. She glanced at the door of the courtyard and saw that the door was not locked, which meant that Hongzi was at home and the man should also go in. At this time, Nakamori Aoko was confused, should she go in and take a look? Hongzi's home is very mysterious, and Nakamori Aoko also wanted to know more about Hongzi.

And there was that man, she hadn't settled the score with him yet, Nakamori Aoko I couldn't help but feel angry inside, and I was ready to vent my anger, otherwise I would feel uncomfortable. But if I went in privately like this, wouldn't it be breaking into someone else's home? It was precisely because of this that Nakamori Aoko hesitated, should I Where are you going in?_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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