Chapter 1073: I want to talk.

Chen left home and went all the way to Fei Yingli's home.

After knocking on the door, Xiaolan opened the door, and behind Xiaolan stood Yukiko and Fei Yingli.

After Fei Yingli saw Chen, her face turned slightly red, which made Chen feel something was wrong. Why was Fei Yingli looking at him blushing? Something's wrong

"Yingli, what can you do?" Chen asked Fei Yingli.

"No, nothing happened."Fei Yingli immediately shook her head and told Chen that she was fine.

Seeing Fei Yingli shaking her head, Chen didn't ask any more questions and looked at Xiaolan. It was Xiaolan who called Chen over, so Chen didn't know what Xiaolan had. Something happened.

Seeing Chen looking at her with questioning eyes, Xiaolan's face turned slightly red, which made Chen completely puzzled. Both mother and daughter seemed to have problems today.

"Chen, can we go out and have a chat?"Xiaolan asked Chen

"Of course, I have no problem with that."Chen nodded slightly towards Xiaolan.

"Yo, what on earth is going on? Can’t you let us know?"Yukiko couldn't help but joked.

Xiaolan glanced at Yukiko, I really can't let you know this.

"Xiaolan is shy, please stop teasing her. Fei Yingli said after glaring at Yukiko.

"Okay, I won't tease Xiaolan anymore, you guys have a good time outside."Yukiko said after waving her hands.

Xiaolan blushed and pulled Chen away. She felt that Aunt Yukiko had misunderstood something, but let it be a misunderstanding. Xiaolan had no intention of going over to explain.

As for why she didn't explain, this Xiaolan doesn't know anything about it herself, probably because she doesn't want to explain it at all.

"By the way, Xiaolan, why are you looking for me?"Chen looked at Xiaolan. Although Xiaolan's face was very red, Chen still felt that Xiaolan was worried.

"Something happened."Xiaolan nodded gently, but Xiaolan was really embarrassed to say those things.

"what's the matter?"Chen was very curious. What did Xiaolan want to do with him?

Xiaolan glanced at Chen, and then she didn't know what to say. She was very entangled in her heart.

"Isn’t it hard to say?"Chen asked Xiaolan

"Actually I don’t know how to say it, sorry."Xiao Lan said tangledly.

"Excuse me? What are you sorry for? You don’t really want to confess to me, do you?"Chen looked at Xiaolan with a smile.

Xiaolan's face became even more rosy after hearing this. After gently shaking her head, she said to Chen:"No, it's not."

"No, it seems that my expectations were in vain, which is really disappointing."The disappointed expression on Chen's face made Xiaolan want to say something to Chen.

"Come on, there's a coffee shop over there, let's go in and have a seat."

After coming downstairs, Chen said to Xiaolan, there are quite a few coffee shops where Fei Yingli lives, and Chen saw several of them.

This is a community where elites live. When they are free, they go back to the coffee shop to have a drink. Coffee, so the business of coffee shops here is very good, and more coffee shops are opened.

"I remember Chen, don’t you like drinking coffee?"Xiao Lan asked Chen doubtfully.

"I don’t like drinking, but that doesn’t mean I can’t drink. If I have a suitable drink, it actually feels pretty good. Chen said to Xiaolan with a smile.


Xiaolan followed Chen into a well-decorated coffee shop, and then each ordered a cup of coffee and some desserts.

"In fact, you don’t need to order so many things."Xiao Lan looked at the desserts on the table and said to Chen

"In fact, I haven't had breakfast yet, so of course I have to ask for more."Chen said to Xiaolan while eating dessert.

"It’s already past nine o’clock and you haven’t had breakfast yet?"Xiaolan was stunned for a moment.

"Because I got up a little late, I haven't had breakfast yet. Chen said with a slight smile.

"Can you talk to me now?"

Xiaolan struggled for a while, but she thought that she wanted to talk to Chen when she asked Chen to come out, so Xiaolan told Chen exactly what she had guessed.


Chen almost spit out the coffee in his mouth. What did Xiaolan say just now? Did he hear it wrong?

"Xiaolan, you actually suspect that Eri and Yukiko are Lily?"Chen didn't know what to say and looked at Yukiko.

"I'm a little suspicious, and it's really suspicious."

"I think you've made a mistake."Chen waved his hand towards Xiaolan. This is completely impossible.

"In fact, I also think that I am wrong, but I think it should be true."Xiaolan said with a distressed look.

Although Xiaolan no longer has the idea of ​​letting her mother and father get back together, she doesn't want her mother to become a Lily.

"So what did you tell me you wanted to do? Chen asked Xiaolan

"I just wanted to talk."

Xiaolan doesn't know what she should do if this is the truth.

"Don't think so much. There is absolutely nothing going on between Eiri and Yukiko. I promise you, your imagination is too strange."

After Chen took a bite of the cake, he retracted the strange look on his face, and then said

"But mom and Aunt Yukiko are really close."

"Isn't this a normal thing? Eri and Yukiko are good friends. Isn't it normal for them to be closer?"

"Well, I also hope I'm overthinking it."

Xiaolan temporarily convinced herself, but she still had some doubts about the relationship between her mother and Yukiko.

"Maybe you can find out if you ask your mother yourself."

"Forget it, I'm too embarrassed to ask my mother."Xiaolan was a little embarrassed to say it when facing Chen, let alone facing her own mother.

"How about I help you find out?"Chen asked Xiaolan

"This seems to work, so I'll trouble you, Chen."Xiao Lan gratefully grabbed Chen's hand and said to Chen

"You're welcome. In fact, this has something to do with me." Chen said.

After all, Yukiko is his woman. If there is really anything with Fei Yingli, even if Fei Yingli is a woman, he is still a cuckold.

"So do we want to go back?"Xiaolan asked Chen

"Why are you going back so early? Do you hate being with me, Xiaolan?"Chen asked Xiaolan

"No, no, I like being with you Chen very much, but I want to know the truth quickly. I hope it is not what I imagined."Xiaolan quickly shook her head and said to Chen

"Don't be so anxious, it's not too late, let's play outside for a while and then go back."After Chen finished eating the cake, he took Xiaolan and left the coffee shop.

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