Chapter 1072 Xiaolan is even more suspicious

"How do you want to help me?"

Fei Yingli hesitated for a long time, and asked Yukiko with some blushing. Yes, Fei Yingli has really made up her mind.

Because she has liked Chen for a long time, and she can continue to suppress it. But when she thought that Yukiko had become Chen's woman, in addition to a hint of jealousy, she also had some expectations in her heart. It could be said that Yukiko helped Fei Yingli pass that test, otherwise Fei Yingli would have been weighed down in her heart for the rest of her life. noodle

"Yingli, are you shy? This is the first time I've seen you so shy. Yukiko joked to Fei Yingli.


Fei Yingli's voice became louder, letting Yukiko know that she was a little angry in her heart.

"Okay, I won’t tease you anymore, but Yingli, are you that impatient?"

Fei Yingli looked at Yukiko expressionlessly. Didn't you just say you wouldn't joke? Why did you forget it in the blink of an eye?

But Fei Yingli also knew that Yukiko's character was like this. She especially liked to tease her, and Fei Yingli also teased her. no way

"Say it or not."Fei Yingli turned her head

"Has it really risen? Yukiko asked Feiyingli, but Feiyingli ignored Yukiko at all.

She already knew how to deal with Yukiko. As long as she pretended to be angry, Yukiko would be helpless. She would definitely admit her mistake and apologize when the time came.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong. I really won’t tease you this time. I was really wrong. Don’t be angry, okay? Yukiko whispered to Fei Yingli.

"So what are your plans? Fei Yingli turned around and asked Yukiko

"Of course there is a plan, but I can't tell you. I can't say this out loud. What if it doesn't work if it's leaked? Don't worry."

Yukiko patted Fei Yingli on the shoulder to reassure Fei Yingli, but Fei Yingli couldn't rest assured.

Who knows what Yukiko will do, how can she be reassured unless she really knows the plan?.

But what disappoints Fei Yingli is that Yukiko doesn't tell her at all, even if Fei Yingli wants to know very much.

Fei Yingli also understands, after all, she knows Yukiko too well

"If you don't want to say it, then forget it."

Yukiko went to make plans casually. Fei Yingli went to bed by herself. After Fei Yingli fell asleep, Yukiko prepared the plan with a troubled face. In fact, there is another reason for not telling Fei Yingli, that is, the plan has not been thought out yet. , so there was no way to tell Fei Yingli.

One night passed, and when she woke up early the next morning, Yukiko didn't sleep well either, with two light dark circles under her eyes.

After walking out of the room, Xiaolan was very weird. Glancing at Yukiko, she originally had some doubts in her heart, but now Xiaolan's suspicions are even deeper.

Does Aunt Yukiko really have that kind of relationship with her mother?

Seeing Yukiko not sleeping well, Xiaolan once again I'm thinking wildly

"Xiaolan, what are you thinking about?"Fei Yingli noticed something strange about her daughter and couldn't help asking Xiaolan.

"Ah, it’s nothing, I didn’t think about anything."Xiaolan blushed when she heard this and immediately said to Fei Yingli.

But now Xiaolan's appearance was a little obvious, which made Fei Yingli even more suspicious. She asked Xiaolan again, but it was impossible for Xiaolan to be beaten to death. Speak out your suspicions.

If I said that I suspected Mom, you and Aunt Yukiko were Lily, I would probably be beaten to death.

Well, beating to death is impossible, but if it is embarrassing, it is for sure, and Xiaolan would do it herself. I feel embarrassed, so it’s okay to know in my heart and don’t expose it.

"Yingli, what's wrong with you?"Yukiko asked to the contemplative Fei Yingri.

"I feel a little weird"

"What's weird? Yukiko asked doubtfully.

"Xiaolan, Xiaolan was very strange just now, and she didn’t know if there was something wrong."Fei Yingli shook her head slightly and said.

As Xiaolan's mother, Fei Yingli can certainly see that Xiaolan has something on her mind, but she just doesn't know what it is.

"Why don't you ask me what's wrong with Xiaolan? Fei Yingli said to Yukiko

"Xiaolan hasn't even told you, let alone me, so don't ask. Yukiko shook her head. She would not do this for Fei Yingli.

Soon Xiaolan made breakfast and came back. Out of concern, Fei Yingli still asked Xiaolan:"Xiaolan, are you worried about anything?" ah?"


Xiaolan was nervous for a moment, then quickly shook her head and said,"No, Mom, I don't have anything on my mind."

"Yeah? Fei Yingli looked at Xiaolan suspiciously, and then said to her:"If there is really anything, please tell me.""

"Um."Xiaolan nodded, but how can she tell such a thing? She must take into account the face of her mother and Aunt Yukiko, but she is holding this in her heart, and Xiaolan is also very tangled in her heart, and she wants to find someone to talk to. Suddenly

, Chen's face flashed across Xiaolan's mind, her eyes lit up slightly, and Xiaolan was ready to talk to Chen.

After all, Xiaolan didn't know what to do or how to deal with such a thing.

"Mom, if I have something to do, I won’t be with you for the time being."Xiaolan said to Fei Yingli

"Something happened? whats the matter?"Fei Yingli frowned slightly. She suspected that Xiaolan had something on her mind just now. Now that Xiaolan said there is something, Fei Yingli is of course very concerned about it.

"I have something to see Chen."

Hearing that Xiaolan was looking for Chen, Fei Yingli nodded and relaxed in her heart. If this is the case, then maybe there is nothing wrong.

After breakfast, Xiaolan dialed Chen's phone number

"Xiaolan, what's the matter with calling so early?"Chen has just gotten up. As for getting up so late, of course there is a reason.

"Chen, do you have time now? I have something I want to tell you. It’s not convenient on the phone."

"It's inconvenient, what's going on? Do you want to confess to me?"Chen asked teasingly.

Chen's words made Xiaolan blush, and she felt a little shy.

"No, no, I have other things to do. After you come out, I will talk to you after we meet."Xiaolan said to Chen

"Okay, so you're still at Yingli's house now, right?"Chen nodded, and then asked Xiaolan

"Well, I am still here with my mother. Chen, are you free?"

"Since it's Xiaolan, of course I'm free. Just wait, I'll pick you up."

Chen smiled slightly, and then said, preparing to pick up Xiaolan and find out what happened to Xiaolan.

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