Chapter 1070 Xiaolan’s Random Thoughts

"There are some clues, but finding the murderer is still a bit difficult." Hattori Heiji looked at Officer Megure and said.

Some clues were found before, but they were just clues. The murderer has not been found yet.

Officer Megure sighed. In fact, they also had certain clues, but they lacked key clues. The real murderer cannot be found~.

There is no connection at all between the deceased who were killed these times. The murderer is probably a madman who kills people wantonly - that's why it is so difficult to find.

But although he is a madman, he should have an IQ The madman left no clues at all and handled it perfectly, just like a professional killer.

"Sorry, Brother Hattori, let’s continue looking for clues."Officer Megure has no choice. Now he can't just count on Hattori Heiji, but also has to find other ways to solve the case. For such a big case, Officer Megure feels that high school detectives like Hattori Heiji can't handle it at all.

On the other side , Chen, who changed his route, didn't encounter anything, but because he took a long detour, it was already very late when he got home.

"You came back so late, we thought you wouldn't come back."Mingmei said after opening the door for Chen and the others.

"I should have come back a long time ago, but I encountered some troubles on the way. Chen shook his head and said.

Then Chen sat down, picked up the water glass and took a sip of water.

"This is my water glass."Koizumi Hongzi glanced at Chen, and then said

"Yeah? But what does it matter? I won't mind. Hongzi, do you still mind?"Chen looked at Koizumi Hongzi.

Of course Koizumi Hongzi didn't mind anything. After all, they were already in that kind of relationship, so of course they wouldn't mind this.

"By the way, why did He Ye come with you? Could it be that you have already?"Koizumi Hongzi glanced back and forth between Chen and Heye in surprise.

Chen was thick-skinned and didn't care about this, but Heye couldn't help but care, and his face turned red all of a sudden.

"We're not in that kind of relationship."He Ye quickly defended. While defending, he still glanced at Chen, with a shy red color on his face.

"Oh, I didn’t say what kind of relationship it is. Why are you so nervous to explain to Heye? Hongzi smiled darkly, and then said

"Hongzi, are you teasing me on purpose?"

Kazuye glared at Hongzi angrily, feeling really angry inside.

"Okay, don't be angry, I was just joking with you."Koizumi Anko immediately said to Kazuye.

It was really just a joke. Just with Xiao Ai following, nothing could happen to them.

"Xiaolan went to live with her mother, so I came to live there. Don't misunderstand anything."He Ye explained to Hongzi.

"Why do I feel like I'm missing someone? Ren Ying frowned slightly, then couldn't help but said

"Yukiko, why didn't Yukiko come back with you?"Mei Hechen asked

"Yukiko went back with Fei Yingli, not knowing what to do at Fei Yingli's house." Chen replied to Miwako

"A sneeze~!"

Yukiko, who was at Fei Yingli's house, suddenly sneezed.

"Yukiko...sister, do you have a cold?"Xiaolan asked Yukiko with concern.

Yukiko couldn't help but glance at Xiaolan. Just now, Xiaolan probably wanted to call her aunt.

Forget it, I don't care about Xiaolan so much anymore. And Xiaolan is still looking at her with such concern

"It's okay, I don't have a cold, someone must be missing me. Yukiko said with a smile.

"Who is that person who misses you?"Fei Yingli came over with a glass of water and placed it next to Xiaolan.

"Don’t you know yet? By the way, Yingli, where is my water? Yukiko asked Fei Yingri.

When Fei Yingri came over just now, she was carrying two glasses of water, but she had one glass for herself and one for Xiaolan. There was no mention of Yukiko at all.

"You also want to drink water, then go and pour the water yourself."Fei Yingli glanced at Yukiko, and then said to Yukiko

"Hey, did you make a mistake? I am also a guest here. Where can I ask guests to pour their own water? Yukiko said to Fei Yingli very dissatisfied.

"Isn’t this already the case?"Fei Yingli smiled faintly, and then said to Yukiko

"Sister Yukiko, you drink this cup from me and I'll pour the water."Xiaolan put the glass of water in front of her in front of Yukiko, and then went to pour the water.

····Asking for flowers·······

"Look, Xiaolan is still sensible, much better than you, a mother."Yukiko glanced at Fei Yingli, and then said.

After a while, when she went to bed at night

"Yingli, I want to be with you. Yukiko said and walked towards Fei Yingli's room.

Fei Yingli also knew that Yukiko must have something going on, so she didn't refuse Yukiko.

Xiaolan, on the other hand, looked at them strangely, feeling a little suspicious in her heart.

"Could it be that mom and Aunt Yukiko are Lily?"Xiaolan whispered to herself.

The voice was very low, and only Xiaolan could hear it.

If Fei Yingli and Yukiko knew what Xiaolan was thinking, I don't know what their expressions would be..................

Xiaolan returned to the room where she lived. When she was not in the room, Xiaolan still stretched her ears and lay on the wall, listening to the sounds in the next room.

Xiaolan wanted to know what her mother and Aunt Yukiko were talking about, and whether it was really what she thought. If it was really what she thought, Xiaolan really didn't know what to do.

However, what disappoints Xiaolan is that the sound is very good and she can't hear the voice at all. She probably could hear something if she ran to the door to listen.

"Alas, I can't hear anything."Xiaolan sighed and left.

As for going outside and leaning on the door to listen, Xiaolan still can't do it. If she is really discovered, it will be too embarrassing.

Xiaolan only needs to think about it That embarrassing scene makes me feel embarrassed.

"I hope my mother and Aunt Yukiko are not what I thought."Xiaolan said silently.

Then Xiaolan went to rest, and Fei Yingli's room was not as Xiaolan imagined.

"Yukiko, you have something to do, you can tell it now. Fei Yingli looked at Yukiko and said to Yukiko.

Yukiko smiled and then said:"Yingli, you are so smart, why don't you guess what's going on.""

Fei Yingli couldn't help but roll her eyes at Yukiko when she heard this, and asked her to guess what happened to Yukiko. If she could really guess it right, would she still need to ask Yukiko? _ Please download the novel without underlining Feilu novels

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