Chapter 1069 Anxious Hattori Heiji

"Conan, please ask Xiao Lan if she knows He Ye’s phone number."

Hattori Heiji immediately said to Conan

"Well, Xiaolan has hung up the phone now."Conan took the mobile phone and said to Hattori Heiji.

"Also, you don’t know He Ye’s phone number?"Conan looked at Hattori Heiji with a look of surprise and speechlessness. He didn't even know the phone number of his childhood sweetheart. Even Conan wanted to despise Hattori Heiji.

But forget it, Hattori Heiji is very angry now. If Hattori If Heiji gets annoyed, an angry Hattori Heiji will probably fight with him

"She no longer uses her previous phone number, so I don’t know He Ye’s phone number now."

Hattori Heiji glanced at Conan, as if he knew what Conan was thinking, so he said to Conan.

But when Conan heard this, he glanced at Hattori Heiji with pity and changed the phone number so that you don't know, which means that he didn't want to I have contacted you, which means there is no chance.

Conan said that he can see it, but Hattori Heiji can't actually see it. This emotional intelligence is really low.

Conan 197 secretly despised Hattori Heiji's low emotional intelligence in his heart, but he didn't know that he and Hattori Heiji They are all the same, they are all guys with low emotional intelligence. They have no right to despise Hattori Heiji.

"I just finished the phone call and I feel embarrassed to call again."Conan said to Hattori Heiji

"Then let me fight." Hattori Heiji said to Conan.

Anyway, Hattori Heiji must know Kazuha's phone number and call Kazuha back, otherwise he will not be at ease.

"Hattori, in fact, you don’t have to worry so much at all. Believe in Kazuye, she will never be deceived by that guy Ri Xiangchen."Conan comforted Hattori Heiji.

Hattori Heiji glanced at Conan, and then said:"If the person taken away by Ri Xiangchen was Xiaolan, would you be worried?"

Conan was silent after hearing this. If the person who was taken away was Xiaolan, he would definitely be worried.

After thinking about it, Conan can now understand Hattori Heiji.

"Okay, then you talk to Xiaolan."After Conan dialed, he handed the phone to Hattori Heiji.

After a while, Xiaolan answered the call.

"Conan, is there anything else?"

"Xiaoran, I am not Conan, I am Hattori Heiji."Hattori Heiji immediately said to Xiaolan.

Xiaolan frowned slightly when she heard this. It was Hattori Heiji. What's the matter with him?

"Xiaolan, can you tell me He Ye’s phone number?"

Hattori Heiji said his purpose and wanted Kazuha's phone number, but Xiaolan was silent. Xiaolan was silent

, but Hattori Heiji was anxious. He still didn't speak. What happened?

"Heye told me that if you call her, I won't let you, so I'm sorry."

After Xiaolan finished speaking, she hung up the phone, while Hattori Heiji could only be anxious.

"hateful." Hattori Heiji punched the cement pillar next to him, and then blood flowed out of his fist.

After all, his fist cannot be compared with the hard cement pillar. It is good that the bones are not broken.

"Does anyone else know He Ye’s phone number?" Hattori Heiji asked Conan.

Conan was speechless for a moment after hearing this. How do I know this? After all, Conan doesn't pay much attention to Kazuha.

"By the way, Koizumi Anko and Suzuki Sonoko both know Kazuha’s phone number."

Hattori Heiji thought of Koizumi Anko and Suzuki Sonoko, who were close friends with Kazuki, and immediately wanted to call.

But Koizumi Anko must not call, after all, Koizumi Anko lives with Hinata Chen, and Hattori Heiji doesn't have Koizumi either. Hongzi’s phone number

"Do you have Suzuki Sonoko’s phone number?" Hattori Heiji asked Conan again.

Hattori Heiji didn't have Suzuki Sonoko's phone number either. After all, the relationship between Hattori (becg) Heiji and Suzuki Sonoko was also very poor.

"How could I possibly know."Conan spread his hands and said

"Aren’t you and Suzuki Sonoko classmates?" Hattori Heiji couldn't help but said to Conan.

When Conan was still Kudo Shinichi, he and Suzuki Sonoko were classmates, and Suzuki Sonoko and Xiaolan had a very good relationship.

"My relationship with Suzuki Sonoko is not great."Conan said to Hattori Heiji, that woman Suzuki Sonoko doesn't want to see him, and he also doesn't want to see that Sanba Suzuki Sonoko.

"Now what?" Hattori Heiji asked Conan

"Unless we go directly to Ri Xiangchen's home, but now we still have to solve the case."Conan looked behind.

Behind him, Officer Mu was investigating the murderer, but he couldn't find any clues.

"We have been looking for the murderer for several days, and now that we have clues, do you still want to watch the murderer continue to harm people?"

Hattori Heiji clenched his fists after hearing this, and finally chose to help Officer Megure solve the case.

"Let's go, solve this case first, and we must not let the murderer continue killing people."Conan pulled Hattori Heiji and walked over.

When Officer Megure saw Hattori Heiji walking over, he frowned slightly, and then said to Hattori Heiji:"Isn't Mr. Hattori in a bad mood?"

I just told him that I was not in the mood, why are you coming here now? Of course Officer Megure is unhappy.

So now he doesn't have a good temper towards Hattori Heiji.

Hattori Heiji's expression was a little embarrassed. Just now Hattori Heiji I was really in a bad mood, so my tone of voice was also very bad.

"Sorry, Officer Megure, I was in a bad mood just now."Hattori Heiji sincerely apologized to Officer Megure.

After seeing Hattori Heiji's apology, Officer Megure didn't say anything else. Although he was angry just now, Hattori Heiji is still needed to solve the case at this time. After all, in terms of finding clues to solve the case, Hattori Heiji is indeed stronger than them. Although Officer Megure doesn't want to admit it, it's okay if he doesn't want to admit it.

Then Hattori Heiji and Conan continued to stay here to solve the case, but it was Conan who solved the case. Now Hattori Heiji is really not in the mood to think about clues.

Because I can't calm down at all, I naturally have no way to find clues to solve the case.

But even so, Hattori Heiji will continue to stay here. After all, he also needs to cover for Conan.

Conan doesn't want his identity to be exposed. Even his parents don’t want to tell, let alone the police.

And Conan doesn’t believe in Officer Megure’s ability to arrest those black organizations, so it’s better not to expose them.

"Any clues?"Officer Megure asked Hattori Heiji, but Officer Megure didn't hold out much hope, because Officer Megure had already discovered it, and Hattori Heiji was not in the mood to investigate the case at all._Feilu reminds you: Three Things to Do in Reading - Collection ,recommend

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