Chapter 1047 Simple

Not long after, the cruise ship docked again, and Officer Memu, who had received the alarm, was already waiting here.

Once the cruise ship docks, board the ship immediately

"Everyone, I also ask everyone on board not to leave for the time being."Officer Megure said to the people who came to participate in the exhibition.

After examination, it was found that there was a small pinprick on the neck of the deceased, and the deceased also died of poisoning, so this was a homicide and not an accident.

Exactly Because of this, the people on the boat can't leave, because the murderer is definitely someone on the boat.

Such a secret must be solved immediately, otherwise, the case will be difficult to solve.

In fact, Officer Megure said this, but he had to bite the bullet. That's right, because the people on the boat are elites from all walks of life, Officer Mu Mu is also in a very difficult position.

But in order to solve the case, he can only offend them and ask them to stay here temporarily.

The people on the boat frowned. But in the end, he didn't say anything. There was no clamor to leave.

If anyone wanted to leave at this time, he might be considered a murderer. Obviously, no one wanted to be regarded as a murderer, so they all stayed here obediently.

"The name of the deceased was Dahe Tanaka, and he was the president of Dahe Group."Takagi Wataru came to the 14th side of Officer Megure and said to Officer Megure.

Report the identity of the other party to Officer Megure and let Officer Megure know about it.

"Officer Memu, why not let me help you solve the case? I am confident that I can definitely find the murderer."Hattori Heiji confidently said to Officer Megure.

After Officer Megure saw Hattori Heiji, he was slightly stunned. He didn't expect that Hattori Heiji was here.

"It turns out to be Brother Hattori. I didn’t expect to meet you here, but let’s leave the matter of solving the case to us, so we don’t need Brother Hattori’s help."Officer Megure said with a smile.

Hattori Heiji was stunned. He thought that after Officer Megure saw him, he would agree to let him help. Hattori Heiji was even ready.

But looking at Officer Megure's current appearance, he simply didn't He had no intention of letting him help solve the case, and even said that he didn't need to help. What was going on? In fact, if it were another situation, Officer Megure would definitely not mind Hattori Heiji's help, but in this situation, He still wants to solve the case by himself.

Everyone here is watching. If Hattori Heiji is asked to help, what will these elites in society think of them?

Will they think they are too bad, so there is this level of consideration, We can't let Heiji Hattori come to help. This is just for the sake of appearance.

Immediately afterwards, police officer Megure started questioning, and it was Miwako who came to question Tatsu. Because Tatsu had a conflict with the deceased, he would naturally be listed as a suspect.

"Chen, do you know who the murderer is?"Meila Chen came to the side and secretly asked Chen

"have no idea."Chen shook his head. He didn't want to help Miwako. He really didn't know who the murderer was.

"That's really troublesome."Miwako rubbed her head, feeling a little troublesome.

"But I feel that the murderer is quite stupid. He actually left the body there. Wouldn’t it be the safest thing to throw it into the sea?"Chen couldn't help but said

"By the way, there should be cameras on the deck, you can use this to investigate. Chen reminded Miwako.

"That's right, I'll go investigate."Miwako nodded, and then went to investigate. As for whether Miwako could investigate anything, Chen didn't know. Chen felt that if the murderer really killed someone, he would definitely find a way to destroy the camera, but this would also leave some There were clues.

But soon Chen felt as if he had been slapped in the face, because the camera was not destroyed. Of course, the murderer was also filmed. The murderer was the vice president of Dahe Group. There was a conflict between the two parties, and then the other party was Killed.

Hattori Heiji and Conan's eyes widened when they learned that they had solved the case. It was so easy to find the murderer. This was the first time they encountered such a case that did not require reasoning. The caught murderer was very calm, his face There was no expression on his face, as if the person who was caught was not him.

In other words, he had been prepared for being caught, so he did not destroy any evidence and even left his fingerprints.

After interrogation, the police I also know that it was originally planned to kill Okawa Tanaka. He had prepared the poisonous needle before coming.

But after arriving on the cruise ship, he suddenly regretted it. It was just an impulse because of conflicts, and there was no plan at all.

Just after They clashed again on the boat, and the murderer killed him out of anger.

In a hurry, he knew that he couldn't run away, and he was mentally prepared to be caught.

After that, everything ended, Officer Megure He left with the prisoner, but Miwako chose to stay here, and Officer Megure didn't say anything about it. Now that Miwako has become a police officer, she is on the same level as Officer Megure, and now Officer Megure is not qualified to lecture..

The guests also left one after another. After what happened, they had no interest in staying on the cruise ship because so many people had died here.

Some people were very taboo about this, fearing that it would bring bad luck, so they did not plan to stay on the cruise ship. Here it is

"I'm really sorry that something like this happened suddenly."Sonoko couldn't help but say.

Originally, Suzuki Tomoko wanted to get together with Chen, but now she has no time, because Suzuki Tomoko has to deal with the impact of subsequent events.

197"Sonoko, will this affect your Suzuki Foundation? What's the impact?"Xiaolan asked Yuanzi

"It won't have any impact."Yuanzi smiled and shook his head.

Well, Yuanzi himself doesn't know if there will be any bad effects, but Yuanzi believes that his mother can definitely handle everything.

"It's fine if it doesn't have any impact."

Then Chen followed Yuanzi to her home. Yuanzi invited Chen and the others to play at her home, but Chen did not refuse.

If Chen goes there, then Xiao Ai, Mingmei and Yukiko will definitely go, as will Xiaolan and Heye.

Then Yukiko and Xiaolan also pulled Fei Yingli up together. Fei Yingli thought for a while and did not refuse.

"Yuanzi, your home is so big."This was the first time He Ye came to Yuanzi's home, and he was immediately surprised.

"It’s no use having a big house, it’s too empty and there’s no one at home. Yuanzi said a little depressed.

"By the way, what do you want to drink?"Yuanzi asked Chen and the others.

"I'm not picky, anything but coffee is fine. Chen said to Yuanzi

"Chen, I remember you also have a coffee shop. Why don’t you like drinking coffee?"Xiaolan asked curiously

"I can't get used to the taste."Chen said to Xiaolan._Fei

Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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