Chapter 1046 I don’t believe you

"Do you want to eat lobster?"Chen asked Xiao Ai

"You’ve already finished eating, and you’re still asking me what to do? Let me eat the rest of the shell?"Xiao Ai glanced at Chen

"You can get it again."

Chen said and stood up, brought a big lobster from the table not far away, and placed it in front of Xiao Ai.

"You peel it off for me."Xiao Ai looked at Chen and said

"What? You actually asked me to peel it off for you, what a huge honor."

That's what he said, but Chen still helped to peel it off for Xiao Ai, and then put it on the small plate in front of Xiao Ai.

"Chen, please help me peel it off too. Yukiko said to Chen. Hearing this, Chen glanced at Yukiko, and then said:"I have hands and feet, why do I need help from others?""

"What?"197" asked you to help others, but you didn't help them. Why did you peel the lobster for Xiao Ai? Yukiko said angrily.

"Xiao Ai is a child, are you also a child?" Chen asked Yukiko

"You are the child."Xiao Ai glared at Chen angrily

"Isn't what I said the truth? Xiao Ai, if you grow up on your own, I really don’t know how long it will take."Chen looked at Xiao Ai and said

"Are you looking down on me, thinking I can't find an antidote?"

Xiao Ai is quite confident in himself and believes that he will definitely be able to research the antidote. In fact, Chen also believes that Xiao Ai can do it.

But it will definitely not be now. At least it is impossible for Xiao Ai to research the antidote now.

"What antidote?"Yukiko looked at Chen and Xiaoai strangely and asked.

"This is a confidential matter, Yukiko, please don’t pry. Of course, even if you do, I won’t tell you."

Yukiko rolled her eyes. What kind of confidential matter is this? She peeled off the lobster and ate it by herself.

"Something happened, someone died."

A sudden shout made everyone look over

"Just now I went to the deck to blow off the wind and found a man lying there. I went over to check and found that he was out of breath."

A group of people went to the deck. Yukiko was also quite interested. She looked at Chen next to her and asked,"Don't you go and take a look? I saw Xiaolan and the others passing by"

"There is nothing interesting to see in this. If you are willing to join in the fun, go ahead."Chen is not interested anyway.

"Then let's go."

Yukiko suddenly pulled Xiao Ai and walked towards the deck. Chen herself was the only one left in the dining room.

"Forget it, I'll go too, it's quite embarrassing being here alone."Chen walked towards the deck.

There was already a group of people on the deck. Chen could see Hattori Heiji and Conan at the front. Also, they would definitely rush to the front for such a thing.

After getting closer, Chen saw After seeing the deceased, he suddenly froze for a moment, realizing that Chen knew this dead guy.

He was the fat man who had had a conflict before. I didn't expect that he was dead, so it was better to save him from taking action.

"Chen, it was him who died."Yukiko has obviously recognized it too.

"Do you know the deceased?"Hattori Heiji suddenly raised his head and looked at Tatsu and Yukiko with suspicion in his eyes.

If it is Hinata Chen, it is really suspicious. Maybe this matter has something to do with him. Hattori Heiji is extremely suspicious in his heart.

"Hey, you don't doubt that we killed him, do you?"Yukiko frowned, it was too obvious, as if they were the ones who committed the murder.

"There are many people who know this guy, right? Why do you have to look at me like this? As a detective, do you still have personal feelings? Because we have conflicts, you doubt me?"Chen looked at Hattori Heiji calmly.

"Hattori Heiji, Tatsu and sister Yukiko have been in the exhibition hall before. It is absolutely impossible to have anything to do with them. Don't be suspicious of others."He Ye said with a cold face.

"That's right, you really shouldn't be allowed to come here. By the way, who invited you here?" Sonoko frowned. She didn't know who invited Hattori Heiji here.

In fact, no one invited Hattori Heiji. Only the famous Dr. Agasa was invited. Hattori Heiji and Conan both came together.

Hattori Heiji He felt a little aggrieved in his heart, especially after Kazuha said this, Hattori Heiji felt even more aggrieved.

"You have had conflicts before, I saw it."Conan said.

Conan glanced at Yukiko with complicated eyes. Although Yukiko was his mother, if there was any suspicion, he would not let it go because of his character......

Such is his character, no matter who commits the crime, Conan will find him and send him to prison.

Everyone looked at Chen and Yukiko, and Chen admitted calmly.

"Yes, there was a conflict with him, but what does this mean? Chen asked looking at Conan indifferently.

Conan frowned. There was indeed no evidence, but Ri Xiangchen was definitely a suspect.

"Chen has been staying in the exhibition hall before, Conan, please don't talk nonsense."Xiaolan said to Conan.

Conan looked at Xiaolan and opened his mouth, feeling a little depressed. He was probably in the same mood as Hattori Heiji next to him.

If possible, Conan really thinks that this matter has something to do with Ri Xiangchen. When the time comes, Then we can arrest this guy Ri Xiangchen.

"Now let's dock and wait for the police to investigate. There is no need for detectives here."Tomoko Suzuki said lightly.

Then Tomoko Suzuki asked people to pull Heiji Hattori and Conan aside to protect the scene. Heiji Hattori and Conan wanted to go over to check the clues, but they were stopped by the security personnel.

"Mrs. Suzuki, if you believe me, I can find the murderer. Hattori Heiji said confidently.

Suzuki Tomoko glanced at Hattori Heiji, and then said lightly:"I don't believe you." Hattori

Heiji looked stunned for a moment, then thought Tomoko Suzuki didn't recognize him, so he immediately introduced himself:"My name is Hattori Heiji.""

2.6"I know your name is Hattori Heiji, but your name is not Hattori Heizo."

Suzuki Tomoko's words made Hattori Heiji's expression very stiff. He wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to say it. He knew him, but he didn't want to give him face even though he made it clear, so Hattori Heiji couldn't do anything.

"This kind of thing actually happened. If it is not handled well, it will have a bad impact on the Suzuki Foundation."Yuanzi said depressedly.

Although Yuanzi has never cared about the Suzuki Consortium's affairs, she doesn't want anything to go wrong with the Suzuki Consortium.

"The main reason is that Hattori Heiji and Conan are here. They are two Shinigami, so it is normal for everything to happen. Just look at it, it can be solved anyway."Chen said to Yuanzi, this is not a big deal._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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