Chapter 998 Frost’s Secret

After Potamo’s defeat, Frost immediately jumped into the ring.

This guy still maintains the lowest initial form of strength, and his appearance is almost exactly the same as Frieza, who has a combat power of 530 thousand, except that his body is blue and he does not have that absolutely evil murderous aura.

“I heard that the sixth universe and the seventh universe are symmetrical universes, so this Frost is the Frieza of the sixth universe?!” Piccolo asked curiously, “but he doesn’t have Frieza’s strong murderous aura. It feels weird.”

“Indeed, isn’t Frieza in the sixth universe a good person?” Gohan muttered to himself, “If the things in the sixth universe are the opposite of those in the seventh universe, things will be interesting.”

“It’s not impossible. For example, the Saiyans of the sixth universe have not invaded other planets.” Mukuro said with a smile.

Frost in the ring walked up to Wukong and stretched out his hand to shake Wukong.

With a friendly smile on his face, he greeted Wukong.

Wukong just fought against Golden Frieza on Earth not long ago. This will see a guy who looks very similar to Frieza greet him kindly. Goku froze for a moment, his head couldn’t turn around. .


Wukong was stunned for a moment before responding to Frost.

“Mukuro, does this Frost have any special abilities?!” Billus suddenly asked, “Don’t you know the players of the sixth universe very well?! Hurry up and talk about it.”

“Frost doesn’t have any special abilities. His abilities are similar to those of Frieza in our universe.” Mukuro smiled and said, “As long as Goku turns into a Super Saiyan, he can easily beat him. ”

“Then it’s okay.”

Billus said nonchalantly: “Watch the show with peace of mind.”

When Gohan and others heard Mukuro say that Frost’s strength is inferior to that of Super Saiyan, and he has no special abilities, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Having seen such a terrifying existence as the Destroyer God, the Dragon Ball fighters with powerful power no longer put Frost in their eyes.

Mukuro went on to say:

“Although Frost’s strength is not very good, he has no special abilities, but his body is a little special. If he is not careful, it is not impossible to lose.”

“Ms. Mukuro, don’t worry, no matter how careless dad is, it is impossible to lose to an opponent who is only at the level of Super Saiyan.”

Boom boom boom! ! !

In the ring, Wukong and Frost fought in their weakest form.

Even in the weakest form, their own absolute power made this battle extremely destructive.

The two kept flashing on the ring, moving at an astonishing speed, and the shock waves from the collision of fists and feet kept rolling around.

Even the arena set up by Bados could not withstand this level of battle, and gradually cracked.

boom! !

The normal Wukong smashed Frost into the air with a punch and said, “Frost, I know you still hide your strength. Take out your true strength, or you will lose.”

“Do you know that I have hidden strength?!” Frost was taken aback.

“Yes, because our universe also has a guy who looks like you.” Wukong said.

“Really? Can I ask a question? Does that person win or lose in fighting you?” Frost asked suspiciously.

“I think you’d better not ask.”

Wukong euphemistically said: “Are you really not ready to transform?!”

“Hmph… Since you know it all, then I will transform it to show you.” Frost suddenly yelled and turned into a very ugly form.

This form was used by Frieza in the original book when he beat Piccolo. Although it was several times stronger than the original form, it was still far from the true final form.

Goku looked at Frost in this form.

Scratching his head, he couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed: “This is your final form?! It seems a little different from what I know, but…I’m going to attack.”

Klin in the audience was speechless: “This Frost can really deceive people, what is the final form of this?!”

“When he is about to lose, he will naturally show his true strength. There is no need to worry about Dad.” Gohan said aloud, “I have been thinking, who is the opponent that even Mukuro-sensei is worried about? !”

The eyes of Gohan and others swept over Hit, Gabe and others, hoping to find the rival that Mukuro said.

Even the fight between Goku and Frost was ignored by them.

“You are wrong.”

Mukuro suddenly said coldly: “The outcome of this battle will be Frost’s victory. Goku is so careless, he didn’t watch out for the opponent’s small moves.”

“Small action?! What’s the matter?!” Birus was taken aback.

Boom boom boom! ! !

At the moment when Billus’s voice fell, Wukong and Frost punched each other.

At this critical moment, Wukong turned from Super Saiyan state back to normal, and then staggered and fell down like drunk.

Frost threw Monkey King out of the ring and declared victory.

“How come?! Goku really lost?!”

Piccolo took a deep breath and said, “What happened just now?! Why can Sun Wukong faint even after being beaten in the palm of his hand?!”

“Mukuro, didn’t you say that Frost has no special abilities?! What’s the matter?!” Birus said angrily:

“I want you to give me an explanation!!”

“Ms. Mukuro, you must know what happened, right?!” Gohan was shocked, and couldn’t understand.

Mukuro can understand their worries, it is weird that Monkey King lost.

If you can’t figure out the reason, then the next person who goes up to 483 will probably follow in Wukong’s footsteps.

So before the next battle begins, they are eager to know why.

Mukuro smiled and said, “Don’t worry, it won’t work. I will take care of him myself. Piccolo, it’s up to you to play the next game. If you can’t even discover Frost’s tricks , It’s not too late for me to speak out.”

“Hmph, you really value me.” Piccolo snorted coldly: “Frost’s strength is far stronger than Frieza back then. Even if it is me, it is difficult to beat him. But since you said that, I Just try.”

“Mukuro, why don’t you tell Frost’s tricks right now?!” Birus said very dissatisfiedly: “If the green-skinned person also loses, we will be left with you and grandson. Gohan has two.”

“I don’t say it’s because Frost is too weak.”

Mukuro smiled and said: “If you tell his secret, any one of our fighters can easily defeat Frost, and that kind of battle becomes boring. Wouldn’t it be fun to leave some suspense for Piccolo?! ”

And Piccolo slowly stepped onto the ring…

Confronting Frost solemnly, very careful.

With Wukong’s lessons learned, it seems that he doesn’t dare to be careless at all.

Looking at Piccolo, Frost said faintly: “I’m very sorry, I have a reason to win, but I don’t want to hurt you, can you go to the ring yourself?!”

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