Chapter 997 Cracking method

After Mukuro revealed Potamo’s abilities, Gohan and the others looked at Potamo and became more solemn.

Mukuro looked at the arena just like them, and saw that Wukong’s fists were still hitting Potamo at an invisible speed, making a dull bombardment sound. With these voices alone, you can guess the terrifying power in Wukong’s fist, but such a powerful force only made Potamo’s belly shake.

All the forces that attacked Potamo disappeared like a mud cow into the sea.

“Mukuro-sensei is right. It is useless to attack Potamo with ordinary methods.” Gohan said solemnly, “But if you transform into the Blue God, the super Saiyan God, you may be able to use absolute power. Give it a try, Qi Yuan Slash may also work, but…”

“But now it’s just a competition, not a life-and-death battle.” Piccolo interrupted: “If you kill the opponent, you will be sentenced to lose. The power of Super Saiyan Blue is likely to kill the opponent, and if you even Super Saiyan Lan’s power has no effect, so it’s troublesome.”

“Damn it! Monkey King, what are you doing?! Hurry up and find a way to defeat him!” Seeing that Wukong could not win, Birus became anxious.

Monkey King’s strength ranks second in the seventh universe. As a result, he encountered such a difficult opponent as soon as he came up. Even Birus had to be afraid.

If Wukong loses, the overall power of Universe Seven will be greatly reduced.

And if Goku loses to Potamo, others will not have a way to deal with it, so Birus’ mood can be imagined.

Mukuro watched quietly, probably the most calm in Universe Seven.

“Isn’t it just Potamo?! I really don’t know what you are worried about?!” Mukuro said nonchalantly: “We are in a game now, even if the attack is invalid for him, can we just use the rules to win?! The reality of that guy? Fighting power, ha ha… not even as good as Goku who has not become a Super Saiyan.”

“Could it be… Mukuro-sensei, you have already figured out a way?!”

Gohan’s eyes lit up.

“You should think of a way to deal with Potamo.” Mukuro said lightly: “If you can’t even think of such a simple method, go back and double the amount of training…”

“Haha… how come?!” Gohan’s face changed, and he smiled awkwardly: “Actually, I have figured it out, but Dad is fighting. It’s not good for us to talk too much.”

Gohan turned his head, not daring to look at Mukuro’s eyes again, and lowered his head to meditate.

This kid has come up with a solution, he is just escaping from Mukuro.

In the ring, Wukong was still fighting hard. It seemed that if no one reminded him, it would be difficult for him to figure out a way on his own.

“But is Wukong in the original book reminded?!”

Mukuro muttered to himself in confusion, shook his head and said, “Forget it, reminding Monkey King can also save him a little energy, which is a good thing.”

“Goku!! Don’t keep thinking about defeating Potamo, you are in a game now.” Mukuro suddenly said loudly:

“Think about the rules of the game, let Potamo lose.”

Mukuro’s voice was very loud, and all of a sudden, it was heard by the warriors of the sixth universe and the seventh universe.

Xiangpa heard Mukuro’s reminder and smiled disdainfully: “Don’t worry about it, any attack will be useless to Potamo, you can’t beat him.”

“Xiangpa, shut up for me!!”

Birus said annoyed: “You can’t even win Mukuro, where is the confidence to say that he is wrong?!”

“What did you say?!”

Xiangpa was exposed to scars, and suddenly became angry.

Neither Mukuro nor the warriors of the two universes paid any attention to the quarrel between the two gods of destruction, their attention was on Monkey King.

Wukong stood on the ring with his hands raised. It was indeed very relaxed. Even if Potamo attacked him, he could easily escape.

Guy Wukong tilted his head and seemed to be thinking hard. Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and his left fist slammed into the palm of his right hand and said:

“I understand!!”

“What do you know?!” Potamo curiously asked: “Forget it, it doesn’t matter to me what you know, you quickly let me get out of the ring!”

“Hey… I’m sorry, you will be the one to be beaten down.” Wukong walked towards Potamo confidently.


Monkey King pushed hard on Potamo with both hands, pushing Potamo down.

Potamo was as fat as a ball. After falling down, his feet could barely touch the ground, and it was not easy to stand up.

Wukong hugged his legs with both hands and dragged him towards the edge of the ring.

Potamo was taken aback and panicked.

“Ah…it turns out that this is what Mukuro-sensei thought of. It is indeed Mukuro-sensei who found the flaw so quickly.” Gohan said with a look of surprise, “Mukuro-sensei, you can help us with advice later.”

“It’s really a good way. Thanks to Mukuro’s reminder, Goku won’t be at a loss…” Piccolo was also relieved.

Birus said with satisfaction: “It’s a good job. For the sake of you thinking of a good way, I won’t care about the previous things with you.”

“…” Mukuro was speechless.

Actually Mukuro really wants to say…

What if you want to care about it? !

Do you still have the ability to kill me? !

It’s just that if he thinks of this kind of thing, Birus must have anxious eyes with him, and even if he can’t kill him, he will definitely fight him.

So Mukuro chose silence wisely.

On the ring, Potamo was dragged closer and closer to the edge of the ring by Wukong, and he was in a cold sweat right now.

He kept playing gas bullets, attacking Wukong from behind, trying to stop Wukong.

But Wukong seemed to have eyes on the back of his head, and with the ability to sense breath, he easily avoided all Potamo’s attacks.

As for Xiangpa, now he jumped in a hurry and shouted: “Potamo! What are you doing?! Get up!”

Billus laughed and said:

“Let’s give up, that stupid bear is so weak that we found its weaknesses. To blame, your universe does not have a strong man like Mukuro.”

Mukuro also smiled and said:

“Xiangpa, stop struggling, hurry up and arrange the next player. Anyway, Potamo’s strength is the weakest in your sixth universe, and there is nothing wrong with losing.”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Xiangpa’s face changed 5.4.

He glanced at Mukuro in amazement, never dared to say another word, turned his head and said to Frost: “You come to play the second game.”

At the same time, Wukong on the ring made a beautiful shoulder throw, causing Porta to smash the ring harder.

Then rubbed his nose triumphantly, and said, “I finally succeeded, hehe…It’s not as difficult as I imagined.”

After a pause, Wukong looked up at Mukuro:

“Mukuro, thank you for reminding me!”

“Mukuro, you seem to know the situation of the sixth universe very well, what’s the matter?!” When Birus saw that Xiangpa didn’t dare to talk to Mukuro, he couldn’t help but curiously asked:

“Tell me what you know.”

“Do not worry.”

Mukuro said calmly: “If the situation is really necessary, of course I will say it. It is also fun to let Goku and the others understand their opponents in battle, isn’t it?!”

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