Chapter 955 Satan’s Great War

“Ah?! Mr. Satan, your travel bag…” The soldier was taken aback and handed a travel bag to Satan. Satan kept holding this travel bag on the plane.

“Oh, I forgot it for me. This…hehe…it’s my secret weapon to destroy the Demon Buu.” Satan said confidently.

“Oh! It’s a secret weapon! That’s great!” The soldier was also very excited.

“Hahaha! I personally go into battle, of course it is foolproof! Okay! Let’s see how I make Majin Buu kneel and surrender! With me Mr. Satan on the earth, he will wait to regret it!” Said Satan very much. The cloak was thrown aside aggressively.

Facing Majin Buu’s chrysalis house, he shouted: “Hey! Majin Buu!!! Come out! My Mr. Satan is here!!! What?! The timid guy!!! Don’t you dare to come out?! Then I’m about to rush in! I’m going to knock you out of the water! You just wait for me to die!!”

Although Satan is very powerful, but the voice… 557 is a weak mosquito.

Satan maintained his posture for a long while without any movement.

The soldier on the side looked at Satan, and asked in confusion, “Mr. Satan, is your voice uncomfortable?! Majin Buu must not hear such a small voice! Let me help you. Bar.”

Before Satan had time to react, the soldiers shouted to the pupa house of Majin Buu: “Majin Buu!! Get out of here! Your time to die is here!!” The voice was loud, standing next to him. Satan felt that his ears were going to be deafened.

“Idiot!! You idiot!! What should I do if he hears such a loud voice?!” Satan, who reacted, immediately reprimanded the soldier.

“Yu——good risk!! Fortunately, I didn’t hear it!!” Seeing that Majin Buu’s house did not move, Satan breathed a sigh of relief. Then he looked at the soldier and said, “You go quickly.”

“Farewell! Please be careful, the earth is all up to you,” the soldier said.

“Yeah!” Satan nodded and continued: “Go and tell the reporters that Mr. Satan will defend world peace.”

For Satan, no matter what the situation is, pretending is definitely the most important thing.

Seeing the soldiers returning, Satan breathed a sigh of relief, and murmured: “I don’t know if Majin Buu is inside or not, I hope my plan can be implemented smoothly.” As Satan broke a branch, gradually Sneak towards Majin Buu’s house.

But there is no fart around, and Satan’s whereabouts are clear at a glance. This behavior is completely self-comforting, and the method is so low.

Picking up a stone, throwing it to the chrysalis house, there was a little movement, but there was no response, and Satan dared to move forward again… After a glance, he didn’t see the Demon Buu.

Majin Buu isn’t there? ! Satan became bold in an instant, kicked the pupa house with two fists, and then made another random gesture, akimbo, Satan laughed arrogantly: “Ahahahahahaha! Are you scared?! Devil cloth Oh!! Not at home!! Can’t fight! No way! Only go back!!”

“Yo Huan!!” Suddenly a voice rang behind Satan.

Satan’s legs were frightened and he knelt down and said hurriedly, “Wow! Forgive me, Majin Buu-sama! I was all nonsense just now! Please let me go! I’m really sorry, in fact I respect you very much!!”

“Really?! So… Am I handsome?!” Majin Buu scratched his head, then looked at Satan and asked very solemnly.

“Ah?!” Satan was taken aback first.

Then he said hurriedly: “Very handsome! Very handsome! Super handsome!”

“Really?! Hehehehe—I’m handsome!!” Majin Buu was very happy when he heard Satan’s words, his nose stretched very long.

Seeing Majin Buu was in a good mood, Satan mentioned the heart in his throat, and then fell back again. Who wanted Majin Buu’s next sentence and almost scared Satan to death.

“What kind of snack do you want to be turned into?! Cookies?! Candy?!” Majin Buu asked with a smile, as if asking what you had eaten yesterday.

“Wow! No, no, please wait a minute!!” Satan said hurriedly, and then hurriedly grabbed the travel bag beside him, and said, “Majin Buu-sama! I brought you something good! A small gift, I hope you like it.”

With that, he hurriedly handed a box to Majin Buu.

“I don’t want small gifts, I want to kill you.” Majin Buu said.

“No, no, no… this is not a normal little gift. It is a premium chocolate! Look, try it.” Satan opened the box as he said.

“Chocolate?!” Majin Buu instantly became happy when he saw the sweets. He took the box in Satan’s hand and asked: “What does it mean to be advanced?!”

“It’s expensive! Of course it’s delicious too!” Satan quickly explained.

Seeing Majin Buu picking up a piece of chocolate, Satan’s eyes lit up instantly, because in the chocolate, Satan puts a super powerful poison. The poison in a piece of chocolate is enough to kill five hundred elephants, and Satan does not believe that this is still poisonous to the devil Buu.

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