Chapter 954 The last hope of the earth

“Brother Mukuro, dad will be fine, right?” In the realm of the realm king, Vidili looked at Mukuro and asked with a worried expression.

“Don’t worry, Satan’s luck is good enough to be heaven-defying. All humans on the earth are dead, and Satan will not die.” Mukuro said with a smile.

The lucky value of Satan has definitely reached the level of Usopp god-tier and Buggy god-tier in Pirate World, perhaps even more pervert.

Looking at Vidili’s expression, she was still a little worried. Mukuro rubbed her head and said, “And there is a Dragon Ball in this world. Well… it’s a magical treasure that can realize any wish, even Mr. Satan. We can resurrect him if he is dead. So don’t worry, Vidili.”

Mukuro was also very helpless. When bringing Vidili to the Realm King God Realm, Mukuro had thought of bringing Satan over, but he was rejected by Satan.

The reason is actually to destroy the Demon Buu and save the world. No matter how much Vidili tried to persuade him, it was of no use. In the end, Mukuro could only admit defeat. Anyway, Satan could not die.

“Is there really such a thing?!” Vidili’s eyes widened. Some can’t believe that such a magical thing actually exists in the world.

“Of course, can Brother Mukuro lie to you?” Mukuro said with a smile.

At this moment, Wukong suddenly appeared in the realm of the realm king.

“Again… another mortal has come to the Holy Land!” Jebite’s eyes widened, obviously somehow unable to accept Wukong’s sudden appearance.

“Hi! Lord Realm King God, um… and the old gentleman who has died is also there.” Wukong said hello in a familiar way.

“Dad, you’re here.” Gohan saw Wukong, startled, and said.

“Goku, why are you here?! I can feel that Majin Buu’s anger is still there, and it hasn’t diminished at all. What?! Don’t you feel like you are not Majin Buu’s opponent?!” Mukuro raised his eyebrows and looked. Looking at Wukong, he said with a smile.

“This…I don’t know.” Goku scratched his head, and said embarrassingly: “When I first fought, I didn’t release all my power, and I felt that Majin Buu didn’t try my best just like me. If you fight with all your strength, the earth will be easily destroyed by us. I accidentally destroyed a tenth of the earth just now. I came to ask Lord Realm King if there is any place suitable for fighting. ,”

Speaking of this, Wukong suddenly stopped, jumped twice, looked at the ground, and said happily: “The land here is very solid and it feels very suitable…”

“No!!! Absolutely not!!!” Before Wukong finished his words, he was interrupted by Jebit: “This is the realm of the realm king. It is the place where the supreme realm king lives. It is the most in the entire universe. In a noble place, the battle with Majin Buu can never be carried out here, absolutely can’t be carried out here!!”

Seeing Jebee’s wicked look, Wukong shrank his head and said, “If it doesn’t work, then forget it.”

On the earth, Majin Buu, who had lost his restraints, was unscrupulously destroyed. In less than a few days, one-third of the earth was destroyed in Majin Buu’s hands.

As if he was a little tired of killing people, Majin Buu played a clay game, changing the form of life forms into clay.

Then built a pupa-like building out of clay.

Inside, everything is available. The dining table, bathroom, toilet, place to brush your teeth, and place to sleep, Majin Buu can be called a clay god-tier.

After another two days, Majin Buu seemed to be interested in killing people again. In just a few hours, Majin Buu destroyed one third of the earth’s humans and towns… He was just a small one. Like children, they are very interested in people who run away or who resist.

Most of the people were directly killed by him with an explosion. If he was hungry, he would turn people into snacks and eat them.

At this time, the earth was not completely indifferent, but they sent an army, completely unable to resist the Demon Buu, and they were all destroyed. Now the Earth Army also understood that he was unable to resist the terrifying Demon Buu, and he was not willing to fight.

People look forward to the blonde lightning warrior, but from the world’s No. 1 martial arts club, people know that the blonde lightning warrior went to resist another crisis.

At this time, Mr. Satan, the second hero who assisted the blonde lightning warrior in defeating Sharu, stood up! !

With people’s only hope, challenge Majin Buu.

“Hahaha…Is that the house of Majin Buu?!” Looking at the pupa-shaped building not far away, Satan asked the soldiers on the side.

“Exactly! Mr. Satan!!” the soldier replied.

“Okay! Leave it to me next, you go back and wait for my good news.” Satan said with his arms akimbo looking at the soldier confidently.

“Yes!! Mr. Satan!!!” Satan’s confidence seemed to have infected the soldier. The soldier answered with a loud voice, which shocked Satan. Then he glanced at Buu’s house in the distance with horror. There was no movement, and this was a sigh of relief. If it caught Majin Buu’s attention, his plan would be impossible to implement.

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