Chapter 950 Collect Dragon Ball again

“Damn it!! Jabit is dead, there is no way to move back to the realm of the realm king in an instant. Otherwise, with Gohan’s potential, if he can draw the sword of the realm king…maybe…maybe he can defeat Majin Buu !!!” The Realm King said bitterly, clenching his fist.

“We… we can use Dragon Ball to revive Jebit,” Gohan said suddenly.

“Resurrection?! Dragon Ball?!”

The Realm King was taken aback for a moment, and then said in amazement: “Why does the earth have a Dragon Ball?! That is the ability that only Nami Nemesis can be given.”

As the world king god of the seventh universe, he certainly knows the existence of Dragon Ball.

Moreover, the world king god knows the origin of Dragon Ball better than anyone. When the Dragon God traveled to the Seventh Universe, he had visited the planet Nami Ke and had a very pleasant experience in the Nami Nemesis. He gave the Nami Nemesis the ability to make Dragon Balls.

“Jie… Lord Jie Wang, hello! I am the god of the earth… Dandy 427, a Nami nemesis.” Dandy said weakly.

As the heavenly god of the earth, he naturally knew the existence of the realm king god. That’s his immediate superior’s superior… the highest god in the entire universe.

“That’s great!! In this case, you can resurrect Jebit, and then return to the realm of the realm king to let Gohan try to draw the divine sword of the realm king!!” The realm king ignited his confidence again.

Realm King Excalibur? ! Is it the sword used by Birus to seal the ruffian of the Old World King God? ! It’s just a rubbish…

But looking at the current state of the Realm King God, it is still not easy to discourage his enthusiasm.

“However, Dragon Balls are distributed in various places on the earth. Although they are the creators of Dragon Balls, I don’t know where they are, so…” Dandy was a little embarrassed.

“Ah?!” The Realm King was dazed.

Finally, hope has appeared, but will it be destroyed again? !

“If it’s just collecting Dragon Balls… just leave it to me. As long as it’s not a fierce battle, Lord Billus will not notice me.” Mukuro suddenly said.

“Then…how long will it take?! If it takes too long…I’m afraid it will be too late, after all, Gohan Master Realm King Divine Sword also needs a lot of time.” Realm King God asked. Finding a few fist-sized things from a planet is absolutely as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack.

“A few seconds.” Mukuro said with a smile.

“Ah?!” The Realm King God was stunned again.

Seeing Mukuro closed his eyes, Kagura’s eyes opened, and in an instant, it enveloped the entire earth, and it was easy to perceive the seven Chakra breaths that existed all over the world.

When collecting all the Dragon Balls for the first time, for future convenience, Mukuro injected his own Chakra into each Dragon Ball. After all, for a lazy person like Mukuro, even with Dragon Ball radar, Mukuro thinks collecting Dragon Ball is a hassle.

After finding the trace of Dragon Ball, Mukuro thought again.

Seven Dragon Balls have appeared in front of him.

Because of the two worlds of Naruto and Monster Tail, Mukuro’s use of space abilities has reached the point where it is magical, so such small methods are naturally used at will.

“Well, the Dragon Ball has been collected, everyone make a wish.” Mukuro smiled.

“Oh… OK, OK.” The Realm King God then reacted.

Looking at Dandy, even though he is the highest-ranked god in the entire seventh universe, compared to other worlds, the Realm King God is really scumbag.

It is neither the strongest in the entire world nor the omnipotent ability.

The most important thing is that I am often bullied by all kinds of things.

Majin Buu, Dapla, Birus… I feel that the existence of the world king god is entirely to set off the existence of other characters.

The God of the Realm, who is so stubborn, naturally doesn’t know the correct way to make a wish for Dragon Ball.

But the realm king god Laobi was in the eyes of Mukuro. For Dandy, the realm king god was not at all Laobi, it was a supreme existence.

Not daring to hesitate at all, Dandy stood in front of the Dragon Ball and shouted:

“Come out!! Shenlong!!!”

The moment the voice fell, the sky was already dark, and the dragon appeared.

Shenlong made a deep voice and said: “Say your wishes…I can realize your three wishes.”

Although he saw the Realm King God, he was directly ignored by the Shenlong.

It can also be seen that the Realm King God is really Laobi. You know, when Shenlong saw the God of Destruction, he was so scared that he almost didn’t pee his pants.

“Shenlong, let everyone who died today resurrect.” Mukuro said.

“It’s extremely simple!!” Shenlong said. A red light flashed in his eyes, and he said again: “This wish has been fulfilled. Tell me your second wish.”

“No. You can go.” Mukuro waved his hand and said.

“Okay, goodbye then.” Shenlong finished speaking, and the huge figure disappeared, once again transformed into seven Dragon Balls and blasted in all directions, and the sky became bright again.

“Jiebit should have been resurrected, can you contact him.” Mukuro said.

“Yeah!” Jie Wangshen nodded, then closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes, Jebit had already appeared in the square of the temple.

“I…I’ve been killed by Dapura?! How come I’m still alive…It’s incredible!” Jiebit asked, looking at the Realm King God with a dumb face.

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