Chapter 949 The fear of the world king

“What an idiot!!!” Dapla shouted. Raising his fist, he wanted to hit Majin Buu. In his opinion, defeating Majin Buu by himself was a breeze.

“Just turn you into a cookie!!” Majin Buu thought for a while and said. Then point the tentacles on his head at Dapla.

The tentacles emitted laser light, and Dapla turned into a biscuit and fell on the ground.

Majin Buu picked up the biscuit with a greedy face, and threw it into his mouth as a whole, with his mouth supporting it larger than his body, and then chewed on Dapla.

“Really… awesome! Majin Buu…hahaha.” Babidi laughed. Not a little bit sad because of Dapla’s death.

In his opinion, after having Majin Buu, Dapla didn’t make much sense.

“Mukuro-sensei, I can feel that Majin Buu is very powerful. Even if my anger is ten times stronger… it is not his opponent! Dad… Dad, can he really defeat Majin Buu? “!” Gohan asked anxiously.

“Hmm—” Mukuro held his chin and thought for a while before saying, “With Goku’s strength, it is indeed difficult to defeat Majin Buu, but don’t worry, Goku is not a fool. If he can’t beat it, he will naturally use the moment. Moving will come… Also, I decided to increase your training volume by 30 times after Majin Buu’s affairs are handled… No, fifty times!! What a shame, you were actually demonized! Buu hanged and beaten him.”

“Ah-fifty times?!” Gohan’s eyes widened, showing a very scared expression, as if thinking of something terrifying! !

“Less?! Really?! Then a hundred times.” Mukuro said lightly.

But Gohan’s face had become completely stiff.

“Now!! What time is it now!! Why are you still in the mood to care about this kind of thing!! Mukuro…Your name is Mukuro?! Since you can move instantaneously, then let’s leave this planet quickly, As for dealing with Majin Buu… Majin Buu will get out of control sooner or later. At that time, Babidi will definitely seal him up again, and then we will take the opportunity to kill Babidi, Majin Buu. The crisis will be lifted. So before that, we must retain our strength. Majin Buu can’t be dealt with by anyone at all.” The World King God looked at Mukuro and said anxiously.

“Escape?! Sorry…I don’t have this habit.” Mukuro said lightly.

Then there was a disdainful smile on his face, and he said, “Besides, it’s just a devil Buu. I don’t have the ability to let Mitarashi Mukuro give up my dignity and run for my life.

And, do you think Majin Buu is mentally retarded or idiot? ! Now that I know that Babidi has a spell that can control him, I don’t think he will survive for a few days… Lord Realm King God, what are you going to do when that happens? ! ”

“Majin Buu will kill Babidi?!” Realm King God widened his eyes.

“If I were Majin Buu, then I would definitely. Back then, Bibidi was able to seal Majin Buu, probably because Majin Buu didn’t even know that there was a spell that could seal him.” Mukuro Said lightly.

Hearing Mukuro’s words, the Realm King God sweated on his forehead.

If this is the case…Majin Buu will really kill Babidi. After all, with Majin Buu’s strength, he can hit Babidi directly before Babidi has time. Killed… There will be no fear of the devil Buu by then… The Realm King God doesn’t dare to imagine what kind of scene it will be like.

His eyes were full of fear. Suddenly, the Realm King God thought of something, as if grabbing the last trace of life-saving straw, he looked at Mukuro and asked: “You said…you said you can defeat the demon Buu… this is Really?!”

“Well, it’s easy.” Mukuro said lightly.

“Then if Wukong loses…you, can you make a move…kill the Demon Buu.” The Realm King God asked.

“Of course! But, are you sure?!” Mukuro asked rhetorically with a smile.

“Of course, of course I am sure.” Realm King God nodded hurriedly.

“Okay! I’m going to solve Majin Buu now, but Master Bados said that if I release my strength with all my strength, I will wake up Master Billus. At that time, if any unimaginable consequences happen… …Don’t blame me.”

With that said, Mukuro has to use teleportation to pose.

“Wait…Wait a minute!!” Hearing Mukuro’s mention of this name, the realm king god looked even more horrified, and hurriedly stopped Mukuro.

“Is there anything else?” Mukuro looked at the world king god.

“Um… I think, let’s wait a while, Goku might win. It’s better not to disturb Birus.” The Realm King said in a chattering voice.

The world king is the god of destruction. The first thing every time he wakes up is to destroy half of the planet of life in the entire universe, and the demon Buu’s death caused such a big damage. It is hard to fall asleep than Ruth, the world king. Of course God did not dare to wake Billus.

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