Chapter 947 Horrifying strength

Even though Gohan was in Super Saiyan II now, he was rammed directly by the fist of Demon Buu, and even smashed a mountain.

Then Majin Buu appeared in front of the world king god.

The Realm King God was full of horror. Although he was scared, he was not a trash. He couldn’t do anything that would be captured without resistance.

“Ha!!” Raising his hand, the Realm King God wanted to use his superpowers to control the actions of Demon Buu.

But for Majin Buu, it was just futile.

The resistance of the Realm King God obviously angered Majin Buu, he hehe smiled, and the slap of Majin Buu was directly slapped on the face of the Realm King God.

If it weren’t for the bones of gods to be harder than humans, it is estimated that his brains would have exploded.

“Ahahahaha!!! That’s amazing!! It’s so amazing!! Majin Buu!!” Babidi laughed excitedly.

“Majin Buu, good job!! Kill him! Kill him soon!!”

“Hey ha hey!!” Demon Buu danced, spreading his arms, accumulating energy, and preparing to slap the world king god again.

If this slap is slapped on the face of the Realm King God, the Realm King God will undoubtedly die! !

The Realm King God is also very aware of this, so naturally he will not sit and wait for death, and his superpower will strike again, but it has no effect on Demon Buu! !

And this super power was learned by Majin Buu in a flash! !

Majin Buu not only possesses terrifying strength, but the most terrifying thing is his learning ability, whether it is Wukong’s turtle style qigong, or the super power of the king of the world, or the ability of Jebit to move instantly…

Just look at it and Majin Buu can learn it! !

Seeing Majin Buu’s eyes widened, the Realm King God flew out directly! !

He fell heavily in front of Babidi, while Majin Buu jumped high and sat directly on the body of the world king god! !

“Ah ah ah ah ah!!”

The realm king god vomited blood in his mouth, his eyes popped out abruptly! !

“Ahahahahaha-what’s wrong with you?! Realm King God?! Really deserve it!! Who do you want to have a nap here?! This is not like what your Realm King God should do.” Babidi looked at The unstoppable Realm King God laughed arrogantly: “Hey hey…It’s so happy! Let me take you to the west, how about it?!”

At this moment, Majin Buu was suddenly kicked and kicked directly.

It was Gohan, who rushed over at this time. But the demon Buu who was kicked just turned his head, and then stood up without a bit of shit.

“It’s terrible!! A blow with my full strength… He didn’t get hurt at all… It’s terrible!” Gohan looked solemn and couldn’t help but think to himself.

But Gohan’s actions clearly angered Majin Buu.

Pointing his hands at Gohan, Majin Buu slammed his hands out… Gohan didn’t have time to react, and a terrifying shock wave was launched from Majin Buu’s hands.

“Boom boom!!”

When Gohan reacted, it was too late.

But at this critical moment…

Suddenly a figure appeared in front of Gohan, and then he slapped the shock wave of Majin Buu into outer space! !

Gohan was stunned… The Realm King was stunned…

Babidi was stunned…Majin Buu was also stunned…

“Mukuro… Mr. Mukuro?!”

The person who appeared was Mukuro. At the most critical moment, Mukuro rescued Gohan…

Gohan was taken aback for a moment, and then exulted: “Mukuro-sensei, are you here?! That’s great, now Majin Buu is dead.”

“Uh, I’m not interested in making a move.” Mukuro shrugged and said.

Gohan was a little confused, reacted, and said anxiously, “But Mukuro-sensei… If you don’t make a move, the earth will be ruined. Majin Buu is… really amazing, I It’s not an opponent at all.”

“Hey!” Mukuro clutched his head, looking like he was defeated by you.

How can I teach such a ruined apprentice? Or… I don’t usually practice Gohan’s exercises enough? ! Well, after Majin Buu’s affairs are over, let’s increase Gohan’s training volume by three times…No, let’s talk about it by thirty times first.

“Gohan, Buu, leave it to me.” Suddenly, a voice rang behind Gohan.

This voice… so familiar…

Gohan was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look around, a figure standing behind him, 0.0 gold long hair, no eyebrows, and a golden arrogance, mixed with lightning.

“Dad…Dad?!” Gohan yelled subconsciously.

At this time, Goku had already transformed into Super Saiyan III, and Super Saiyan III had changed his appearance so much that Gohan couldn’t recognize it suddenly.

“I said, Goku, you should have gotten Vegeta straight away. Hidden the state of Super Saiyan III, could it be prepared to deal with me?! Look at both the world king and Gohan. I’m about to get shit out. Okay, I’ll leave the battle here to you… I’ll return to the temple with the world king god and Gohan first.” Mukuro said.

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