Chapter 946 Gohan escapes

“Huh! I’m a fool…what the hell is going on?! It seems to have failed…We worked so hard to lift his seal, and he was just a foolish fool!” Dapla was very disdainful. Said, he couldn’t feel the horror of Majin Buu at all.

And Majin Buu obviously heard Dapla’s voice, and shook his belly toward Dapla, saying loudly: “Hahu-oh oh… oh oh…”

“What are you doing?! Want to compete with Dapla?! Humph, I don’t know it, I really am just an idiot.” Dapla continued.

“It looks like Majin Buu is a failed work! Realm King God.” Gohan looked at Realm King God and said with a smile. He also thought Buu was mentally retarded.

“Failed work…how could it be… he is the real Demon Buu.” The Realm King God said with cold sweat on his forehead, his expression getting more and more serious.

While looking at Dapla’s Demon Buu, the air vents on his body and head suddenly burst out of breath. The whole body burst out unreservedly.

“What?!!!” Gohan could finally feel the anger of Demon Buu. His complexion changed a lot, because the aura was…too terrifying.

Facing Dapla’s Majin Buu shot very quickly.

Raising his hand and pressing on Dapla’s eyes, he almost missed Dapla’s eyes.

Then with another kick, he kicked Dapura away, knowing his life or death.

At this moment, everyone was dumbfounded…

“Okay… so amazing!! Majin Buu is simply too amazing.” The most exciting thing was Babidi, who even ignored Dapla’s life or death.

“Awesome! Awesome! Majin Buu, you hit Dapla all at once, it’s so amazing.” Babidi exclaimed in excitement.

“Hahu-hahu -” Majin Buu was still making his own smile.

“Thanks… it’s improved!! Majin Buu’s qi has increased explosively!! It’s so strong… It’s too strong… It’s incredible!!” Gohan’s eyes widened.

“Hey! Majin Buu!! You have to believe me! I am your new master.” Babidi said anxiously when he saw Majin Buu like this.

“Hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-” The demon Buu made a grimace at Babidi and continued to ignore him.

And Babidi finally endured to the limit, looked at Majin Buu, and said in a deep voice, “Majin Buu, are you trying to resist me?! Tell you, I have read my father’s notes… I know Seal your spell… if you don’t want to be sealed, be obedient.” Babidi took out the ultimate trick against Majin Buu-the seal spell.

Majin Buu was taken aback for a moment, thinking of his endless time of being sealed…a cold sweat broke out on his forehead, he didn’t want to be sealed again.

“Yeah, yeah.” He couldn’t help but nodded to Babidi.

“Haha-that’s it, this is it.” Babidi laughed.

“World King God, Demon Buu is like a child. As long as that Babidi is eliminated, he won’t mess around again.” Gohan looked at the World King God and asked.

“No…No way!!! If Babidi is dead, there will never be a way to seal Majin Buu again!! Although Majin Buu looks like a child on the surface, he is really terrifying! Sooner or later, Babidi will not be able to control him, so we can only seal him up again, and before that, we can only endure.” The realm king said unwillingly:

“I… I am the world king god!! But there is no way, too… too unwilling. Things shouldn’t be like this… Originally, I had the confidence to defeat Babidi and prevent him from disarming Majin Buu. It’s sealed. If I had known that there were people like you on the earth whose power far exceeded me, I could use that method.”

“Huh?! Then…that method?! What is it?!” Gohan asked.

“No… it’s too late… we can’t escape the clutches of the demon Buu now… both of us will die.” The Realm King God said decadently, he was already desperate.

“Don’t talk nonsense!! You can escape if you want to escape!! Don’t worry!! If it’s only about speed, I have this confidence!! Moreover, we only need to escape to the current position of Mukuro-teacher, and that’s it. Mukuro-teacher will Solve Majin Buu.”

Pulling up the Realm King God, Gohan performed the air dance, galloping with all his strength.

Looking at the escaped Gohan and the Realm King God, Babidi said loudly: “Majin Buu!! Now I give you the first order!! Kill them both!!!”

Hearing Babidi’s words, Majin Buu was stunned in place, without any movement.

“What are you doing in a daze?! They ran away.” Babidi reprimanded the Demon Buu loudly.

As for Majin Buu, there was a little movement just now.

In a posture of taking off, Majin Buu galloped out.

In the next second, he appeared in front of Gohan and the Realm King God.

“How… how is it possible?!” Gohan’s eyes widened, looking at the Demon Buu in front of him, his eyes were full of shock, obviously he couldn’t believe it.

“Go to hell–” Majin Buu’s voice fell, clenching his fists and slamming at Gohan.

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