Chapter 935 Spike

Although Pei Pei’s strength is not even in the top three under Babidi, Babidi believes that he will definitely not have any major problems against a few people on Earth.

“Let’s take a look, eh?! Why hasn’t the battle started yet?!” Babidi took out a crystal ball and was surprised when he saw the scene.

“Scissors, rock, cloth!!!”, “Scissors, rock, cloth!!!”…

Goku, Gohan, and Vegeta are playing rock-paper-scissors. In the final result, Vegeta won, and it was decided that Vegeta would take the lead.

“Okay! I’ll come first!” Vegeta said.

“You… do you want to come alone?!” The Realm King God was a little dazed.

“Of course, I am enough to deal with this kind of stuff!” Vegeta said coldly.

“Hehe… Master Babidi told me to beware of you, saying that you have very powerful energy, so they are just a bunch of fools.” Pei Pei said disdainfully. He has never seen such a guy who uses battle as a trifling matter. It seems that his battle will be very easy.

“Babydi is a fool! He would regret that he acted blindly without investigating clearly, and regret that he didn’t know that the strongest person in the universe was on Earth.” Vegeta said coldly. 480

“What a joke! Vegeta actually wants to fight alone?! But Babidi has found a group of very powerful guys.” Realm King God worried.

Then he wanted to help, but was stopped by Wukong. Said: “Master Realm King God, let this battle be handed over to Vegeta. Although I don’t know how effective he is now, defeating the guy in front of him should be very easy.”

Because Vegeta once said that he has broken the boundaries of Super Saiyan, that is, reached the level of Super Saiyan 2, naturally he has beaten Pei Pei.

“The strongest person?! Hahaha…you are such a complete fool. Hahaha…and since you stepped into the spaceship, there is no way to get out of the spaceship, and once you are injured, the energy of your body is It will gush out from the wound, be absorbed by this house…and be transmitted to the egg of the Sealed Demon Buu…” Pei Pei said.

“Hehehe…I’m relieved with this sentence, as long as you don’t get hurt, you won’t be absorbed in energy, right?” Vegeta said with a smile.

“Exactly, but unfortunately, that is impossible.” Pei Pei said.

“Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and do it.” Vegeta was a little impatient.

“Huh! Ah!” Looking at Vegeta, Pei suddenly violent. A kick directly hit Vegeta’s upper body. In Pei Pei’s view, he could definitely break Vegeta’s ribs with one kick.

But Pei was stunned, his foot was actually grabbed by Vegeta.

The world king gods, Babidi, and Dapura also looked confused, and then only saw Vegeta kick Pei Pei with the same kick, directly blasting Pei Pei out.

Next, there was a series of brutal and inhuman violence, Pei Pei had no resistance.

“How… how is it possible?!” Babidi said in amazement. Then there was an angry expression on his face: “Pei Pei is a waste!! In what environment can Pei Pei show his full strength?!” Babidi looked at Dapla and asked, he could not see Pei Pei lose. It’s not about Pei Pei’s life, but if Pei Pei loses, how can he absorb energy? !

“High-gravity planet-Zern Star!” Dapla said.

“Zen Star?! Good.” Babidi said.

Then began to mutter a spell: “Baba Ula…Ulababa.” As Babadi’s spell fell, the battlefield suddenly changed.

“Huh?! What’s the matter?! Where is this place?!” Gohan was puzzled.

“Babidi! It must be the ghost of Babidi! He used magic to change the room! It may be a more favorable environment for that guy.” The Realm King God worried.

Seeing the changes in the surrounding environment, Mr. Pei was taken aback, and then fell into ecstasy.

“Hoo–hahahaha! The game should be over!! Great, you’re done!! This is Zern Star, the environment where I grew up, and the gravity here is ten times that of the earth.” Pei Pei sees Speaking loudly to Vegeta, her voice is full of joy.

“So what… it’s only ten times, there is no feeling at all.” Vegeta said coldly. He certainly won’t have any feelings, because the planet Vegeta where Vegeta was born has a gravity ten times that of the earth. This is not only Pei Pei’s home field, but also his Vegeta’s home field.

“Lie! Don’t put on airs!” Pei Pei obviously didn’t believe it.

“Huh! Let’s let you know.” Vegeta said coldly. As soon as the voice fell, he appeared in front of Pei Pei in the next moment, with his hands on Pei Pei’s body. The Qigong wave came out… Pei Pei was directly bombarded by Vegeta into a cloud of blood.

The Realm King God looked dumbfounded…Babidi was dumbfounded too…

“Humph! It’s really disappointing that Babidi sent such a useless guy.” Vegeta said disdainfully, apparently the fight just now didn’t make him happy.

“Hey?! A hole was opened, which leads to the bottom, like an elevator.” Wukong discovered that a hole that had just been closed on the side suddenly opened.

“How is it like a computer game,” Gohan said.

Then without much thought, Goku, Gohan, and Vegeta jumped in. But the Realm King God still has a dull look: “Even… it turns out to be… so powerful…”

“What’s the matter?! It’s still the same environment as before. However, he will use magic to change the environment again.” Wukong looked around, a little disappointed.

At this time, the Realm King God also fell from above.

“How can there be such a strong person on earth?!” Babidi asked, looking at the Da Puda.

Dapla replied: “According to your database, Lord Babidi, there was no such strong human being on the earth three hundred years ago. But it’s only this level. You can rest assured, Lord Babidi. There are three levels. Even if there is an accident, I will still be there. To destroy these guys is simply a matter of simply doing it at will.”


Recommendation: “The Pirate: The Strongest God Level System”! ! Absolute pirate great cool text! ! You will never be disappointed! ! The quality of Lao Na is still guaranteed! !

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