Chapter 934 Go deep into the tiger’s den

“It seems that I am planning to hide. There are seven people in total… The energy of the Realm King God and Jebit cannot be used… In addition, there are probably three other guys who have very strong energy.” Dapla said. The three people he was talking about were Goku, Gohan, and Vegeta.

“Then get rid of the waste other than those three guys, and then immediately return to the spaceship, they will naturally chase it over.” Babidi said.

“Good way!” Dapla smiled confidently.

“By the way, don’t move the Realm King God! I have to take care of him slowly!” Bobby Disen said. The Realm King God was his father-killing enemy, so he naturally didn’t plan to let it go easily.

“Obviously! Lord Babidi! Keep the world king for you and enjoy it slowly.” Dapla said with a smile, but a strange color flashed in his eyes.

“Then I’ll leave it to you here.” After speaking, Babidi walked back to the spacecraft with the container full of energy in his hand.

“Master Barbid, what about me?!” Pei Pei asked anxiously.

“It’s enough to have Dapura here. Come in with me. The first level belongs to you.” Babidi said. In his opinion, Pei Pei is almost out of use value… No, it should be said that after the resurrection of Demon Buu, Da Pra has no use value either.

“Yes!” Pei looked excited when he heard it. In his opinion, he can kill opponents again later, he likes doing this kind of thing the most.

“Huh!? They’re all in, and only Dapla is left.” Wukong asked puzzledly.

At this moment, Dapla rushed over quickly!

“We were found!!!” Everyone was stunned.

Dapla’s speed was so fast that he had no time to react. He had already raided in front of everyone, and Jiebitt was facing Dapla undeadly.

Then Dapla raised his hand and blasted a wave of qigong, directly turning it into blood mist.

“Jiebit!!” The Realm King God roared, his eyes cracking. Jebit has been serving as the servant of the world king for more than a few Ten Thousand Years, and the relationship between them is very deep. Watching Jebite die in front of him, how could the Realm King God not be angry.

“Asshole!!!” Wukong was also very angry.

“Bah! Bah!!” Jiebet suddenly spit out two mouthfuls of saliva.

“Be careful!! Don’t get his saliva!!!” The Realm King God roared.

But it was too late. Klin and Piccolo had no time to react, so they were touched by the saliva spit out by Dapla…In an instant, they turned into stone statues.

“Klin! Bick! This… how did this happen?!” Wukong looked nervous.

Came in front of Klin and wanted to touch him. But at this time, the Realm King God suddenly yelled: “Don’t touch him! They are turned into stones! If they are broken, they will no longer be able to recover.”

“But… Damn it!!” Looking at Dapla, Gohan was full of anger.

“If you break it, you can’t recover it!? That is to say… is there a way to recover them?!” Wukong became smarter at this time.

“This… if Dapla dies…” Realm King Shinto.

But he doesn’t think this is easy to do. You know, Dapla is the strongest existence in the Demon Realm, and even he is definitely not an opponent.

“Is this the way?! It’s that simple.” Wukong’s eyes lit up.

“Get out of here! No one can fight against Lord Babidi!” Dapla said cruelly. Turning around and flying back to the spaceship, this is Babidi’s strategy.

“Let’s go! Dad! Anyway! We must go! We must save Uncle Klin and Uncle Bick, right?!” Gohan said. Whether it’s Bick or Klin, the relationship with Gohan is very deep.

“Of course! Let’s go!” Wukong said with a high fighting spirit.

“Wait a minute! Don’t fall into their tricks! The universe is very likely a trap set by the enemy! Dapla didn’t attack the three of you at all, which is so strange.” The Realm King said loudly. The current situation has completely lost control, which is completely different from what he had imagined. He wanted to stop Wukong’s actions, but Wukong completely ignored him.

“Huh! Waiting is not my style.” Vegeta followed Wukong closely.

“Damn it!!” The Realm King God clenched his fists, he had no choice but to catch up. In the current situation, he couldn’t think of a solution at all, so he could only take one step at a time.

Inside, the bottom of Barbid’s spacecraft.

Dapla and Babidi looked at a crystal ball, and Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, and the Realm King God all walked into the spaceship.

“Ahhhhh… it really came, really a bunch of foolish fools.” Babidi said.

On the first floor of the spacecraft, there is a large empty field.

“My Lord Realm King, you are here too.” Seeing the Realm King God, Wukong said hello.

“It’s not because you are too foolish!” Realm King God said angrily.

At this time, the entrance they came in was directly closed. The Realm King said solemnly: “It seems that once you come in, you can’t get out! Unless you defeat Babidi!”

“Huh! Just destroy the spaceship directly?!” Vegeta said with disdain.

“No!! Too strong impact may make Demon Buu awaken early!! Although the energy is not complete, his power can kill us in an instant and destroy the entire earth!” Retorted loudly.

“Hey, Pei, go and absorb their energy.” Babidi said.

“Yes, please rest assured.” Pei Pei said confidently. As a noble and great cosmic warrior, he doesn’t think the earth, a remote planet, has an opponent that can contend with him.

Soon, Pei Pei came to the first floor.

Looking at Wukong and the others, Pei Pei said, “Master Babidi is on the bottom floor, but it is a pity that you must defeat me before you can go down. In other words, this is your place of death! Because You can never defeat me…ahhahahaha.”

“No! It’s impossible!” Wukong said with a smile.

At this time, it was on the basement floor.

Babidi smiled and poured the stored energy into a spherical egg, and when he saw the scale below, Babidi could not help but shocked and said: “Ah! Only once, there is so much energy! Actually collected nearly nearly directly. half!!”

“What?!” Dapla on the side couldn’t believe it.

“Did Yamu and Spobic collect so much energy from hundreds of people?” Looking at Dapla, Babidi asked.

“I don’t know… I haven’t asked.” Dapla wouldn’t bother that kind of weak chicken.

“Huh! I knew they could collect so much energy in such a short period of time, so I won’t kill them!” But Babidi was a little regretful.

Dapla looked very casually, and said, “It’s nothing! As long as we collect the energy of the three people in the first level, it is estimated that it will be almost the same. If things go well, maybe today we can wake up Majin Buu. ”

“Hehehe…It is because of this that I brought them here. It is estimated that Pei Pei may have killed the three guys now.” Babidi smiled.


Recommendation: “The Pirate: The Strongest God Level System”! ! Absolute pirate great cool text! ! You will never be disappointed! ! The quality of Lao Na is still guaranteed! !

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