Chapter 909 Shenlong Resurrection

“There are still many things on earth, so I will leave first, Grand Elder. Don’t worry, I will take care of Dandy.” Mukuro said with a smile.

“Take care, we will pray for peace on the earth,” the elder said.

Mukuro nodded, putting his hand on Dandy’s shoulder.

Use teleporting to disappear directly…

In the next moment, he already appeared in the temple of the earth.

Seeing Dandy who appeared, everyone was very curious…especially Pic, who is the nemesis of Nami. Because of Mukuro, he has never returned to the planet Namik, so he is naturally very curious about the same race that appeared…

“Can he… do it?” Klin scratched his head, looking at Mukuro and asked.

The height of Dandy, the short winter melon, just seemed to give people a feeling of weakness, and everyone naturally wondered whether Dandy could control the Dragon Ball.

“Don’t worry, according to Namik’s great elder, Dandy is very good. Right, Dandy.” Mukuro looked at Dandy and asked with a smile.

“En.” Dandy was a little embarrassed when she heard Mufeng praise him.

Then he looked at everyone and said, “I think it only takes a hundred days to complete the Dragon Ball.” The manufacture of Dragon Ball is not a simple process.

“So long?! One hundred days!?” Klin said.

“In that case, Wukong and the person who was killed by Sharu 440, don’t you have to wait for a hundred days to be resurrected?” Piccolo frowned.

“That’s right! If you don’t recreate it, just restore the magical power of the Dragon Ball that the earth used to use, it should be done right away.” Dandy said suddenly.

“This is really great.” Klin said happily, “By the way, I heard Mukuro say that the Dragon Ball of Namik can make three wishes. Then the dragon you resurrected is the same and can be completed. Three wishes?” He looked at Dandy expectantly.

“Dandy, I remember that the Dragon Ball of Namik can’t resurrect multiple people at one time. Then the dragon after you resurrected, it shouldn’t work either.” Mukuro said.

“Well, it is true.” Dandy nodded and said, “However, if you give it power from the beginning, you can solve this problem. But in this case, the wish that can be achieved will be reduced to two. Do you want to do this?”

“Well, that’s it.” Mukuro nodded and said.

“sure no problem.”

Dandy nodded, and then said, “So, are the models of Shenlong and the original Dragon Ball still there? This is a must.”

“En, yes.” Popo nodded, then ran into the temple room with a glance, and ran out again after a while.

At the same time, he was holding a model of a dragon and seven gray-white stone beads in his hand.

“The model was made by Bobo himself.” Bobo said.

Dandy took the model in Bobo’s hand and placed it on the ground.

Put your hands on the model as if you are casting magic, and at the same time you can’t help but mutter: “Guru…”


I don’t know what language it is, but Mukuro didn’t understand a word anyway.

Dandy’s expression became more and more solemn. After a while, the golden light gradually bloomed on the Shenlong model…The Shenlong was gradually resurrecting.

Suddenly, the golden beam of light lifted up to the sky with seven gray stone beads.

The off-white stone beads have also become golden Dragon Balls again.

Suddenly, the shot was shot in seven directions…

Mukuro’s extremely terrifying Observation Haki had already locked seven Dragon Balls. When the seven Dragon Balls blasted in different directions, they restrained them with terrifying repulsion… It was just an instant that seven Dragon Balls appeared. In front of Mukuro…

“Dragon Ball is resurrected. It really is an excellent god.” Klin sighed.

“Well, everyone can make a wish.” Mukuro said.

“Yeah, let me do it,” Klin said. Looking at Dragon Ball, he scratched his head suddenly, then looked at Dandy and asked, “Dandy, is Dragon Ball the same as before?”

“En.” Dandy nodded.

“Okay.” Klin nodded, then took a deep breath:

“Appear, Shenlong!!”

As Klin’s voice fell, the entire sky suddenly became dark. A huge cyan dragon emerged from the seven Dragon Balls.

“Speak your wish, no matter what it is, I can realize it.” Shenlong still pretended to say. Sure enough, Shenlong is still that Shenlong…

“Shenlong, please let all the people killed by Sharu come back to life.” Klin said.

“This wish is extremely simple.” The red light in Shenlong’s eyes flashed, and then said in a low voice: “Well, this wish has been fulfilled. You can make another wish, let’s say… the second one. What is the wish.”

“Have you all been resurrected? Why didn’t I feel Wukong’s aura!? I also said that the resurrected Wukong is not on the earth!?” Piccolo frowned.

The Dragon Ball fighters also looked at Shenlong, wondering why.

“Sun Wukong rejected my resurrection… so it can’t be realized. Come on…what is your second wish?” Shenlong replied.

“What!? Wukong refused to resurrect!?” Klin was visibly taken aback.

“Dad…why!?” Gohan was equally puzzled.

At this moment, suddenly… a voice echoed in the sky. “Everyone… I am Wukong, listen to me, I am in another world…”

“Wukong!?” Everyone was suddenly startled.

Just listen to Wukong continue to say: “Buma once said that I always attract the enemy, think about it, it is indeed like this. Then, if I die, maybe the earth will be peaceful, Lord Realm King thinks so too… …I don’t mean to make you sacrifice too! However, because I saved the earth, I also received special treatment. I will not be like ordinary people, or the bad guys like Sharu, and only my soul will be left after death. There is also a body, and it will never grow old. Thinking about it this way, hehe…actually it’s pretty good.”


Recommendation: “The Pirate: The Strongest God Level System”! ! Super cool book, passionate text! ! The most important thing is-this is Lao Na’s new book! ! Brothers, please support! !

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