Chapter 908 New god

“Pick, the Dragon Ball disappeared because of your fusion with the gods. Well, you should not be able to split into two people anymore,” Mukuro said.

“En…it is indeed the case. The deity guy said that my evil has disappeared, and I cannot be separated again after the union. If it weren’t for this, we wouldn’t hesitate before the union.” Piccolo said with a face. Leng arrogant.

“It’s a pity…” Mukuro said with a shrug.

After a pause, he continued: “But it’s okay. Originally, the gods were Nami nemesis. If you want to come to Namik, there will be many people who are suitable to serve as gods. I am quite familiar with the great elders of Namik. Let him help find someone willing. It’s good to stay on the earth as a deity forever. After the deity has it, the Dragon Ball can naturally regenerate.”

“Right, Bobo.” Mukuro looked at Kurozumi-like Bobo.

“Wow! Yes.” Popo nodded.

“If you can find it, Bobo will be very happy.” Bobo said excitedly. He is obviously a star who doesn’t serve people and will die.

“Then I will go to Planet Namik first.” He also said.

After speaking, Mukuro disappeared.

“It’s amazing… Namek is very far away from the earth. Mukuro’s teleportation can be reached directly, which is really convenient.” Klin said with greedy eyes.

Planet Namik.

Mukuro suddenly appeared in a settlement of Nami nemesis.

Looking at the Nami nemesis who are almost the same length, Mukuro’s face is blind. Helplessly said: “A lot of Piccolo…”

In Mukuro’s eyes, all Nami nemesis people are the same. Similarly, in the eyes of the Nami nemesis, all earthlings are the same.

“Who… are you…?” an older Nami nemesis asked.

“My name is Mukuro, from the earth.” Mukuro said with a smile.

Mukuro can be sure that as long as he is a Nami nemesis, he will know his name. After all, the Nami Nemesis is a kind and grateful nation.

Sure enough, after hearing Mukuro’s name, the Nami nemesis in front of him was instantly excited, and said excitedly: “Wow! You are the one who fought with Frieza and saved the Namik planet and our clan. .”

Mukuro didn’t answer, just smiled and nodded.

“You are here, the great elder has been waiting for you to come over and want to thank you. Go, let’s go to meet the great elder, I believe the great elder will be very happy.” Nami nemesis also kept coming around. Thanks to Mukuro.

“Um…Okay, it just so happens that I also want to have something to do with the Great Elder.” Mukuro said.

“No problem, no matter what it is, as long as the planet Nami can do it, we will help your benefactor.” The Nami nemesis said one after another.

Mukuro also exudes his friendliness to them.

Then, he rushed to the residence of the Grand Elder with the Nami Nemesis who was talking at the beginning. In fact, Mukuro could have used teleportation, but, the Nami Nemesis was so hospitable. He led the way. Mukuro refused a few. No use at all. No way, I can only rush to the residence of the elder with this Nami nemesis…

In fact, it didn’t take too long. He arrived in less than half an hour.

“Elder, long time no see.” Mukuro said hello with a smile.

Originally, Mukuro thought that the great elder hadn’t survived for a few years, because the vitality he injected into the great elder at that time was enough to live for five or six years, and the time is almost coming to an end, but now the great elder is still paralyzed. On the chair, but the mental state is not bad.

Well… that’s right, Namik Planet also has such a magical thing as Dragon Ball.

Standing up with difficulty, the elder gave Mukuro the most lofty gift of gratitude on the planet Namik and said: “Respected benefactor, you are welcome to come to planet Namik again. Excuse me, what is it for you to come this time? ?”

“It’s something, I need your help from the Great Elder.” Mukuro said with a smile.

“Please speak.”

The voice of the great elder was a little loud, and it was obviously able to help Mukuro. The great elder was very happy…All the Nami nemesis people have always wanted to thank Mukuro.

“Well, it’s like this…”

Until there was no cover, Mukuro explained the cause and effect to the elder.

“So, the purpose of my coming is to ask whether the Great Elder can find a suitable Nami Nemesis to serve as the earth’s god.” Mukuro asked at last.

“Earth… Earth…” The great elder was lost in thought.

After a while, the great elder suddenly lit up and looked at Nilu on the side and said: “Nilu, you go find Dandy.”

“Yes, Grand Elder.” Nilu said.

After a while, Nilu brought back a timid dwarf wax gourd.

“Dandy, come here.” The elder beckoned to the little dwarf. Dandy first looked at Mukuro and then walked behind the elder to look at Mukuro curiously.

“Benefactor, his name is Dandy. It is my 108th child. Ever since I learned about your deeds of saving the planet Namik, I have been yearning for the earth and want to see you. Don’t look at Dandy’s young age. , But it is one of my best children with great potential. I will definitely be able to become a very good god.” The elder introduced Dandy to Mukuro.

Dandy, the Namek, Mukuro knew about it. In the original plot, he became the god of the earth, but it was because Gohan saved his life. 5.4. Because of the appearance of Mukuro, Gohan has never been to the planet Namik. Originally, Mukuro thought it would be another Nami nemesis, but he didn’t expect it to be Dandy this short winter melon again.

“Dandy, are you willing to become the god of earth?” Mukuro asked.

The original is the original. If Dandy is reluctant, Mukuro will not force him. After all, to become the god of the earth, the responsibility is huge.

“I…I do.” Dandy replied timidly, his tone full of expectation.

From the look and tone of Dandy’s answer, Mukuro didn’t hear the slightest dissatisfaction. It seemed that Dandy yearned for the earth very much, just like the elder said.

“Dandy, you are welcome to become the new god of earth.” Mukuro smiled.

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