Chapter 889 Sharu Game (Part 2)

“Therefore, I hope people with confidence will come to participate.” As he said, Sharu raised his hand, and then slammed aside. Boom boom boom! ! ! Half of the city has disappeared, leaving nothing but rubble. The people who watched this scene on TV were completely daunted.

“Goodbye, I look forward to the day of the Budokai.” Shalu smiled.

“This guy is too arrogant. Mukuro, do you want to get rid of him now?” Bouma looked at Saru’s declaration on the TV, looking very angry.

Hearing Buma’s words, the Dragon Ball fighters also turned their eyes to Mukuro.

Mukuro shook his head and said with a smile: “It’s better not to use it, since Sharu said so. Then in these few days, there is no need to worry that he will come out and continue to kill others. If I solve Sharu now If you lose it, wait until Wukong comes out of the Spiritual Time Room to cultivate, and I will blame my opponent for stealing him, so let’s forget it first.”

Sharu did not become Lightning Sharu, and Mukuro would naturally not make a move.

Sharu’s declaration made the world feel a huge panic… At the same time, everyone knew that after too long of peace, the weak army could no longer fight such terrible monsters… They didn’t know that there were still those who had been defending in the world. The Dragon Ball warrior of the earth… and the existence of Monkey King… people have long forgotten… the boy who used to fight against the big devil… people all over the world are looking forward to the appearance of the savior…

Sharu’s declaration on the TV station shocked the whole world! Many people began to flee to remote places. They thought that there might not be the target of Sharu’s attack, but they didn’t know that Sharu’s casual shock wave could destroy the whole world.

Human nature was revealed, and the world began to mess up.

There is only one country in the Dragon Ball world, and a country has a king.

And… not yet human.

After several days of decision-making, the king decided to send an army to try to destroy Sharu.

Fighters, tanks… heavily armed soldiers.

I have to say that the scientific development of the Dragon Ball world is seriously biased. Even spaceships, time machines, universal capsules, artificial humans… all these things can be invented. But weapons and equipment are still very backward, and nuclear bombs simply don’t exist.

All the armed forces are gradually approaching the martial arts venue.

Every soldier is very scared, because what they are about to face is a terrible demon that can destroy half of the city with a wave of their hand.

“Oh… the stupid army has also been dispatched.” Sharu smiled: “It just so happens that you can spend this boring time with me.”

As he said, Sharu jumped up directly with a “swish-“.

“Want to… want to escape!?” Someone actually naively thought that Sharu wanted to escape.

“Da-” Sharu landed on the hill on the side. With Piccolo’s super hearing ability, he certainly heard what the soldier said just now. He curled his lips and said, “Idiot, it’s just that I don’t want you to destroy my carefully arranged meeting place.”

“Can’t let him run! Hurry up and launch an attack.” The commander of the human army ordered.

Boom boom boom…Boom boom boom…

Rocket launcher, missile… all kinds of attacks.

“Such fierce artillery fire… Continue… Continue the fierce attack! Fire coverage! Hehehe…Stop the attack! Stop!! Hahaha… Such a fierce attack, I am afraid that Sharu has been crushed to pieces.” Human commander It seems very excited.

Pulling out a telescope, the commander looked over.

It took several minutes for the diffuse smoke to dissipate.

The human army commander, who had already shown a smile on his face, couldn’t help being stunned when he saw the situation in the center. It was predicted that the scene where Sharu was wiped out did not happen, but Sharu stood with one hand on his hips, standing in the center of the field, with a flat expression.

“How… how could it be…”

The commander of the human army did not even notice that the telescope in his hand fell to the ground.

“Stupid guy… accept the punishment.” Sharu raised his hand, then slapped his hand in the direction of the human army, and the terrifying energy suddenly poured out. All of the army surrounding Sharu, none of them survived death.

The war against Sharu was broadcast live to the whole world.

But now, the people who saw this scene on the TV are silent. People also clearly see the horror of Sharu.

The army is completely useless.

Despair, silence… echoed in everyone’s heart.

“Ha ha ha… a little pastime.” Shalu said lightly, standing in the air.

At this moment, what are the Dragon Ball fighters doing?

They were partying, yes… it was the outdoor barbecue proposed by Klin. Goku and Gohan also walked out of the spiritual time house. At this moment, they all maintain the super Saiyan form, which can be regarded as a kind of self-cultivation.

Mukuro took a look, and found 7.3 billion combat power and 8.5 billion combat power.

Gohan’s combat effectiveness is slightly higher than that of Goku.

But this is not their final value. Isaiah’s physique can still be improved a bit during battle, and it is not a problem to break through tens of billions.

Especially for Gohan, he has reached the critical line to break through the super second.

In this regard, Mukuro, who is a master, is very satisfied.

“Wow haha… what a big fish.” Wukong made a fuss. At this time, he had just lifted a big fish four or five meters long from the lake next to him. Mukuro flipped a Byakugan…Two fish of this size are not enough for you to eat.

With Bouma in his arms, Mukuro drank beer again, without the tension of the coming battle. However, facing an opponent like Sharu, whoever has Mukuro’s strength will not be nervous.

And at this moment…the desperate people regained hope. Because they finally waited for the appearance of the savior! Finally saw the dawn of victory over Sharu.

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