Chapter 888 Sharu Game (Part 1)

The 18th had just reacted, and it was absolutely impossible for the 17th to speak just now, because the 17th, like her, was very hostile to Dr. Rogge. So it is impossible to call Rogge a doctor and only call him by his name.

But it was too late, and Sharu did not give the 18th time to respond.

Absorbed the number 18 directly into the body.

Sharu finally became a complete body in its final form.

There is a pair of flying wings behind him, and the long tail is drawn into the flying wings. The feet are more like human feet, and the face is more like a human face. Strength is a thousand times, ten thousand times improvement! Feeling his own strength, Sharu first showed an incredible look on his face… Then even he was ecstatic, and then laughed like crazy, obviously he hadn’t expected the sudden increase in strength. The shock wave waved by oneself can easily destroy the earth.

“Saru…how could it be possible!? This breath… terrifying!?”

When Wukong felt the breath released by Sharu, his expression suddenly changed, because Wukong knew that he was not the opponent of this breath master at all. But on Wukong’s face, what he saw was not fear, but excitement.

Turning his head to look at Mukuro, Goku asked, “Mukuro…can you solve him?”

663 Although Goku believes in Mukuro, Sharu’s breath at this moment is really too terrifying, so terrifying that Goku has an unattainable despair. So Wukong wanted to know if he was defeated, could someone stand up and save the earth.

“It’s easy.” Mukuro first answered Goku’s question, then smiled and asked, “Are you scared!? Goku.”

“Sure enough, Mukuro is the best.” Goku scratched his head and said, “Fear!? Of course I am afraid. Such an enemy, I am not an opponent at all. What a pity…If you can give me more time, let me be well. He’s training. You can compete with him to your heart’s content. But now I am under his hand, and I may not even be able to make a single move.”

“Goku, haven’t you forgotten the Spiritual Time House!? But it can provide you with plenty of training time. In this way, you can take Gohan to the Spiritual Time House to practice. It just so happens that you can also improve your father-son relationship. .” Mukuro said with a smile.

“Yes!” Wukong’s eyes lit up. Then he looked at Piccolo beside him and asked, “Piccolo, can I borrow the spiritual time house of the temple!?”

“Yes…” Piccolo just started and said two words.

Over there, Wukong had directly pulled up Gohan and flew towards the temple.

“Sure enough, when it comes to practice and fighting, Goku gets excited. Hehe… There are Mukuro and Goku on the earth, so don’t worry at all. Guys… how about going to the barbecue now!?” Klin suddenly Opened the mouth.

“…” The surrounding Dragon Ball fighters looked at him coldly.

Klin scratched his head embarrassedly, and said, “Really…Everyone, I just want to adjust the atmosphere.”

Smiling, Mukuro looked in Sharu’s direction. Can’t help but think: Sharu in full body form! ? It’s still too weak. It seems that we have to wait a little longer…Wait for the final Lightning Sharu! I hope I won’t be disappointed anymore…hehe.

“Completely I…I am too strong. In that case… Monkey King and the Saiyan named Mukuro. Why don’t we play a game.” The skyrocketing strength made Sharu look down on Goku. There is also Mukuro.

Sharu embraced his arms and looked around.

I couldn’t help muttering: “Um… the venue of this game… it’s good to choose here. Is the venue!? It should be bigger than that of the world’s number one martial arts club.” Said Sharu’s hand. Flicking forward, a wide open space appeared.

“Next…” Sharu controlled a huge boulder.

“Swipe! Swipe! Swipe!” Sharu flew with both hands.

A square stone suddenly appeared in the air.

“Swipe! Swipe! Swipe!” Then, a few more clicks. The huge stones were cut into square tiles. Sharu shook his hand. These square drills were laid flat on the ground. Formed a spacious martial arts venue, like the world’s largest martial arts conference venue.

“Well… the stone quality of this place is pretty good. Okay… it’s a bit crude… but don’t care about it… first go to the TV station. If such a good-looking game can’t be seen by people all over the world , Isn’t it a pity!?” Sharu said to himself. Then he sensed the nearest city around and flew straight to the past.

Central Capital, a city second only to Western Capital.

After killing a few people casually, Sharu asked about the location of the TV station.

At this time, it is the time to broadcast global news.

Sharu directly killed the host and stood in front of the TV camera. Said: “Good morning, people all over the world… I am here to take up some of everyone’s time. Actually… I want to announce a good news to you who live comfortably. It will make your life more enjoyable and more Exciting! My name is Sharu… Everyone knows that many people were killed by monsters a few days ago. I was transformed from that monster. I want to thank them for providing me with a lot of life essence. I evolve…you can rest assured that I don’t need the essence of life anymore, and the good news I bring will be nine days from now…that is, noon on May 26. I will hold a show called 【Sand Lu Game]’s martial arts conference. The location is 28KS 5, northwest of the central capital. I have prepared the venue. The difference from [the world’s first martial arts conference] is that your opponent is only me.

So the more players there are, the more advantageous you are! No matter how good I am, there will be times when I feel tired, and I can fight one wheel after another. The loser ends and the substitution comes again. The rules are consistent with those of the world’s No. 1 martial arts conference. Also, I am not going to be merciful! Therefore, being killed is also considered a loss. If all of your players lose, I will kill everyone. Then admire your horrified expressions and completely destroy your planet. ”

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