Chapter 884 Newborn Bick

“Did you look at the world again? A boring hobby.” Piccolo sat on the ground and said disdainfully: “When we fit together, this ability will disappear. Hmph… hurry up and enjoy this last thing. Time.”

“Isn’t the unspeakable uneasiness just because of the cyborg? I don’t know what the thing that appeared on the time machine was.” The god murmured.

“What are you talking about!?” Piccolo was taken aback, somewhat puzzled.

“What I know is…something more terrifying than human beings… has come to earth. I don’t know if this time, Goku, and the Saiyan warrior named Mukuro. Can you defeat this evil monster? Ah.” Tenjin continued.

“What are you whispering?! What the hell? Tell me quickly.” Piccolo said.

“Indeed… I must be with you. The time has come to abandon the identity of the gods and become a fighter again. Soon… the earth will face a huge crisis… This is an unprecedented crisis. I have a desperate premonition… …”

1050 area to the west.

“Huh!?” Gohan seemed to have discovered something.

“What’s the matter?” Boomer asked.

“No… there seems to be something over there.” Gohan walked aside. “Everyone, come and take a look.” Gohan suddenly greeted everyone.

Ever since, everyone also walked over.

“That…what is that!?” A horny shell. It’s like the shell of a silkworm chrysalis. But some limbs are more like a humanoid creature. A big hole was cracked in the back position.

“It’s a shell!? Is there such a big cicada shell?” Buma asked in doubt.

“Maybe… it was something hatched from the egg in the time machine.” Trunks looked at the shell and said his guess.

“Yes, this thing shed its shell when it grows up, and goes away again.” Gohan frowned.

“What the hell is going on!? What came out of this shell. And… how did it come to this era.? Who put him in the time machine, and who did it come with? What? What is the purpose of doing all this!? I am confused…Hmm!? Mukuro, why didn’t you speak from the beginning.” Bouma looked at Mukuro.

Mukuro shrugged and said, “It’s very simple, it’s clear when you don’t see it. This must be a monster who has come to our world and wants to make trouble. Since it is looking for trouble, then we will destroy them. Isn’t it all right? Why… such a simple thing. But you make it so troublesome? Isn’t it tired?”

“That’s it, you can just eliminate it.” Wukong said as it should be.

“Yeah, there are Goku and Mukuro…what are you afraid of. I don’t believe that there are more powerful guys in the world.” Klin scratched his head and said. And hearing Klin said that, the atmosphere became a little lighter.

“Have you seen enough!? You have fun alone. Tell me, what exactly did you see?” Piccolo yelled at the god.

“Okay.” The god looked at Bick and said silently.

“Quickly, what monster has appeared on the earth!?” Piccolo was a little nervous. At this time, he had already regarded himself as a member of the Dragon Ball warrior defending the earth.

“Needless to say…After the body is combined, you will naturally know what I saw.” The god did not answer Pic’s question, but said lightly.

Piccolo and Bobo who served the gods were all taken aback.

“Oh… finally made up my mind. It seems that the monster is very powerful.” Piccolo said.

“Hurry up…otherwise there will only be more sacrifices.” Tenjindao.

“Okay…but I want to keep it as it is, do you understand?” Piccolo looked at the god and repeated his request again, although he wanted to do his part to save the earth. But Piccolo doesn’t want to lose his self-consciousness.

“Okay…you are younger than me, and your strength is above me. This should be the case. I just help you improve your strength and give you a wealth of knowledge. It’s up to you… Then, you put your hands where I am in my heart. “The god said.

“God…” Bobo called out reluctantly.

And the god just glanced at Bobo, and said with relief: “Bobo…the earth now…does not need gods…but needs powerful warriors. Piccolo has changed, and his evil heart has completely disappeared. This time. After being combined, I will not be able to separate again. Thank you for taking care of me for so long… Bobo, I hope the earth can survive this safety.”

Suddenly the god’s expression was condensed, and he shouted: “Ha——!!!”

Turned into a stream of pure energy, melted into Piccolo’s body.

Piccolo felt he was in a trance, as if everything had changed. My current self is tens of thousands of times stronger than my previous self. It can’t be the same at all, if you let the current self match the previous self…absolutely crushed! With just one hand, the current self can directly pinch the self just now.

“God… goodbye, please survive.” Popo said.

“I am neither a god nor Piccolo… but a Nami nemesis who has almost forgotten his name. However, my current consciousness is inclined towards Piccolo. So, let me call me Piccolo in the future. .I am leaving, bye.”

After all, Piccolo flew directly away from the temple.

Integrating the body of the god, Piccolo knew the location of Sharu the first time.

Sharu at this time had already caused widespread panic.

Countless people died in the raging city of Sharu, which became the nourishment for Sharu to become stronger. At this time, Sharu has broken away from the juvenile body and has grown into the first form. A long tail with thorns, like a green insect, irregular face, very disgusting.


Author’s words: Lao Na has come to a new book! ! Lao Na is here for a new book! ! Lao Na is here for a new book! ! The important thing is said three times, brothers… If you are a reader who loves Pirates, you can support Lao Na’s new book, and it will be on the shelves soon. It can be slaughtered… Old Na feels that the new writing is still very sensible. After all, the Pirate Volume of this book is a bit flawed, and Lao Na hopes to grow on the new book, and hope that everyone can support it! Thanks! !

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