Chapter 883 Sharu Trail

“Okay, it seems that the battle between us is going to be stopped first.” Mukuro smiled, then looked at Goku and Gohan on the side, and said: “Goku, Gohan… Hurry up and resolve the battle. There is more important things.”

“Oh, good.” Wukong replied.

The combat power of the 17th is about 1 billion to 1.5 billion. But Wukong’s full strength exploded, and his combat power could soar to about 2 billion. There was no problem in violating the seventeenth, so when he heard Mu Feng’s greeting, Wukong was not too long-winded.

With full direct combat power, he defeated No.17 in an instant.

No.17, who was bombarded by Wukong and sunk into the cliff, had a dumbfounded look, because in his own records, Sun Wukong was not so strong.

And Gohan and No.16…the two seemed to be talking very happily.

Finally, he even waved his hand and said goodbye.

“Bouma, what happened!?” Mukuro took the call from Klin.

“Mukuro, I heard that Trunks from the future world is here. Turn on the megaphone. I have something to ask him.” Boomer said.

Mukuro smiled and turned on the loudspeaker.

It looks like… that fellow Sharu has come to this world.

Before Tenanques could speak, Boomer couldn’t wait to say: “A few days ago, someone in the western village came to our company to inquire about something, saying that they had picked up a strange aircraft on a nearby mountain. But Unable to start, I want us to teach them… We asked about the style of the aircraft in detail. I can’t tell which one it is at all, but it is definitely a product of our company. Because the fuselage is marked with [Capsule Company] That’s why I asked them to send me photos of the aircraft, but the photos they sent over shocked me a lot. That’s the time machine you’ve been in.”

“What!?” Trunks was taken aback, his eyes widened.

“How is it possible!? No.”

With that, Trunks fumbled on himself. He took out a universal capsule, which was relieved. Said: “Not lost, the time machine has been turned into a panacea by me, there is no problem.”

“Really!? It seems that this one is not his. Because it is covered with moss, it looks very old. This is strange. Trunks, the Boomer in your world… There are a few time machines.” Boomer asked.

“How many!? This one should be the only one.” Trunks was also puzzled.

“That’s weird. This is a time machine. When you came last time, I saw your time machine. I can’t make a mistake. Hold on… I’ll post the photos I took. On the phone, see if it’s true.” Bouma said affirmatively.

When Tenanx saw the photo, his whole body was stunned and his eyes widened.

“That’s right. This is the time machine I’m riding in! To…what the hell is going on? Do you know the detailed location of the shooting? I want to know where he appeared.”

“The exact location is still unclear… But I think it should be the 1050 area to the west.” Boomer looked at the environment carefully and said.

“Forget it, don’t we know if we take a look at it?” Mukuro said.

“Yes… But what about the cyborgs!?” Klin asked.

“Don’t worry about them. Don’t let me hear the news of your massacres, or I will definitely re-dismantle you into parts. And… on the 18th, goodbye. After I finish this matter. , Will come to you.” Mukuro smiled.

After all, Mukuro and the Dragon Ball fighters flew away directly.

“Look, that’s the time machine I’m riding in.” Trunks threw out a universal capsule and turned it into a time machine, and said.

And beside it, there is another time machine.

But just by looking at the moss-covered look, you know that it has been left for a long time.

“Sure enough, this time machine is really not yours.” Boomer said.

“But… Mom only made one time machine. And… this one is also the time machine I took.” Trunks said with a serious expression: “Look! This is what I wrote before I set off. [Hope] Two words.” Trunks wiped away a piece of moss. The letters “HOPE” are written on it in English.

“Why… this is weird.” Bouma was puzzled.

“There is a hole broken here, it seems to be melted by high temperature, and there is a hole inside.” The curious Gohan flew up and said, looking at the cabin.

“Let’s take a look first.” Mukuro said.

“Well, okay.” Tenanks jumped directly in.

“En!? What is this…Huh!? There is one more.” Entered the cabin. Trunks found two hemispherical objects.

“What is this? It looks like a coconut shell.” Wukong also looked curious.

“Let me see, hurry up.” Boomer is also very curious.

Boomer took these two things and buckled them together. Said: “Um…it’s like the shell of something, maybe an egg.”

“Egg!? Haven’t eaten this kind of egg before.” Wukong asked puzzledly.

“…” Mukuro was speechless.

“The energy is basically consumed… The time is… Ai Ji’s 788 years. Three years later than me. More distant future!?” Trunks checked the information in the cabin, but it was More and more shocked: “And… the time I came here was four years ago. It was a year earlier than… the time I came, who is it!? And why did you come here… The historical change is so huge… Is it all caused by him.”

Although Mukuro knows better than anyone, but he won’t say it.

He wants to give Sharu enough time to grow up. Only grow into Lightning Sharu.

At that time, you can let yourself enjoy a fight.

At this moment, far away in the Temple of Heaven.

The old heavenly god looked at the ground solemnly, and he felt unprecedented fear.

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