Chapter 870 Horror of hell

Pupil Art: Eighteen Hells! Mukuro’s pupil technique developed based on Tsukuyomi, anyone with a weaker mental will than Mukuro will be forcibly drawn into the space of the eighteenth hell by Mukuro. In the eighteen hells, the subject will experience eighteen different kinds of torture. Tongue Hell, Scissor Hell, Iron Tree Hell, Evil Mirror Hell, Steamer Hell… Eighteen layers of hell, that is, eighteen different kinds of torture. In the first layer, the duration of the torment of the subject is one year.

When it comes to the second level of hell, this time limit will become two years.

In the subsequent hells, the time limit for the suffering of the subject will increase in sequence. By the time the knife saw hell on the last floor, the time limit of the torture suffered by the subject has increased to an unimaginable value.

The time limit will be…131,000,072 years.

Such a long sentence period. Even Mukuro couldn’t stand it. What’s more, those who are drawn in are weaker than Mukuro in terms of spiritual will. Moreover, even if the eighteen layers of hell are all endured, it takes about twenty-six Ten Thousand Years. But as long as you are pulled in, don’t think about being able to break free. After undergoing one round of eighteen layers of hell, the subject will be thrown into the tongue-out hell again to start the second round of reincarnation.

This pupil technique is the ultimate phantom pupil technique developed by Mukuro based on Mangekyō Sharingan’s Tsukuyomi and Tenseigan’s ability to create phantom spaces, plus the foundation of the five-dimensional world that Mukuro has experienced. It is also Mukuro’s most satisfied. Pupil surgery.

During the Nami nemesis, Mukuro once played against Kinho. But no matter what, Keanu’s strength is too scumbag. Even the first layer of tongue-pulling hell hadn’t been carried, and he had a mental breakdown, and his soul collapsed and died. It was completely impossible to test the effect of the eighteenth layer of hell. Although Dapla is stronger than Mukuro in terms of combat effectiveness. But the soul is convenient, Mukuro can definitely explode Dapla.

Dapla only felt his eyes sway, and when he reacted, the scene in front of him was no longer the Demon King’s Peak where he lived.

The dark sky, the darker day.

The environment here is even more eerie and terrifying than Devil’s Peak!

“Where is this place!? Hurry… let me out! Or I will kill you. You… you just let me out. I can spare your life. Don’t worry… I won’t continue to ask you to lead. The method of the Milky Way. And… and the rule of the Demon Realm, I can also divide you half.”

Dapla became more and more frightened, and even became an imploring tone in the end.

“Really? But it’s too late.” Mukuro’s flat voice came into Dapla’s ears.

Suddenly, the scene in Dapla’s eyes changed again, and…sometimes a heavy shackle appeared on his neck. Dapla wanted to break free, let alone a pair of wooden shackles, even the hardest metal in the universe could not restrain him completely. However, he was suddenly horrified to find that his combat effectiveness seemed to have completely disappeared! ? How can it be! ? At this time, the fear in Dapla’s heart also began to magnify infinitely.

Strength is everything to Dapla. And the loss of power is equivalent to losing everything for Dapla! He wanted to beg for mercy, cry bitterly, and pray for Mukuro. However, he found himself who opened his mouth, but couldn’t make any sound.

Moreover, the shackles on the neck became heavier and heavier, even the pressure of Dapla couldn’t straighten his waist, and the bones of the whole body became creaking under the weight…The bones on the shoulders holding the shackles were even more dramatic. It hurts so much, as if it would break at any time.

Dapura looked down, and his shameless faces were all on the shackles.

Twisted, with big mouths like a bloodbath closing and closing, a grinning grin hit his eardrums, as if to swallow himself in his mouth.

For some reason, Dapura’s legs were a little soft with fright. In the Eighteenth Floor of Hell, the pain and fear of the subject of the pupil technique will be magnified at least a hundred times. In addition, Dapla has lost his original power, and naturally he is even more disturbed and afraid.

Dragged by two chains the size of eggs, Dapla came under a bronze door. Four weird characters are engraved on the bronze door. Although Dapla didn’t know him, but for some reason he could clearly understand the meaning of the four words-tongue hell.

After throwing into the tongue hell, Dapla’s limbs were tightly confined by iron torture.

Then a iron clamp clamped Dapla’s tongue.

Before Dapla shook his head… With a sudden tugging, Dapla’s tongue and throat were directly pulled out. It’s bloody, it’s not scary.


But it didn’t take long for Dapla’s tongue to grow again. Without allowing Dapla to breathe, the iron clamp appeared again, and then slowly stretched into Dapla’s mouth, clamped his tongue, and pulled out the tongue together with the throat again.

It takes about five minutes from the time the tongue grows to the time it is pulled out. In other words, in one hour, Dapla will endure twelve tongue-outs. In a day, Dapla will endure 288 tongue-outs. When Dapla endured the hell of tongue-pulling… he had already experienced tongue-pulling one hundred and fifty thousand one hundred and twenty times.

The mental state of the whole person has been completely depressed.

The scene of tongue-out hell disappeared, and Dapla’s numb eyes showed a hint of glamour. However, a voice immediately drove Dapla into the abyss again.

“Tongue Hell sentence has expired. Next…Dapura, you will be thrown into Scissor Hell to continue to receive punishment.” Mukuro’s abusive voice sounded.

“Scissors hell!? No…I don’t want it, don’t do it.”

Dapla cried out in horror. But Mukuro didn’t care about Dapla’s feelings and threw him directly into the hell of scissors without hesitation. Dapla was also tenacious enough, he just endured the seventh layer of the sword mountain hell, and his spiritual will began to gradually collapse. Mukuro calculated it and estimated that Dapla would not endure the hell of the sword mountain.

With a thought, Dapla escaped from the world of eighteen layers of hell.

Originally wanted to kill Dapla directly. But think about it, it might be better not to kill Dapla. Maybe in the future, it will become a very useful chess piece.

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