Chapter 869 White-hot

“What!? My body…what happened!?” Mukuro’s body was gradually petrified, and Mukuro said with a “horrified” face.

Soon, the whole body became a stone statue.

“Haha… Look at how arrogant you are now.” Dapla smiled triumphantly. When I walked to Mukuro’s body, he was about to lift up the stone statue.

At this moment, the stone statue suddenly cracked.

As if a layer of dust was shaken off, Mukuro regained his original body. Looking at Dapura, he smiled and said, “Is this your last resort to cover up the attack for a long time? It really disappoints me.” Mukuro shook his head and smiled contemptuously.

“How… how is it possible!?”

Dapla’s eyes widened and looked at Mukuro. With a face full of horror, he said: “You… how could you get rid of my petrification, it’s impossible.” The life form after being petrified by yourself is completely turned into a rock. Without your own relief, it is absolutely impossible to recover. How could it…how could someone put 16 off so easily! ?

“There is nothing impossible… Your petrification only affects life forms of the same life level. And although my strength or physical strength is worse than you, it may be worse. But my life… For humans, it has completed several transitions. You can understand it as a god! How could ordinary means have any effect on me!?” Looking at Dapla, Mukuro said lightly.

The contempt and contempt in the tone can be heard by anyone.

“God!?” Dapla was taken aback when he heard Mukuro’s words. Then he laughed wildly: “God!? You are such a weak god. Give you another chance, honestly tell me the way to the galaxy, I can spare your life. Otherwise… Next, I won’t be polite. Ah. Although I killed you, there is no way to get to the galaxy.”

“But… if you dare to provoke the Lord of the Demon Realm, you will die.” Dapla said fiercely.

Mukuro smiled and said, “Really!? Why…I think it’s you who will die?” As he spoke, a shock wave hit Dapla.

Dapla’s reaction was very quick, and he dodged sideways.

“Damn it… Since you don’t know good or bad, don’t blame the demon lord for being rude.” Dapla’s eyes showed killing intent. It was already a decision to kill Mukuro with all his strength. Although there may be no way to get to the Milky Way.

But… Now Dapura can’t take care of that much.

He is about to kill the guy in front of him who has provoked him several times now.

The offensive of the two men rose at the same time. Dapla’s purple shock wave, Mukuro’s blue shock wave. The two collided with each other, tearing the sky of the entire demon world in an instant. The huge mountain of Demon King has broken under the remnant of the shock wave.

“Look at… Demon King Peak, Demon King Peak is broken.”

“The breath of King Dapla!?”

“Someone is challenging King Dapla!? Who is it!? Don’t die.”

“The blue shock wave…like the guy who raged in the inner realm a few days ago. It was also the blue shock wave. Could it be the same person?”

“How is it possible!? There will be someone who can fight Dapla in the Inner Enclave!? Dapla can crush the entire Inner Enclave by just moving his fingers. Look at this, this one is now fighting against Dapla. The guy that the king confronts, at least has the strength of the king Momoka. It’s strange, when will such a strong guy emerge from the Demon Realm.”

“That’s right… but you think who will win in the end.”

“I need to ask!? It must be King Dapla.”

The battle between Mukuro and Dapura was a confrontation of tens of billions of combat power, and it affected a large area. Basically most of the core territory, you can see the battle between the two of them. However, all demons believed that Dapla would win the final victory.

After all, Dapura is synonymous with invincibility in the eyes of the Mozu.

And Mukuro, who was fighting with Dapura, also gradually fell into a disadvantage. The difference in combat effectiveness is really great, and Dapla is in a state of full combat effectiveness. Mukuro fell into a disadvantage, naturally, it was a very normal thing.

In the battle with Dapura, Mukuro also gained a great deal!

The combat effectiveness is soaring.

In the state of Super Saiyan, the combat power value has soared from 17.5 billion to 22.5 billion! In the end, in the confrontation with Dapla, it was only slightly under the wind.

The increase in Mukuro’s combat effectiveness was completely seen by Dapla.

From the beginning, without exerting all my strength, I was able to fully gain the upper hand. In the end, he burst out with all his strength, and he couldn’t take advantage of the battle. The battle lasted for less than an hour.

This growth rate is really horrifying.

At this time, Dapla couldn’t help but retreat. If he continues to fight like this, maybe he will die in his hands. Dapura’s heart began to panic 437.

His eyes dodged, and he had no intention of continuing to fight. Escape… escape the gun… can’t continue fighting anymore. Dapla was already preparing to find an opportunity to escape. For Dapla, his life is more important than anything. Dignity and the status of the king of the devil are only secondary.

The Demon World is so big, is there still no place for it to stand? !

Mukuro also noticed Dapla’s retreat, and the increase in combat effectiveness slowed down. Naturally, there is no desire to continue fighting.

“Don’t want to fight anymore!? Then… let’s end it.”

Mukuro’s faint voice reached Dapla’s ears. Dapla’s heart was shocked, and he felt like a catastrophe was imminent. He turned around and wanted to run away. But it was already too late. A pair of strange eyes opened in Mukuro’s eyes.

The pupil of reincarnation, pupil technique, and eighteen layers of hell!


Author’s words: Lao Na has few updates recently, but he is dead. The main reason is that I am resigning, and there are too many tasks to be handed over. The update will resume after a while. Also, how do you feel when Lao Na is planning to issue the Pirate again?

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