Chapter 864 Dapla

The most central location of the core territory is a mountain with a height of one hundred thousand feet, with an area of ​​hundreds of millions of square kilometers, and it looks like an old dragon lying on the back. This mountain is the area with the most abundant magic power in the Demon Realm, and it is also the area with the most abundant resources. However, none of the demons came to compete for this site.

Because this area is exclusive to one of the people in the demon world.

The strongest in the devil.

King of the Devil——Dapura!

This mountain also has a name-Demon King Peak! At this moment, on the top of Demon King Peak, Dapla is sitting on his throne. Leisurely and elegantly drinking wine from the Demon World. In the audience, the beauties of the devil world were wearing beautiful clothes and dancing gracefully. Wine and beauty, Dapla’s life is at ease.

“Great King Dapla, the Demon Hill in the inner realm wants to see you.” A demon race cautiously walked to the throne and reported respectfully to Dapla.

“King Demon Hill!?”

Dapla 16 frowned deeply, as if trying to remember something. For Dapla, apart from the few leaders in the core territory, the weaker ones will simply ignore it. Not to mention just a king of the inner enclave, scum.

For a long time, Dapla did not recall why.

I waved his hand impatiently, and said, “Oh… I see. It’s here to pay the tribute. Let him put things down and get out of here. Don’t get in the way of me. Also… see if the things he paid tribute If it’s enough, if it’s not enough, just kill him directly. Hmph, come over at this time and disturb the king’s interest.”

“That… King. King Demon Hill does not come to pay tribute.”

“What!?” A cold light flashed in Dapura’s eyes: “It’s not a tribute, so what is he doing? Can you make fun of this king?!”

“King Moqiu said that he has very important things to report to the king.” Seeing that Dapla’s expression gradually became gloomy, this demons who was reporting to Dapla had already regretted his death. It would be nice to drive away King Demon Hill directly. He also said that there are major events related to the survival of the Demon Realm to be reported to King Dapla. It’s just the commander of an inner encircled territory, and the strength of an ordinary soldier in the core territory.

It’s about the survival of the Devil! ?

What a joke, how can I be confused and believe it?

“Let him get out of here. Also, the next tribute will let him turn in three times the treasure.” Dapla ordered. And the trembling demons next to him were relieved when he heard such instructions, and he didn’t anger to himself. Just when he was about to retreat, Dapla suddenly stopped him: “Um… first Wait a minute. It’s been a long time since I saw the guy in the Inner Encircle. I don’t know much about the current situation in the Inner Encircle. Let the Demon Hill King tell me about it, and let me have a look at the Inner Encircle. What big event has happened.”

“Yes, King.” The demons on the side said respectfully.

For Dapla’s sudden change of mind, I dare not have the slightest doubt. As the Lord of the Demon Realm, Dapura was originally a moody guy.

“Lord Dapla, you have to call the shots for the younger ones.” When King Demon Hill saw Dapla, he immediately lay on the ground and wept bitterly.

“Don’t cry, if it gets dirty in the Demon King’s Palace, I will kill you!” Hearing Dapura’s words, the Demon King immediately stopped crying. Ninety-nine percent of his crying was pretending to win Dapla’s pity, and if Dapla didn’t eat this set, King Demon Qiu was also held back.

“Say, what happened in the inner territory.” Dapla asked bluntly.

King Demon Hill did not dare to hesitate at all: “King Dapla, a few days ago in the Inner Realm…” King Demon Hill told Dapla how Mukuro killed the strong in the Inner Realm. King Demon Hill was also a member of the interception squad formed by the Inner Encircled Territory. With a combat power of around 700 million, the Inner Enclave can be regarded as a strong man who looks down upon one side.

However, he was really timid. After Mukuro’s thirty times the fist of the realm king, the first thing Moqiu King thought of was to run for his life. For a guy with a fighting power of 700 million to escape, Mukuro didn’t bother to bother, and King Moqiu escaped fortunately.

“You mean… a very powerful guy appeared in the Inner Realm? Then, killed all the leaders of the Inner Realm?” Dapla asked aloud.

“En, yes.” King Demon Hill nodded and replied.

For some reason, he suddenly had an ominous hunch.

It’s just that Dapla, who was expressionless, suddenly showed a cold smile on his face: “You mean let me Dapla to get rid of this guy!?”

“Yes…no, it’s not.”

King Moqiu wanted to say yes. But when he saw Dapla’s sarcasm smile, what he was about to say froze back. He suddenly felt that… it was definitely a wrong thing to come to Dapla for help. It would be too late to regret it.

“No!? Hey… Since it is not, then what are you doing to me!? How many wastes in the inner encircled territory have to do with me. You know 360, don’t you know, how much time did you delay me?” Dapla looked at the demon. King Qiu asked gloomily.

“Ah… King Dapla, I was wrong, I was wrong.”

King Moqiu knelt on the ground, and kept knocking his head, his forehead was broken without any hesitation. “Moqiu is wrong, Moqiu shouldn’t bother you, the lord.”

“Hey… Since I know it’s wrong.”

Daplayin smiled and said: “Then you have to confess for the mistakes you made. So, you can die for me, go to hell and confess.” The voice fell, and a deep purple energy bomb killed directly. The King of Demon Hill.

“It’s really… trash.”

Dapla said with disdain. Then he looked at the demon next to him and said, “Hurry up, clean up this place for me. In addition, if there is any such waste in the future, just kill it. Don’t report to me again, you know?”

“Yes, King.” The Mozu waiting by the side didn’t dare to hesitate.

“En.” Dapla nodded. Suddenly he said: “By the way, let Momoka go to the Inner Realm to kill that guy. Anyway, I am also the king of the Demon Realm. I can’t just sit and watch the trash in the Inner Realm all die. It’s dead. But no one will give me tribute.”

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