Chapter 863 Interception and anti-interception

Bang! The body of Mukuro, who was pierced by the boss of the three Nicoto brothers, turned into white smoke. The boss of the three Nicoto brothers suddenly changed his expression, his scalp was numb, and he subconsciously wanted to dodge. But it was too late. A white arm pierced his chest.

The arm pierced from the heart.

There was also a purple-red heart in the palm of his hand.

Seeing a sudden grasp of the palm of his hand, the purple-red heart turned into a cloud of blood!

This is… my own heart! ? How could it be…when did he…appear behind him? As a member of the Demon Race, he possesses very tenacious vitality, so even if his heart is pinched, he will not die for a while.

It seemed to see through his thoughts. Mukuro said faintly: “Idiot, when I killed your third child just now. I have replaced my own entity with Shadow Clone. In other words, you have been attacking for a long time, just attacking a shadow of me. Alright, the puzzle is over, then it’s time to send you on the road next.”

The blue energy bomb directly exploded the head of Nicoto’s boss.

“Boss!!” The surviving second child of the three Niguto brothers roared in grief and indignation. Then the whole person went crazy.

“Asshole! I want you to die… I want you to die!!”

Without any rules at all, the shock wave and energy bomb blasted towards Mukuro.

Mukuro didn’t dodge, and directly blasted the past with the shock wave. Then he raided in front of the second child of Niguto’s three brothers. Start close combat, because for Saiyans, close combat is the best way to improve combat effectiveness.

The body of the Mozu is already strong, not to mention that Niguto’s second child’s combat power is close to 140 million, and he is in a violent state at this time. When Mukuro first played against him, he was obviously at a disadvantage. But soon, Mukuro gradually recovered the situation. Because in the fight against Nicoto’s second child, Mukuro’s combat effectiveness is also frantically increasing.

Ninety million…93 million…97 million…101 million.

Finally, when Mukuro’s combat effectiveness increased to 104 million, he did not stagnate for long. Although just talking about the combat power value, Nicoto’s second child is still better than Mukuro. But under the suppression of Mukuro’s fighting talent and pervert physique.

In the battle between the two, Mukuro has gradually gained the upper hand.

“Damn it… how is it possible!? Why does this guy seem to be getting stronger all the time!?” Nicoto’s second child in the battle became more surprised as he fought. From the beginning, the guy in front of him could only passively resist his attack, and now… he has no chance to fight back. The two have only fought for less than half an hour. It’s impossible! ? In this half an hour… his strength has been getting stronger all the time! ?

How could it…how could there be such an outrageous existence in the world! ?

“Okay, your role is nothing more than that. So…bye, goodbye.” Mukuro looked at the second child of Nicoto’s three brothers and said faintly. If the combat effectiveness cannot be increased, then there is no reason for Mukuro to continue fighting with him.

“Triple…Jie Wangquan!!” Mukuro was no longer suppressing his strength.

He directly used the Triple Realm King Fist, and his combat power rose to a terrifying level.

“How is it possible!? You…how can you be so strong.” The second child of the Guto brothers widened his eyes and looked at Mukuro in disbelief. This kind of terrifying aura…the fighting power is definitely more than 200 million, he is…so strong!

Then in the next moment, the blue shock wave overwhelmed him.

For half a month, endless battles.

During this half month, Mukuro fought endlessly day and night. The whole inner encircled territory was screamed by him, and the devil’s heart was flustered. Mukuro’s combat effectiveness is also rising frantically, and the combat effectiveness has reached 150 million in five days. And a few days later, the powerhouses in the inner encircled territory also reflected one after another. Realizing that if this mysterious guy is killed in this way, he will be killed sooner or later…

So the strongest leaders in the Inner Territory gathered together to form an interception squad, vowing to kill this guy who set off a killing storm in the Inner Territory within three days. And Mukuro didn’t mean to hide in the slightest.

So three days later, the interception team found Mukuro’s trail.

The interception squad gathered the strong from the inner encircled territory. There are even three guys, the combat power value has already broken one billion! In the core territory can be called the strength of the strong. In the Inner Realm, it is even more of an overlord-level existence!

In the battle against them, Mukuro’s combat effectiveness has increased rapidly! Under the siege, Mukuro’s combat effectiveness exceeded 200 million in just tens of minutes. At this moment, the three overlord-level guys were also extremely shocked. This speed of becoming stronger is simply incredible! ! He didn’t dare to leave any more hands, and launched an attack on Mukuro with all his strength.

And Mukuro is the real world king box that opened 30 times directly!

With a slaughter gesture, the demons of the interception squad were completely slaughtered.

It was originally the inner territory that was panicked by the devil, but it was immediately messed up. The devil with a little brain can see that this mysterious guy specializes in hunting strong people. As a result, in the next few days, the powerhouse with a combat power of over 100 million in the inner encircled territory ran away cleanly. Not 3.3 is to seek refuge in the core territory, but to go to the outer territories as far away as possible.

After the last half month has passed.

Mukuro had no choice but to find that…he actually had no opponents to challenge, and at this moment, the number of combat power had reached 250 million.

That is to say… After turning on the Super Saiyan state, the combat power value can even soar to the point of 12.5 billion!

If Mukuro now meets Kvera again, one punch will blow him up.

“Well… there is no way. Although the combat power has not reached the expected 400 million or so, it may not be as good as Dapla. Now I can only set foot in the core territory first. Brush a few waves of experience, and then find Dapla’s troubles. .” Mukuro thought to himself.

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