Chapter 853 Kevila the Wrath

Feeling Mukuro’s soaring combat power, Kevera’s face couldn’t help but gloomy. He didn’t expect Mukuro’s combat effectiveness to soar to the point where it was even more terrifying than himself! It is even more terrifying than the combat power when you enter the third stage of transformation!

And Frieza fighting with Goku on the side.

His face was even more gloomy, even dripping water.

Frieza hadn’t imagined it at all, except for members of the Frozen clan. There is actually a fighter who has surpassed his own fighting power, and he is also the Saiyan monkey that he has never looked directly at him! Frieza felt an unprecedented humiliation!

Own, but the most talented fighter of the Frozen Clan!

The talent of horror is even comparable to the supreme god. At this time, Frieza’s heart also gave birth to a little regret. I regret why I didn’t insist on practicing for a period of time. That way, how could I be threatened by Kevlar nowadays! ? How could the combat power value be inferior to a lowly Saiyan monkey!

“Ahhhhhhhh… I am going to kill you!” Frieza roared angrily.

The offensive in his hand rushed towards Wukong desperately. If it hadn’t been for the previous battle, Wukong’s combat effectiveness had been improved to a certain extent. I am afraid that at this time, Frieza has become a dead Goku under this round of fierce bombardment.

His eyes turned to the battlefield of Mukuro and Kevila again.

Seeing Mukuro’s combat power soaring to such a value, Kevira couldn’t help but secretly say that it was bad. Without even thinking about it, I prepared for the final stage of transformation. By then, his combat power value will reach the terrifying level of 470 million, enough to crush this Saiyan monkey.

“Oh… are you ready for the final stage of transformation? Didn’t I tell you just now to let you show your full strength?! I regret it now… it’s late.” Looking at Kvera, Mukuro faintly Said.

At the same time, his body shape flashed, and he disappeared directly into Kevela’s sight.

Kevela’s mind suddenly tightened.

Because he didn’t catch any movement of Mukuro at all! How can this be? ! Even things that are close to the speed of light, with their own strength, can’t be said that they can’t be captured at all. Is it a super power of space? ?

Kevela couldn’t help but feel this kind of speculation.

As the Frozen Clan, he is definitely the darling of the darlings of the entire seventh universe. Not only was he born with a fighting power that other races could hardly match. It also has superpowers, such as using superpowers to move objects, and for example, it can create a space to confine the opponent. At this moment, Frieza was using his superpowers to trap Goku, and then venting his anger, kicking Wukong in the air like a football.

And what Mukuro uses is the ability of his reincarnation pupil.

God is coming! ! !

The most perfect magical skill for short-distance movement!

Where! ? Where will this guy appear! ?

Just when Kevlar’s mind was tense. Mukuro appeared, and appeared in front of Kvera silently and without warning. It really shocked Kevela, who was originally guarding the sides and rear of his body. After all, since space art is used, the most suitable way of fighting is sneak attack.

Unexpectedly, Mukuro would appear in front of him in the hall.

A smile appeared at Kevlar.

Mukuro directly blasted Kevilla’s face with a punch, with no reservations, a fist with 270 million points of combat power. It directly smashed Kevela’s nose bone, and then smashed Kevela out. It took tens of kilometers for Kevela to stabilize her figure. Raising his head, Kevera’s face was full of scarlet blood, which was extremely terrifying.

“Damn…Damn…Damn Saiyan monkey.” Kevela’s eyes fired, and his whole body was trembling constantly, and a low roar came from his throat.

As the strongest of the Frozen Clan, he is also the strongest in the entire universe.

[Frieza’s combat power is 120 million. The king of Kurdish, the father of Frieza and Kevera, is even less powerful than Frieza. Natural Kevlar’s ​​470 million combat power is the strongest of the Frozen Clan… and the pervert humans on the earth have not yet been born, and the Demon Buu has long disappeared. To say that Kevlar is the strongest in the entire universe, naturally there is not much controversy]

“Okay, now I allow you to make the final stage of transformation.” Looking at Kvera, Mukuro said with a slight contempt in his tone.

With charity in his tone, it was as if he was telling Kevela: You are a rubbish, if I don’t improve my strength, I have no interest in doing anything to you. And this is not Kevela’s most angry. Kevlar was even more angry… he was unable to refute it. Compared to strength, the self transformed in the third stage is not the opponent of this Saiyan monkey at all.

The difference in the battle between the two is more than 70%. If Mukuro is willing, he can even kill Kvera with all his strength!

Can kill, but not kill… Kevela won’t thank Mukuro for not killing.

“Saya Monkey…you will regret it! You will regret it, I will kill you! Killed you in the cruelest way!” Kevela roared angrily.

There is endless chill in the voice!

Even Frieza, who was fighting Wukong not far away, couldn’t help feeling chills!

Kevela… This is completely angry!

Although the 0.7 talent is not as good as Frieza, Kevira is also the unique genius of the Frozen Clan! What he relied on was the fourth transformation that the Frozen Clan only possessed! “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…” Kevela roared with a ferocious look on his face.

The body shape changed again, and his muscles became more swollen.

The quadrangular horniness also appeared on the head. Feeling the explosive power from his body, Kevera regained his confidence again. Looking at Mukuro coldly, he said, “Do you regret it!? Let me liberate my last strength. Don’t worry, in order to let you feel my current strength, I will kill you in the cruelest way.”

Kevela’s expression seemed to have taken control of the entire battle!

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