Chapter 852 Mukurovs Kevlar

Seeing that Frieza didn’t mean to kill Goku, Mukuro was relieved. He turned his gaze to Kevlar and said, “Kevlar? I’m curious, why are you here? Also, it is clear that the fighting power is much stronger than Frieza, but it is shrunk in the corner of the universe. Let’s Let me guess, it’s not that you are afraid of Frieza’s talent. After all, although Frieza’s strength is very scumbag, but I have to say that the talent is definitely very good. If Frieza practiced hard, his strength reached God. The level is also very simple.”

“Um… Then I can roughly guess your intention to come to the planet Namik this time. You want to use the Dragon Ball of the planet Namik to solve this matter. Let me think about it, would you not be? Want to take Frieza’s body.”

“You!?” Kevera’s pupils shrank suddenly when he heard Mukuro’s words.

“Oh, I guessed it right.” Mukuro smiled.

Originally, Mukuro just made a few nonsense. However, looking at Kevilla’s damn expression on his face, it is estimated that his plan and his own guess are inseparable from each other.

“You said, if I tell Frieza these things, what will happen!? Tsk tsk tsk… his own brother is actually plotting his body. Will Frieza destroy the planet directly? What? After all, compared to eternal life, the first thing is to enjoy life first.” Mukuro said with interest.

“You…damn it!!!” Kevela gritted her teeth with a murderous intent in her eyes.

If Frieza knew about his plot, Evrisa’s character would definitely ruin the Dragon Ball and he would never let himself succeed. And this will make him stand directly on the opposite side of Frieza. If you wait for Frieza’s cultivation to be successful, then you will definitely have a dead end! Absolutely, absolutely cannot allow such things to happen.

Kill him, this kind of thing must never let Frieza know.

“Damn it, die for me.” Kevela roared angrily.

At the same time, both hands gathered a terrifying energy bomb and blasted towards Mukuro. However, Kevira did not think that he could kill Mukuro with a random shock wave. Kevela is doing this just to buy time for himself and time to transform!

Unlike Frieza who has three transformations, Kevela has four transformations! That is, when the four-stage transformation is activated, Kevlar’s combat effectiveness will reach a terrifying value of 470 million. But at this time Kevlar only made three transformations. Because Kvera believes that by starting the three-stage transformation state, Mukuro can be completely abused. Although it was only the third stage of transformation, Kevira was stronger than Frieza, and his combat power exceeded 150 million!

“Oh… don’t you plan to use all your strength!? Then don’t regret it!”

Mukuro smiled and spoke lightly. At the same time full combat power! The momentum of 90 million combat power burst out. It’s more than three points stronger than releasing 70% of his combat power to fight Frieza against Goku. Frieza, who had made the fight against Goku, also split his mind, and stared at Mukuro who was confronting Kvera.

Involuntarily, Frieza couldn’t help but feel jealous.

Open… What a joke! ? Ninety million Saiyan! ? Actually… there will be such a strong Saiyan? ! Is it a Super Saiyan! ? No… it shouldn’t be, because he didn’t see the golden arrogance all over him!

Ninety million combat power… Isn’t it a Super Saiyan yet? !

So how terrifying a Saiyan who transforms into a super Saiyan state will be! Sure enough, it was the right choice to eliminate the Saiyans! At the same time, Frieza also secretly rejoiced in her heart, fortunately that Kevlar was here. Otherwise, facing these two Saiyans, I am afraid that I must release all my strength. And when the Frozen Clan releases all its strength, there is a drawback. That is, after a brief peak of strength, physical strength will begin to gradually decline, and the combat power value will begin to plummet crazy.

In the original plot, Frieza was defeated by Wukong in the super one state for this reason!

It seems… after I use the Dragon Ball to obtain the eternal life… the cultivation of strength will also be on the agenda… four months… only four months… Can have the strongest strength in the universe!

This is Frieza’s inner psychological activity at this moment.

The assumption is very beautiful, but… the reality is always cruel. When Frieza lost his mind, Goku seized this opportunity. Kicked Frieza directly in the face, kicked Frieza out, and smashed several mountains in succession!

Standing up from the gravel, Frieza wiped the purple blood from the corner of his mouth. Looking at Wukong with cold eyes: “Damn Saiyan monkey, I’m going to kill you!” As he said, Frieza put his hands on both sides of his body and slammed into Wukong. Frieza was furious and didn’t notice, but only fought for a while.

Wukong’s combat power value has risen from 50 million to 60 million!

Although it is the state of blessing twenty times the Realm King Fist. But it can also explain that Wukong’s baseline combat power value must have also been greatly improved. Although at this moment Mukuro has no way to see the combat power value of Wukong in the baseline state. However, there is no problem with a rough estimate. Wukong’s combat power in the baseline state absolutely exceeded 5 million at this moment!

“90 million combat power!? Although very good… but want me to use my full strength. You are still far away.” Kevira was surprised at first, and then said coldly. Except for the Frozen Clan in this universe, the combat power reaches 90 million. No… It should be said that it is a powerhouse with a combat power of over one million, and Kevela has never seen it. Saiyan! ? It seems that in the ancestral precepts, the remarks made to be careful of the Saiyans are not groundless.

“Really? Then you can take a look.”

Looking at Kevela, Mukuro’s face showed a mysterious smile: “Ten times the realm king boxing!!”

The violent breath was released from Mukuro’s body. When Mukuro was in the state of Ten Times Realm King Fist, his combat power directly broke through to the value of 270 million points.

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