Chapter 834 Goku vs Vegeta

“Hmph… You can fight against super geniuses like me, but it’s an honor for you, Kakarot. As a Saiyan, you have to be tested for the quality of fighters at birth, like you The guy with the low value was sent to a planet without a strong opponent. So you are just a knockout.” Vegeta looked at Wukong and said.

“Then I am very fortunate to be able to come to Earth. Moreover, with unremitting efforts, the eliminated can surpass the genius.” Wukong said confidently.

“Hahaha, it’s so ridiculous.”

Vegeta was quite dismissive of Goku’s words. Then he said sharply: “Then, let me tell you what a genius is. And you… After I kill Kakarot, I’ll take care of you.”

Finally, Vegeta did not forget to cast her fierce gaze on Mukuro.

“Don’t look at me like that, otherwise I’m not sure if I will goug your eyes out.” Mukuro’s cold voice made Vegeta feel inexplicably cold. But I didn’t think too much. Because in Vegeta’s view, the reason why Mukuro is so tough. It was 16 because of Kakarot. It is estimated that after he killed Kakarot, Mukuro would kneel in front of him and beg for mercy. So, the most important thing is to kill Kakarot first.

Both of them put out their hands, a few seconds later.


Unanimously, the two attacked at the same time. In the next moment, they have collided together. Goku hits Vegeta’s heart with a straight fist with his right hand, but Vegeta easily dodges it. At the same time, Vegeta also punches directly back to go straight to Wukong’s face, but Wukong also takes it down. It was just an instant, and the two played against each other for several rounds.

However, Wukong’s normal combat power was only 15,000, while Vegeta’s normal combat power reached 18,000 points.

Soon, Wukong fell into a disadvantage.

“What’s the matter?! Kakarot. You won’t just be so capable! Where did you go when you played Napa. What’s the trick… let me learn how to teach you.” Bei Geeta’s tone was full of mockery.

Obviously, he thought he had figured out the limits of Wukong’s strength.

Although very strong, it is not as good as myself.

“Da!” Wukong landed on a rock. Looking at Vegeta with excitement, “Vegeta, you are really amazing. I can clearly feel it… You haven’t used your full strength, your strength is already above me. Well, let’s let it go. Check it out.”

“Huh!? What do you mean.” Vegeta frowned: “Whether it is the speed of the body or the reaction of the movement, it has reached the limit. Is it possible that there is still strength to reserve!? Or is it just a simple illusion. !?”

After a few seconds of gathering Qi, Wu Kong’s Qi has risen to its peak.


As Wukong shouted out of the world king fist, Vegeta’s expression suddenly condensed.

Because he found that Kakarot’s breath at this moment is not inferior to himself… No, it should be said that it is stronger than himself!

How can it be? ! Actually will be stronger than himself.

Vegeta’s face was full of consternation. However, Goku would not leave Vegeta’s effort to slow down, and his figure flickered rapidly and appeared in front of Vegeta. Then his right leg was whip and hit Vegeta’s body, and Vegeta was directly knocked into the air by Wukong. Before Vegeta could stabilize his figure, Goku appeared above Vegeta again. He clenched fists with both hands and thumped Vegeta severely. Directly blasted Vegeta to the ground.

Rumble, Vegeta smashed a hole in the ground.

In front of Goku, Vegeta could not fight back!

In the original plot, Wukong opened the Triple Realm King Fist before he could defeat Vegeta. But now Wukong just turned on the state of the single world king boxing, and then completely abused Vegeta. Obviously compared to the original drama, Wukong’s strength has been significantly improved.

And this, thanks to Goku’s frequent and inhumane abuse by Mukuro.

“How… how is it possible!? The fighting power unexpectedly surpassed me.” Vegeta stood up from the ruins of the stone, her eyes filled with disbelief: “This…this is absolutely impossible! I am a super genius, Saiya The prince of the human race! How could I lose to you, a lower-level fighter!? I am the strongest fighter in the universe.”

Vegeta wiped the corner of his mouth, suddenly startled.

“Blood!? That waste… actually beat out my noble blood. I can’t spare you, I can’t spare you.” Vegeta’s eyes split.

“I’d rather give up this planet! Give up Dragon Ball! I also want to destroy you and the earth together! Kakarot!” Vegeta suddenly exploded, and then flew into the air: “Try it, try if you can Can’t avoid it. Even if you avoid, the earth will be destroyed. I want you…together with this planet to become the dust of the universe 500!”

“How can you do this!? Damn it.” Wukong looked a little annoyed.

On the side, Mukuro couldn’t help being a little speechless looking at the anger gathered in Vegeta’s hand. Saiyans are still idiots with no brains. This guy Vegeta actually wants to destroy the earth directly, don’t you think that Saiyans can’t survive in the environment of space. No, it’s that Saiyan talents other than himself are brainless idiots. Only then did Mukuro remember that he was also a very pure Saiyan now.

“Super… afterburner!!” Vegeta’s condensed shock wave blasted towards the earth.

“There is no way, I have to fight hard. Twice…Jie Wang Quan.” Wukong’s whole body suddenly doubled. At the same time, both hands made familiar gestures on the side of the waist. Then, shout out loudly:

“Double Realm King Quan…Turtle Style Qigong!!!”

Vegeta’s super afterburner and Turtle Qigong blasted together.

The entire sky seemed to be dark, and two shock waves were dying between each other. But whether it’s the red super afterburner, or the blue turtle Qigong that doubles as the king of the world. Without the ability to overwhelm the opponent, the two shock waves were deadlocked in the air.

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