Chapter 833 Playing Vegeta

“Tell me the truth about the demise of the planet Vegeta, or I will kill you.” Vegeta said grimly. As the prince of the Saiyan clan, Vegeta shoulders the glory of the Saiyans, and naturally wants to find out the truth about the demise of the planet Vegeta. Because from Mukuro’s tone, he could hear that there seemed to be something hidden in it.

“Oh. Then tell you, won’t you kill me?” Mukuro smiled.

“It depends on the identity of the Saiyan. As long as you tell me the truth about the demise of Vegeta planet and become my subordinate, I can spare your life.” Vegeta said.

“The conditions are really harsh.” Mukuro sighed.

Then suddenly the conversation turned, and his tone was full of abusive voice: “But… I’m sorry. I don’t want to tell you now. Because… I want to see how you can kill me. About this… I really do It’s very curious.”

“Damn it, damn it.” Vegeta’s eyes burned with anger.

He wanted to make a move, but in the end he endured it for a while. Instead, he turned his gaze to the side Napa and said coldly, “Napa. Go… kill Kakarot for me. Then bring me this Saiyan named Mukuro back alive.”

“Yes, Vegeta,” Napa said excitedly. Then he turned his gaze to Mukuro, with a cruel smile on his face, and said, “It’s so pitiful, you dare to provoke Vegeta! No one can save you anymore.”

“Really?” A playful smile appeared on Mukuro’s face.

Then he turned his head to look at Wukong and said, “Wukong…in five seconds to get rid of this bald head with bad breath. Otherwise, within half a year, neither I nor Bouma will compete with you. It has been a while now. It’s a second.”

“Huh!?” Wukong immediately became nervous when he heard that he couldn’t compete. “That.”

Wukong just wanted to say something.

However, Mukuro’s voice rang again: “Two seconds.”

“I’m sorry.” Wukong hurriedly bowed to Napa and said, like a martial arts test. In the plot, the reason why Wukong would brazenly attack Napa. That’s because Napa killed Yamucha, Tianjin Fan, Piccolo and others before Wukong arrived. So Wukong’s shot was full of anger.

And now, Napa didn’t kill any Dragon Ball fighters.

So in Wukong’s view, the battle between himself and Napa was just a simple contest. I have not imagined the consequences if I lose. This is Monkey King, no matter how many times he saves the earth or the universe, he never forgets to enjoy the fun of fighting.

Napa was a little trapped by Wukong, just about to speak. But he was surprised to find that Wukong had disappeared in front of him. Where did you go! ? He didn’t slow down for a while, and I looked around, but there was no trace of Wukong.

“Idiot, behind.”

Vegeta’s angry roar came into Napal’s ears.

Take Pa’s mind suddenly tightened.

I just wanted to look back, but suddenly his eyes widened and his neck craned. The violent veins on his head even seemed to break his scalp, and his whole body was stiff. But it was Wukong who moved directly behind Napa at a speed beyond Napa’s line of sight, and then directly hit the back of Napa’s neck with his knees. Fortunately, Napa was even thick-skinned even among Saiyans. Otherwise, just relying on this knee bump, he can directly break his neck.

“Three seconds.” Seeing Wukong’s offensive slowing down, Mukuro’s voice faintly sounded.

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Goku’s expression immediately became anxious.

Before going to Jade King to practice cultivation, apart from Mukuro and Bouma on the entire earth, there was no evenly matched opponent with Goku. But after nearly ten months of training in Jiewangxing, Wukong’s combat effectiveness under normal conditions has reached more than 10,000. It can be said that none of the Dragon Ball fighters on the earth combined will be his opponents. If he can no longer compete with Mukuro and Bouma, Goku will definitely be suffocated to death by himself.

The momentum of the whole body suddenly increased, reaching 15,000 combat effectiveness.

The next moment, he appeared above Napa’s head.

“Turtle Qigong!!!”

The blue shock wave hit Napa directly from top to bottom.

A huge hole with a depth of 100 meters also appeared on the ground. Napa was in the center, and the battle suit on his body was completely broken… He was huddled together. Although he was seriously injured, Wukong was still merciful in the end, so he didn’t want to take it anymore. Napa’s life…

“Mukuro, it’s not five seconds.” Goku said triumphantly looking at Mukuro.

“Goku, that’s amazing.” Klin just reacted.

“As expected of Dad.” Gohan.

“Wukong, really got better again.” Tianjin Fan.

The Dragon Ball fighters are all around Wukong, how terrifying Napa just now. They have witnessed it with their own eyes and experienced it deeply. In their eyes, the terrifying Napa was actually solved by Wukong so simply. Then, the remaining Saiyan is absolutely nothing to say. For Goku, the Dragon Ball fighters have unconditional trust.

The expression on Vegeta’s face was a little sluggish. He didn’t expect that Napa with 8,000 combat effectiveness would be solved so easily by Kakarot. Even if it was himself, it was impossible to solve Napa with such ease.

Could it be that Kakarot is stronger than himself! ?

How can it be! ? Kakarot is just a low-level fighter, and he is the best high-level fighter with a combat effectiveness of 1,000 points when he was born. He is the prince of the most distinguished Saiyan clan, how can he be inferior to a lower-level warrior! ? The anger in Vegeta’s eyes even burned Goku.

“Vegeta, help me.” Napa was lucky enough to cry out for help.

In an instant, Vegeta’s anger was aroused.

Directly send out a shock wave and extinguish Napa Meng to ashes!

Looking at the angry Vegeta, a scornful smile evoked at the corner of Mukuro’s mouth. Now it’s pretending to be awkward. If you don’t do it yourself, you don’t want to take a handkerchief. You will, can’t I not! ? Mukuro thought about it for a while, and called it a name.

Just call-close the door and let Wukong go.

“Kakarot, I want you to die!”

Beiji’s angry and violent roar resounded throughout the wilderness.

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