Chapter 820 The terrifying Boomer

It’s Monkey King. Ever since I learned that Mukuro lives in Bouma’s house, Goku will come to Mukuro in two days. From the beginning, Mukuro still felt very interesting. But no matter how interesting things are, they will become boring if they do too much.

But this kind of cognition is completely unfounded on Monkey King. Goku is totally happy about challenging Mukuro. Even once Wukong disturbed Mukuro’s lucid dreams, Mukuro directly shot Wukong and seriously injured him, even to the point where he had to take fairy beans. But after eating fairy beans, Wukong was surprised to find that he became stronger. Then… I came to Mukuro to challenge even more crazily, and I didn’t bother Mukuro to death.

In the end, it even became Mukuro’s nightmare.

Even when he heard the three words Monkey King, Mukuro would subconsciously want to escape.

A few seconds later, Monkey King, wearing a martial arts uniform, stood in front of Mukuro. Then he looked at Mukuro with a warlike expression on his face and said, “Mukuro, let’s have a contest.”

“Um…I didn’t say you couldn’t beat me, go back to practice.”

Mukuro wants to send Goku away. However, Wukong said with a simple face: “However, I feel that competing with Mukuro will make me stronger faster.” Saiyan’s physique will become stronger after recovering from injury.

In this regard, Mukuro can only express speechlessness.

“Goku, why did you come to see Mukuro again?” Bouma rushed to the side. Bouma is very angry that Wukong often finds Mukuro to compete. In Bouma’s view, this is a sweet two-person world that greatly affects him and Mukuro’s brother.

“Hehe.” Wukong looked at Bouma, also a little embarrassed.

When seeing the angry Boomer, Mukuro’s heart suddenly moved. Looking at Wukong, he said, “Goku, go to the training ground and wait for me. Later, I will find you an opponent hundreds of times stronger. How about?” Mukuro didn’t believe that Wukong was not moved.

“Really!?” Wukong’s eyes lit up.

“Of course it is true. If not, then I will agree to the request to compete with you every day, how about?” Mukuro said.

“Okay, I’ll wait for you.” After saying that, Wukong flew away using the dance technique.

But Mukuro looked at Bouma. He asked, “Bouma…Do you want to beat Wukong so hard?”

“Of course I do, but I can’t beat Wukong.” Boomer said.

Mukuro smiled mysteriously, and then said: “Don’t worry…I have a way.” After speaking, the fruit of the spiritual tree appeared in his hand when he turned his hand over. Mukuro took five hundred spirit tree fruits, but still had nearly sixty fruits left.

“What is this, Brother Mukuro.” Boomer asked. As soon as he saw the fruit of the spiritual tree, Bouma had an urge to swallow him into his stomach. This is an instinct, just like the instinct that people want to eat when they are hungry and sleep when they are sleepy.

“The fruit of the spiritual tree, you can become stronger than Wukong by eating it.”

With that said, Mukuro handed the fruit to Bouma.


Bouma took the fruit, somewhat unbelievable.

She knew exactly how good Goku was. Killed the Big Demon King Piccolo, defeated Piccolo, the champion of the world’s first martial arts club. What’s more… It’s just Wukong’s record four or five years ago, and now Wukong is definitely more powerful.

Can you become even better than Wukong just by eating a fruit? !

Even with unconditional trust in Mukuro, Bouma still couldn’t believe it. But knowing that Mukuro would definitely not harm her, Buma decisively swallowed the fruit of the spiritual tree into her belly. The fruit of the mental tree was not very tasty, and Bouma’s small face was wrinkled. At the same time, Mukuro is also using the power of Yang Yun to nourish Buma’s body.

One is because the energy contained in the fruit of the spirit tree is extremely violent. If Bouma’s strength is not protected, it will definitely explode and die. The second is to allow Bouma to more effectively absorb the power of the fruit of the spiritual tree.

Soon, Bouma’s violent anger subsided.

“How do you feel, Boomer?” Mukuro asked.

Bouma looked in disbelief, and she squeezed her fist and said, “I feel…I can blow up the entire earth with one punch.” During Mukuro’s exploration, Bouma’s combat power at the moment directly reached twenty. Seventy thousand giants. It’s not enough to say that one punch blows the earth. But an energy bomb can definitely destroy the entire earth.

“Now, you should believe that you can defeat Goku.” Mukuro smiled.

“En.” Boomer nodded.

Then his expression changed and he said excitedly: “I’m going to beat Wukong now.” With that, Bouma wanted to run to the training ground.

“Wait a minute.” Mukuro stopped Boomer.

“What’s the matter, Brother Mukuro.” Buma asked in confusion.

Mukuro smiled and said, “Bouma, although you have a terrible fighting power now. But you have the same fighting skills as nothing. Just like a baby holding a gun, you can’t exert its power. Now you are very powerful. There is a high probability that you will lose to Wukong.”

“Ah…what should I do then?” Bouma was still excited last second. Hearing Mukuro’s words, he froze in an instant, and he was a little disappointed.

“Don’t worry.” Mukuro smiled, and pointed his right index finger to Bouma’s forehead.

At the same time, the pupils of reincarnation were opened, and the pupil power followed Mukuro’s line of sight and poured into Bouma’s eyes. Then it turned into countless combat experience and combat skills, perfused Bouma’s mind. At this moment, Bouma’s combat experience is definitely not inferior to Wukong.

Slightly comprehending it, Bouma knew everything in her chest.

“Great, from now on, whether it is Wukong or the old man of Guixianren. Whoever dares to make me angry, I can beat them severely. Humph… Now go and beat Wukong first. Let him know Bu Miss Mar is amazing.”

With that said, Bouma rushed to the training ground excitedly.

“Bouma, are you going to compete with me?” Wukong looked at Bouma standing on the training ground and asked with a puzzled face, a little confused about the situation.

“Of course, are you afraid of Wukong?” Bouma said defiantly.

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