Chapter 819 trouble

Mukuro suddenly remembered that since Shenlong’s memory was inherited from the dragon god Salama, he naturally understood the language of the gods. To make a wish for the Super Dragon Ball, you need to use the language of God. Mukuro originally wanted to learn the language of God through the world king or the world king god. But first of all, I still don’t know the Realm King God, and I’m not sure whether the Realm King God will teach his own God’s language. Even after teaching it to myself, it is inevitable that I will not have doubts in my heart.

After all, the language of God is just a language, so why bother to be so persistent! ?

Mukuro didn’t want to make the twelve universes in the world known to everyone before completing his wish for Super Dragon Ball. You know, Zamas, the intern king of the tenth universe, would definitely have ideas if he knew the existence of the wishing ball.

To make a fortune in silence is the most correct choice.

“It’s extremely easy.” The blood-red light flashed across Shenlong’s eyes.

In Mukuro’s view, Shenlong is definitely in the late stage of pretending to commit crimes. When he can’t fulfill his wishes, his expression will be embarrassing. But once it can fulfill your desire, it will inevitably pretend to be extremely easy. 16

In the next moment, Mukuro felt his brain swell suddenly.

Countless special symbols appeared in Mukuro’s mind. In just a moment, Mukuro completely mastered the most difficult god language in the Dragon Ball world.

The Dragon Ball flew away after fulfilling Mukuro’s wish.

The sky changed from night to day again.

“Brother Mukuro, the language of the gods you wish to learn, is it the language of the gods? What’s the use of learning this language?” Buma asked curiously. As an excellent scientist, Bouma has a strong curiosity.

“Of course not. The gods I’m talking about… refer to the gods of the entire universe, the true gods.”

Mukuro smiled and explained: “There are only two gods in the entire universe, one is the god of the world king, and the other is the god of destruction. The god of destruction is responsible for creating and protecting the safety of the world. The role of the god of destruction is destruction. Destroy the planets in the universe.”

“Oh, then the god of the realm king is a good god, and the god of destruction is a bad god.” After Mukuro finished speaking, Buma said.

“You can’t think so.” Mukuro shook his head.

Continued: “It’s like human birth, old age, sickness and death. The planet, or the universe, also has their birth, old age, sickness and death. This is the law of the universe. The gods of destruction are only responsible for implementing the laws of the universe. Good and bad, good and evil, are never It is divided according to power, but according to the heart of the person who controls the power. Power does not distinguish between good and evil.”

Just like whether it is the sixth universe or the seventh universe, the disposition of the gods of destruction in the two universes is actually not bad. And the apprentice world king god Zamas in the tenth universe, although the world king god created by his duties, eventually fell into the darkness.

“Oh.” Bouma thought for a while, nodded faintly.

“Don’t think so much, let’s go back to the Western Capital.” Mukuro smiled.

“Brother Mukuro, here… it’s done.” Bouma handed Mukuro a disc-shaped green light-screen display with a diameter of about twenty centimeters. Then he asked: “Brother Mukuro, when are you going to set out to find the Super Dragon Ball?”

What Bouma handed to Mukuro was nothing else.

It is the Dragon Ball radar!

But it is Super Dragon Ball’s Dragon Ball radar.

It has been nearly a year since Mukuro collected the Dragon Ball and made a wish to learn the language of the gods. After Mukuro took Bouma back to the West Capital. At Bouma’s begging, and the gracious invitation from the Brives, Mukuro moved into Bouma’s house. Under Bouma’s strong offensive, it didn’t take long for the relationship between the two to break through the last step.

After that, Mukuro also told Bouma a lot of Missing.

For example, there are twelve universes in the entire world, and the seventh universe the earth is in. The existence of Quan King and the existence of Super Dragon Ball, and so on. But Bouma was taken aback when she first learned of these things.

However, he calmed down quickly.

Then afterwards, Mukuro brought Bouma into the starting ball space in the Celestial Palace. Bouma also saw a wishing ball that was dozens of times larger than the earth. At Mukuro’s request, Bouma quickly created the Dragon Ball radar for wishing balls.

“Um…the search for Super Dragon Ball is not in a hurry,” Mukuro said.

How huge is the universe! Although Frieza claims to be the king of the universe on the surface, Mukuro knows that there are many difficult characters in the universe, and they are far from being so simple. Although Mukuro’s search for the wish ball is unlikely to happen by chance. However, if Mukuro’s character is determined and then moved, if it is not really worthwhile, he will never choose to take risks. Besides, the wishing balls are distributed in the sixth universe and the seventh universe, even though Mukuro collects all the super dragon balls in the seventh universe. But currently, Mukuro has no way to travel to Universe 370.

With that, Mukuro adjusted the Dragon Ball radar in his hand to the maximum detection range.

According to the Dragon Ball radar, except for the super Dragon Ball in the starting ball space. There are also two super dragon balls in the seventh universe. Hmm… So, there are four more. Three of them should be in the sixth universe. There is another one in the center of the sixth and seventh universes. It is the planet where the Destroyer Fighting Conference will be held afterwards.

“Hey…that’s good.”

Bouma was holding Mukuro’s arm happily.

Buma, who is currently in love, doesn’t want to leave Mukuro for half a step. Because Mukuro warned Boomer that he should never go out to find the Super Dragon Ball without permission. And for Bouma’s safety, he also clearly told Bouma that if he was looking for a Super Dragon Ball, he would not bring Bouma. For this reason, it took Bouma three months to create the Super Dragon Ball Radar. Bouma’s careful thinking, Mukuro is naturally very clear. Because in the plot, Boomer only took one night to create the Super Dragon Ball radar.

“Mukuro, I’m here. Let’s continue the contest today.” Across the distance, Mukuro could hear an excited voice, his complexion changed suddenly, and trouble came.

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