Chapter 801 get away

Every muscle and every inch of skin on the body seemed to be born for the purpose of slaughter. Compared to the Saiyans, the Frozen race may be more beloved by this universe. After all, any member of the Frozen clan, even if he doesn’t practice at all. It can also grow into a tyrannical existence with tens of millions of combat power, pervert extremely.

And at this moment, what is Frieza’s combat effectiveness? !

A full 120 million points.

Frieza folded his arms and looked at Mukuro. Asked coldly: “Saiyan Monkey… Have you decided your own way of death!? Obediently, I can still be merciful. Give you a quicker ending… Oh ha ha ha ha.”

Originally, Mukuro’s mind was tense, facing Frieza in the final form.

How could you dare to be sloppy in the slightest.

To know the combat power of 120 million points, it is not too easy to torture yourself to death. But then Mukuro suddenly laughed.

The hand preparing to tear open the large transfer reel also took a while.

“Remember, Frieza. My name is Mitarashi Mukuro… the next time I meet. I will kill you directly.” The voice fell, and Mukuro’s voice had disappeared.

637 God Pro! ! !

But he appeared directly behind Frieza.

And Mukuro’s speed also broke out to the limit, and the knife fell with his hand.

Ryūjin Jakka in the sealed state slashed along Frieza’s death line. Although the Eye of Death is extremely powerful. But there is also a weakness, that is, although the “death” can be seen visually, it will not be effective if you don’t touch it in person. Therefore, if it is a creature that moves agile enough, it is difficult to capture and kill.

The reason why Mukuro died before the Demon Eye is not disadvantageous.

That’s because… The enemy that Mukuro had dealt with before did not achieve such a terrifying combat power and speed at all. For Frieza, high-speed movement can even cause Mukuro to cause visual afterimages. Not to mention the ability to completely dodge Mukuro’s attack. But it was just a slight deviation of one position, and there was no problem at all to avoid the death line attack.

However, Mukuro’s full blow was not without the slightest gain.

Although Frieza avoided the death-line slash. But that long…the tail that was too late to dodge, but it was bad luck.

It was cut directly by Mukuro from the semi-central position.

And Mukuro didn’t even care about whether his slash caused Frieza. He directly tore open the large teleporting scroll and disappeared in front of Frieza’s eyes.

And Frieza, seeing Mukuro cut off his tail… and then disappeared before and after his eyes out of thin air. At first, he was taken aback, and then endless anger rose in his heart. I… I was actually fooled by a lowly Saiyan monkey. Moreover, he cut off his own tail. How could this be accepted by the noble Frieza.

Immediately, Frieza fell into a violent state, and the shock wave kept blasting out.

Frieza was venting his anger.

I don’t know how many planets were destroyed in Frieza’s hands.

Fortunately, this was originally near the planet Vegeta… Except for the planet Vegeta, there are no planets with living bodies.

It was not because of Mukuro that Frieza caused too many murders.

After a while, Frieza’s mood gradually calmed down…Looking at the endless starry sky. The killing intent in his eyes was fully revealed. Roared: “Mitarashi Mukuro. You goddamn Saiyan monkey, no matter where you hide in the universe, I will get you out.”

At this moment, Mukuro naturally couldn’t hear Frieza’s roar.

But even if Mukuro heard it, he wouldn’t care too much. Because Mukuro believes that as long as he learns the power of qi in the Dragon Ball world, his combat power can break 100 million with absolute ease. When you want to clean up Frieza, don’t be too casual.

“Huh… As expected of Frieza, who is ravaging the entire universe, his strength is really terrifying.” Mukuro let out a long sigh of relief. Only then began to look around. Using the large teleportation scroll, Mukuro was once again thrown into a corner of the universe. But it’s not as unscrupulous as the system. The big teleporting reel dropped Mukuro on a green planet.

Observation Haki unfolded, and instantly enveloped the entire planet.

There is a living body, Mukuro can’t help but happy.

As soon as the thought moves, it disappears in place. The next moment… appeared in front of an indigenous life form. The indigenous life forms of this planet look very strange to Mukuro. The whole body is blue, and there are a pair of tentacles like lollipops on the head. Although there are limbs like human beings, there is no hair.

“Hello…Where is this place?” Mukuro asked.

But as soon as he said it, Mukuro regretted… secretly cursing his own mental retardation. For an alien being, how can it understand its own language?

Sure enough, this indigenous lifeform looked blank.

Mukuro did not continue to speak, but used his mental energy to express his kindness.

This aboriginal life form was taken aback first. Immediately, I felt the kindness from Mukuro. I also smiled kindly at Mukuro. Then turned around and walked in one direction. After walking a few steps, he turned his head and waved to Mukuro, motioning for Mukuro to follow.

Mukuro has no worries, and follows directly behind the indigenous life forms.

Because when Mukuro just used Observation Haki to cover the entire planet, he didn’t find any existence that could threaten him.

The indigenous lifeforms took Mukuro and quickly came to their village.

Looking at the aboriginal lifeforms around him, he looked at himself curiously… Mukuro just felt unnatural all over. Then three steps and two steps followed closely behind the aboriginal lifeforms. Not much distance, he came to the center of the village.

The aboriginal lifeform pointed to a tent a few steps away and signaled Mukuro to enter.

Mukuro nodded. Then thanked the aboriginal beings and walked into the tent. The layout inside the tent is very simple.

In the middle position, there is an older indigenous life form sitting.

“Guests from afar, welcome to our planet.” Suddenly a voice echoed in Mukuro’s mind, and Mukuro couldn’t help but suddenly startled.


Guess, guess… which planet this is. There are hints… but it is impossible for ordinary people to guess, because the hints are very secretive. I believe that even if it is guessed, it is not guessed based on the prompt…Ahahahaha.

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