Chapter 800 Final form

“You… damn Saiyan monkey.” Frieza was directly enraged by Mukuro’s words, unable to contain his anger, and said in a low voice. Frieza, who was born extremely honorable, has only heard the flattery of others, and has never been insulted.

The terrifying arrogance agitated from Frieza’s body, and the fighting power continued to rise!

Soon it reached the peak of the first stage, 5.3 million combat power.

Feeling the terrifying fighting power of Frieza, Mukuro couldn’t help feeling a kind of fright. But this did not scare Mukuro.

Instead, it aroused Mukuro’s desire to fight!

Mukuro held his breath, concentrated his mental power, and turned on his strongest state.

World·God·Six Paths mode!

The same terrifying arrogance appeared in Mukuro’s body. Behind him appeared twelve incomparably dark Truth-Seeking Balls, and Mukuro was like a god.

Several kilometers away from Mukuro, Frieza looked ugly.

Because it was shown in Frieza’s combat effectiveness tester… that the Saiyan in front of him had already risen to 300,000 combat effectiveness. Although it is still not worth mentioning compared to himself, even if the combat power of 300,000 is placed in the universe… it is already a strong one that cannot be ignored. Know that you have conquered countless planets. The strongest fighter that was found, that is, the captain of the Kinuite team, Jinyu, had a combat power of only 120,000.

It is far lower than himself, that is, because of the fighting power that is the best in the entire universe.

Only the Frieza clan can rule the entire universe tyrannically!

But now suddenly a guy with a combat power of 300,000 popped out, although he was not a threat to himself. But this guy… is a Saiyan. This… but Frieza, who couldn’t allow it, didn’t pay attention to it. Because in the police training of the Frieza clan, it has been explained, be careful of the golden arrogant Saiyan.

Although this guy is not a Saiyan with golden arrogance.

But the guy in front of him, who has dozens of times more combat power than the king of the Saiyan clan, is very likely to have the qualifications to evolve into a golden arrogant Saiyan. Although he was dismissive of the warnings circulating in the clan, E Frieza’s cautious style… did not allow any existence that could threaten his own possibility in the slightest. It is for this reason that Frieza will slaughter the Saiyans without hesitation.

This Saiyan monkey who dared to insult himself…definitely to die!

At this moment, Frieza didn’t even want to recruit Mukuro to his subordinates. He definitely wanted to brutally kill the Saiyan monkey in front of him.

“Eighty God Air Strike!” Mukuro did not hesitate. The energy in the body poured madly, and the dense energy giant fist obscured the starry sky.

Blasted at Frieza.

But Frieza put his hands and wrists together.

Pushed towards Mukuro, and at the same time shouted loudly: “Shockwave!!!” Terrifying energy poured out from Frieza’s palm. At the moment when he came into contact with the Eighty God Air Strike, he shattered all the energy giant fists.

The power remained undiminished and continued to blast towards Mukuro.

Seeing the oncoming shock wave, Mukuro did not give the slightest retreat.

Moreover, backing is not Mukuro’s style.

The color in his eyes flashed by, and the pupil of reincarnation disappeared. Instead, it was the azure eye of death. Under the gaze of the Eye of Death, the shock wave from Frieza’s bombardment was completely integrated. But above it, there are still dead spots and dead lines crisscrossed! Five fingers spread out, and then they clenched sharply.

Ryūjin Jakka in the sealed state appeared in his hands.

Facing the shock wave that blasted towards him, he cut directly and fell!

The shock wave of terror has disappeared.

Because of the angle, in Frieza’s sight…what he saw was that the shock wave he released was about to swallow the Saiyan monkey. But suddenly disappeared inexplicably.

And what appeared in sight…

It was still the Saiyan monkey, but with a slender knife in his hand.

Especially what made Frieza feel a little uneasy when she looked at the eyes of this Saiyan monkey with glamorous blue light. Frieza actually felt the slightest fear… But then there was endless anger and endless killing intent.

Own… Own, but the emperor of the entire universe! !

How, how can I feel fear! ?

Only others fear and fear themselves. How can I fear others? ! Blame it, blame the lowly Saiyan monkey in front of me.

“I’m going to kill!!!” Frieza roared.

Then involuntarily, the energy flame on his body suddenly rose to a level again. The muscles all over his body began to swell, and his figure suddenly doubled. After a few breaths, his body shape has changed extremely. Mukuro, who is familiar with manga, knows very well…this is Frieza’s second form. Usually Frieza is too powerful to control himself, thus weakening the combat power to a level that he can control. This is Frieza’s first form. On top of the first form, there are three forms.

Standing in front of Mukuro’s eyes at this moment is Frieza’s second form.

Compared with the first form, Frieza’s combat effectiveness in the second form has reached more than one million. Mukuro also felt the pressure on his body suddenly doubled.

However, the angry Frieza didn’t mean to stop at all, and the fighting power continued to rise crazily. The muscles are also expanding further, and it is precisely because of this that his body has begun to develop laterally.

Frieza became extremely ugly, his head resembling an alien.

Frieza’s third form, the combat effectiveness has doubled again.

Mukuro knows very well that Frieza in this form can no longer be dealt with by himself.

“Hehe…damn Saiyan monkey.” Frieza looked at Mukuro and sneered: “Since it’s already at this level. Then… let you see, the great King Frieza, the ultimate ultimate Form, this is your honor.”

Speaking of Frieza’s fighting power continued to surge in terror.

The muscles of the whole body were also constantly contracting…The huge body became smaller again. This is Frieza’s initial appearance, without any horniness on his body. Every muscle is perfectly streamlined, and behind him is a thick tail. The Frieza clan, the frozen universe clan, and finally the perfect human killing weapon form appeared.

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