Chapter 795 Magic Flourishing Age

No repulsion was used, just a thought… Mukuro’s body slowly floated into the air. This is the means to control the origin of the world! Everything in the world is completely under the control of Mukuro!

Speaking is what the law follows, for the omniscient and almighty!

“Mukuro, what is he doing?”

Kildas murmured while looking at Mukuro in midair.

“I don’t know… I have a feeling that the whole world is going to be turned upside down!” Makarov said subconsciously.

At this moment, Mukuro, who was in mid-air, moved.

The majestic, vast breath…released from Mitarashi Mukuro’s body. This is not magic, or some kind of energy breath. It is a kind of power, just as the generals in the ancient battlefields will bring their own kind of stubborn Haki, and the -kun king who is high in the temple will have the majesty of being in a high position, and Mukuro exudes this kind of power at this moment.

But it made Makarov and others feel like looking up at the stars.

In front of Mitarashi Mukuro…how small and insignificant I am. Mitarashi Mukuro is as great as the universe!

World·God·Six Paths mode! ! !

boom! ! !

Mukuro’s strongest state is shown right now.

At this moment, in addition to Ulu, Volod Sinken… this kind of power close to the Demon Road Abyss and other levels can barely keep his brain awake, such as Naz, Gray, Ragothus, this This kind of strength is quite immature wizard. Under the pressure of such a terrifying magical power, the thinking has been stagnated.

It’s so horrible…what kind of power is this! ?

Is it really the limit that a wizard can reach! ? No… able to slaughter the gods, Mukuro has surpassed the boundaries of the wizard.

Even beyond the boundaries of God!

Mukuro suddenly raised his arms on both sides of his body. One of the arms is wrapped with power that is enough to distort any concept. Space, time, any physical constants… are all within its distortion range. This is the origin of the world, as long as Mukuro’s mind moves. All the rules in the world will be adjusted and changed in accordance with Mukuro’s regulations. On Mukuro’s arm, there is gray-black energy. This energy looks ordinary, but it contains infinite vitality, enough to revive the world!

This is a power that does not belong to the world of Monster Tail. It is the power of Sage of Six Paths in the world of Naruto, after the land has withered.

The origin of the world floods the entire sky.

But the power of Yin and Yang escapes into the earth and ocean.

The power of the world’s origin is rapidly constructing new magic particles in the air… In just a few breaths, the magic particles in the world have returned to the state of concentration before the “Fez” did not explode. However, the structure of the magic particles by the world origin has not yet ended, twice, three hundred, ten times, thirty times… it has reached a hundred times the previous one, and Mukuro has taken back the world origin power with some meaning.

It’s not that Mukuro can’t continue to construct magic particles.

But the magical particles of this limit have reached the limit that humans can bear. If the concentration of magical particles continues to rise…then the human beings who breathe this kind of air will begin to gradually magicalize their bodies.

It will become a monster that ordinary people often say.

And the yin and yang escape into the earth and the ocean… it is crazy to change the landscape. A large area of ​​land rises from the sea, and soon there are mountains, forests, lakes… and even groups of beasts. If you look down from space, you can find… the whole world of monster tails. The land area has increased by ten times out of thin air, and the continent of Ishugar has also merged with the western continent, which is the same as the age of the gods.

Seeing such changes between heaven and earth, Mukuro nodded in satisfaction.

Put away the power of the world origin and the Yin Yang escape… and then in the next instant, the people who were already demented appeared in front of them.

Mukuro looked at Makarov and others, smiled and said, “Well, the magic particles have been restored. And they are a hundred times the previous ones. From today… the old era has ended, and the new era has officially opened! ”

“This era is named by me——Magic Flourishing Age!!”

“Hope, Fairy Tail can still occupy a place in this era.”

“Goodbye… everybody.”

After all, Mukuro disappeared in front of everyone.

And those who disappeared with Mukuro were the daughters of the Garden of Quiet Spirits, and Elsa and Miraj in Fairy Tail.

40 years of magic calendar.

The entire world of Fairy Tail has entered a magical world.

In this era, there is no human being who cannot cast magic. Even humans who were born without any magic talents can release several magics necessary for human life by breathing the air of this world for several years.

Because of the prosperity of magic, it naturally led to the birth of careerists.

In the first ten years of the magic calendar, many holy ten-level wizards appeared in the Dark Guild, and even Uranus-level horror powerhouses. Many countries have been overthrown… even the once extremely powerful Kingdom of Fiore is almost overthrown.

At this moment, the Magic Council took action.

Representing the Speaker of the Magic Senate-the Court of Quiet Spirits. Attacked with the momentum of thunder and killed all careerists and rioters in three days. Finally let people see the power of the most mysterious magic guild in the Garden of Quiet Spirits!

Since then, the Magic Council finally showed its fangs.

Integrating all kingdoms and magic guilds, a magic federation was established.

Mukuro served as the first president of the Federal Council for life.

The Magic Federation is responsible for all magical matters in the entire continent, and at the same time has carried out an accurate rank rating on the strength of the wizards.

Junior Sorcerer, Middle Sorcerer, Advanced Sorcerer, S-Rank Sorcerer, Great Sorcerer, Saint Ten Sorcerer, Uranus-Level Sorcerer, Demon Abyss-level Sorcerer… and finally The gods-level wizards are divided into these nine levels.

But even in this magical age, a wizard who has reached the rank of gods. It is said that there is only the vice president of the Jingling Garden.

Ice Rose-Ulu! ! !

However, there are quite a lot of wizards who have reached the level of the Demon Dao Abyss, and all the women in the Garden of Quiet Spirits except Ulu have reached this level. There are also Fairy Tail’s Kildas, Makarov, Ragosas, Naz, Gray… the four Uranus of Ishgarh, as well as several guardians of the Albares Empire who were lucky enough to survive. Twelve shields.

As for Mukuro, it is recognized by the mainland as a wizard who has surpassed the level of the gods.

⑤ Dragon Ball

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