Chapter 794 Everything settles down

See Mukuro slay Axelam with a single blow. Jeff, who was next to him, opened his eyes wide…It would be completely blank in his brain, it is impossible to imagine! The god standing on the top of the world, the god Anxelam who controlled life and death, died without resistance.

Even Anxelam himself didn’t know until he died… Obviously he had eliminated the magic particles in the entire world. Why Mitarashi Mukuro can still display magic? Anxelam would not know that the ability Mukuro used to kill himself is not the power of magic… it is a power that transcends the origin of the world!

The Eye of Death beheaded Anxelam.

The gods…At this moment, they are all dead!

This is the secret of the dusk of the gods that the Star King has been searching for. He didn’t know that it was through the starry sky gate of the astral world that caused the twilight of the gods to occur, and led to the death of the star god Taedera Upros.

I really don’t know what the Star Spirit King will think about if he knows it! ?

“Dead… God of Anxelam is dead!? What should I do…!? How can the curse of Anxelam be lifted!?” The expression on Jeff’s face gradually became savage. . He looked at Mukuro angrily. Roared: “It’s all because of you…Killing God Anxelam. My last hope is shattered!”

“I’m going to kill you… Mitarashi Mukuro!”

With that said, Jeff clenched his fist and rushed towards Mukuro. All the magic particles in the world have disappeared, and Jeff, as the wizard, has naturally lost all of his magic. But Jeff’s physical strength is not even comparable to that of an adult strong man.

In Mukuro’s eyes, the weak is no different from the ants on the ground.

He lifted his foot directly, kicked Jeff’s abdomen, and kicked Jeff into the air. But Jeff, who was lying on the ground, didn’t stand up anymore.

His eyes looked towards the sky blankly, as if dead still in his heart.

“Jerf… you really disappoint me. Such an outstanding talent… will be restrained by inherent thinking. Is it true that in your heart, the gods… are really inviolable existences!” Four hundred years of time…You are researching all kinds of methods that can kill you. Why not go back to the roots to explore the power of the gods!? I believe that with your talent… The method of Anxelam’s curse is not a problem at all. But you are afraid of the gods and dare not move forward.”

“It’s just Axelam’s curse, do you want to lift it!? Very simple.”

Mukuro was talking. At the same time, he uses the power of the world’s origin to invade Jeff’s body. In front of the origin of the world, the curse met the ice and snow of the flame, and it was instantly melted. And Jeff, who had lost his magical power and the support of Anxelam’s curse, quickly began to experience phenomena that should have happened long ago.

Just a few breaths.

Jeff was so old that he couldn’t see it at all.

But in Jeff’s eyes, there was no panic at all…only unprecedented peace and relief. To lift the curse of Anxelam, this is the extravagant hope that Jeff has been looking forward to for four hundred years. Even Anxelam was able to attract Jeff to his subordinates because he used this to lure Jeff.

In the end, Jeff only had time to see Naz.

Without even having any words, he has lost all his vitality. After all, four hundred years of aging is placed on an ordinary body. Enough to make all body organs lose their vitality, and Jeff is no exception at this moment.

With a blow of the sword, all traces of Jeff’s existence were beheaded.

The people next to him were completely dumbfounded. Who is Anxelum! ? They naturally know that the gods who control the life and death of everything in the world…in the past only existed in people’s carols. But I didn’t expect it would actually appear before my eyes.

And he was killed by Mitarashi Mukuro!

Compared to the god Anxelam, Jeff couldn’t bring them too much shock. After all, we all know that on Sirius Island seven years ago… Jeff once lost to Mukuro. If Jeff is defeated and killed, Mitarashi Mukuro can be called the strongest wizard! Then killed the god Anxelam.

What kind of title should I call Mukuro! ?

Godslayer! ?

A wizard beyond the gods! ?

Everyone was silent, and everyone in Fairy Tail was full of shock.

Unlike Fairy Tail, the women of the Garden of Quiet Spirits, although they are shocked! But more is pride and pride…because the people who slaughtered the gods were their men. Such a stalwart man, there is absolutely no second person in the world!

“Mukuro, all the magic particles in the world are eliminated. What should I do!? It is estimated that…the whole world will be in panic!”

Ulu frowned, breaking the strange silence.

Different from the parallel world of Fairy Tail, Adras, the magic power is lacking, and the magic power is lost. People change their way. Although life is hard, it can continue. In Aslant’s world, magic is integrated into everyone’s life anywhere. Losing the magic power… is tantamount to paralyzing the entire world, so Ulu is worried.

Hearing Ulu’s words, both Makarov, Volod Sinken, or Kildas were equally worried.

410 “It’s just magic particles. It’s simple, just rebuild it!?” Mukuro laughed.

Restructure! ?

What does it mean! ?

It is difficult to create magic particles! ?

How could this be…like a vase. It is very easy to break it, and a three-year-old can do it. But I want to restore the broken vase again intact… This is completely impossible! Is it the magic of time! ? Rewind the whole world back to the time when Fez did not explode! ?

But this is not true at all.

Because the magic particles in the world have all been eliminated, no magic can be cast. The arc of time is the same!

Mitarashi Mukuro, what does he want to do! ?

Everyone’s eyes were on Mukuro’s body… Mukuro didn’t panic. Because it is not difficult for him to restore the magical particles of the entire world. It only needs to restructure the origin of the world.

But Mukuro wants to do more than this!

He wants to restore the entire world of the monster tail to the grandeur of the age of the gods… the vast land and the magical particles a hundred times more abundant than it is now.

Mukuro wants to create an unprecedented magical prosperity!

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