Chapter 775 The scary Madara Dove

At the same time, Elisa was also shocked, and she didn’t expect Netvolka to become stronger again! At least three years ago, Netivoka couldn’t make such a terrifying attack.

“Another Elisa!?” Naz widened her eyes next to her, and couldn’t help muttering: “It’s Elisa, as expected, pervert.”

“What are you talking about… Naz!?” Elisa looked at Naz coldly.

“No… nothing said, hahaha.”

Naz’s legs were trembling, after all, Elisa was his shadow. From small to large… Naz has developed a subconscious reaction, and when he hears Elisa’s threat, he will immediately become distressed. Gray next to him is in the same situation.

“Humph! Then hurry up and finish the qualifiers for me.”

The serious Elisa is absolutely terrifying, under the devastation…A group of five people with fairy tail rushed to the end of the air maze in less than twenty minutes. It is much faster than in the original plot.

“Hahaha, now our Fairy Tail must be number one.” Naz said.

The staff in charge of the Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts opened the mouth and said: “Sorry. You are only second, and you are ten minutes behind the first.”

The people of Fairy Tail were stunned.

Gray looked disbelief, and asked, “What’s the kidding!? The game has only started less than twenty minutes, but you told me someone arrived ten minutes ago!? Isn’t it just the game? The beginning is here!? How could it be possible? Damn it…Is there any inside story from your organizer, the first place has been set by default!”

With that, Gray wanted to grab the collar of the staff member.

But at this moment, a voice sounded: “Smelly boy…what!? Are you doubting the master’s strength!?”

Hearing this voice, Gray was taken aback.

I couldn’t help turning around and looking at it, and said in a bit of astonishment: “Ulu!?”

“The first place to reach the end is our Quiet Spirit Garden.” Ulu said, “It took two minutes and 27 seconds. You are a lot slower than us.” Although it took two minutes. Twenty-seven seconds, but before Netivoka blasted the gravity gun, the group of people in the Garden of Quiet Spirits was delayed for more than a minute.

“That…no.” Gray was a little embarrassed.

Even if he doubted anyone, Gray would not doubt his master Ulu.

“Very good. I didn’t expect your Fairy Tail to reach the finish line faster than the six consecutive champions, the Sword-Biting Tiger. I am looking forward to playing against you, Gray. Of course… there is also Elisa. Ah.” Ulu cast his gaze to Elisa.

“Sister Ulu, you won’t be disappointed.” Elisa said confidently.


Ulu smiled: “Then I’ll be waiting.”

After that, he took Netivoka, Urrutia… and returned to the station. Because the official game will not start until the next day, it doesn’t make sense to stay.

In the end, the qualifications for the official competition are: the garden of quiet spirits, fairy tail, sword biting tiger, crow’s tail, snake scales, cyan pegasus, mermaid heel… and four hounds. A team of eight magic guilds.

The Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts.

The official competition and the preliminary qualifiers may be different.

The official competition will last for a total of five days. Except for the survival battle for all players on the last day, each day of the competition is divided into a competition part and a competition part for the remaining four days. Both the competition part and the competition part are based on points.

After five days, the magic guild with the highest points is the champion.

“Who will participate in the first competition?” Ulu asked.

“I’ll do it.” At this moment, Madara Hato, who was standing next to Ulu, suddenly said: “Don’t worry, no matter who the opponent is, I have the confidence to defeat.”


Ulu nodded, not worrying about Madara Hato at all.

In the Garden of Quiet Spirits, Madara Dove, Netivoka, and Uludia are the second-tier powerhouses second only to Ulu, followed by Zhu Bian, Lucy, and Wendy. Especially after being good at swordsmanship, Mukuro taught perception magic similar to Observation Haki. It is so tricky that even Ulu will have a headache.

The first day of the competition is-Secret. Each team sent a member to find and attack the other seven opponents in a street where countless copies appeared with magical structures. A successful attack on a real person will add one point, and an attack on the fake one will lose one point.

This game, from beginning to end.

It only took less than thirty seconds.

The reason is simple, Madara Hato directly solved all opponents.

Some of the audience present did not even react. In fact, it’s very simple. After Madara Hato stepped on the playing field, he turned on the perception magic…Then the true figures of the remaining seven people appeared in Madara Hato’s perception without any chance. The next step is simple, Madara Hato used the back of the sword to make them all useless.

Attacking a real person will add one point, and if the opponent loses combat effectiveness, it will add five points.

In other words, the Tranquility Garden accumulates thirty-five points at this moment!

The remaining teams have zero points. Such a situation is unacceptable to neither the organizer nor the participating Magic Guild.

We must know that when the sword bite tiger won the championship in the past, the final points were only four to fifty points. And now, only half of the first day of the five-day Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts has passed, and the points earned by the Garden of Quiet Spirits are about to catch up with the points of previous champions… There is still something to play! ? The magic world has finally seen the horror of the Garden of Quiet Spirits!

“Good job.” Ulu smiled as he looked at Madara Dove who came back.

Madara Hato smiled plainly, and said, “It’s nothing, they are too weak.” It seemed to say one more trivial thing.

Madara Dove’s voice is not loud, but the playing field at the moment is silent.

So that everyone present heard Madara Hato’s words. They… are too weak! ? And it was so indifferent, and if nothing happened.

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