Chapter 774 Boom through the maze

“Sister Ulu.” Elisa looked at Ulu, and suddenly said seriously: “No matter what difficulties you have, we will make an agreement for this Great Demon Fight performance. If I can defeat you, then it is something about my brother. You have to tell me everything.”

Hearing Elisa’s words, Ulu looked at her determined gaze.

After a long sigh, he said, “Yes. If you defeat me in this time, I will tell you all I know.” Ulu knew very well, with Elsa You can’t beat your own strength. But for seven years… In any case, Elisa and the others also have the right to know the truth.

Regardless of the outcome of the Great Demon Fight, Ulu is ready to tell them the truth.

Elisa’s eyes lit up, although she also knew that her chances of defeating Uru were very low. But this is always a glimmer of hope.

“Then our Fairy Tail will also participate in this Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts!” After saying that, Elisa rushed out of the Garden of Quiet Spirits, but returned to Fairy Tail to summon her companions.


The Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts.

Since X785, the Fiore Kingdom began to hold an annual event.

It means to select the strongest magic guild in the Fiore Kingdom. And long ago… it had another name-Dragon King Festival! It is a feast of “dragon” and “man” and “devil”. Underneath is a huge plan of the Fiore Kingdom.

It was in X785, a person who claimed to be the future world.

Appeared in Fiore’s palace, and then concealed his own conspiracy… Tell King Fiore a future scene. After seven years, the Fiore Kingdom will be destroyed by the re-appearing Wanlong. The only way to save the Fiore Empire is to accumulate magic power and then open the eclipse gate to destroy the Wanlong.

And this person, named Roger Cheney!

Shadow Slayer Dragon Slayer! !

It was one of five teenagers who were sent by Jeff through the Eclipse Gate 400 years ago. However, in the future he experienced, after the death of the transcendant [cat] who accompanied him, Rogge’s heart fell into darkness. Stinger Ucliffe, who killed his companion, the White Dragon Slayer, gained a new power-the White Shadow Dragon Mode! ! ! And invented the dragon-riding magic that can control the dragon, but it is not effective for Akuro Nokia. So Roger returned to the present through the Eclipse Gate.

Attempt to summon ten thousand dragons through the eclipse gate, and then control them.

Then the Kingdom of Fiore got the eclipse gate from the Hartfilia family, and then began to collect the magic power to open the eclipse gate!

The royal capital of the Kingdom of Fiore.

“One hundred and fourteen teams participating in the Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts! Now… the pre-selection event of the Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts officially begins! The preliminary stage is the aerial maze above your head!!! As for the rules… there is nothing. Rules! Unlimited use of magic… However, only the first eight teams that reach the finish line are eligible to participate in the subsequent official competitions.”

A voice rang throughout the city.

Then in the sky, there suddenly appeared a huge spherical maze with a diameter of tens of kilometers.

Da Modou Yanwu Preliminary Tournament…Start! !

There was a magician flying into the huge maze in the sky constantly.

“Then we are ready to go, too.”

Ulu said.

Then I looked at Madara Dove, Netivoka, Urutia… and Melty. The five of them are the participants of the Jingling Garden. And Lucy, Wendy, Xia Lulu, three of them are the support team of five of them, responsible for cheering and cheering.

“Just leave it to me.” Netivoka said suddenly.


Just when everyone is puzzled. I saw Netivoka suddenly said, “Since it is a round ball, the end point must be in the center. The guy Mukuro said…Between two points, the straight line is the closest. If this is the case, then…”

“Ten Commandments Gun·Seventh Gun·Gravity Gun!!!”

The Ten Commandments Gun in Netivoka’s hand was unblocked and turned into a heavy gun body! Ulu was taken aback, and quickly tried to stop it.

But it was too late…

Because, the Ten Commandments Spear in Netivoka’s hand has been thrown out!

Ulu reluctantly covered his head, and some did not dare to see what was about to happen in front of him. I saw Netivoka’s Ten Commandments blasted on the air maze. After arriving in Aranster’s world, Netvolka controlled a series of magic matching the Ten Commandments Spear. Coupled with the magic power that Mukuro has poured into her body at the level of the top ten wizards.

Netivoka’s strength has definitely not only improved a realm!

Coupled with the magic of the seventh gun·Gravity Spear, it is the vice president of the devil’s heart-Blueno’s special gravity magic!

The Ten Commandments shot on the air maze! !

Boom! ! !

There was an explosion like planets hitting the earth.

The entire air maze also feels crumbling… and the wizards of the various magic guilds who stepped into the air maze in 557 just now were all dizzy at this time, and some unlucky wizards even fell directly. Came out.

“This…what happened!?” Gray managed to stabilize his figure with difficulty. Feeling this terrifying shock, my heart couldn’t help but feel a little shocked. And standing beside Gray… is a lineup of Laxus, Elisa, Miraj, Naz… these five people. Definitely the strongest lineup of Fairy Tail!

Elisa is bound to win this great demon battle.

“It should be the organizer again.” Laxus said with a frown. In the past seven years, Laxus has rejoined Fairy Tail.

However, Elisa looked solemn, as did Miraj next to her.

“No… this is not something the organizer has done.” Elisa slowly said, “It’s Netivoka, it’s her attack!”

Elisa knows Netvoka best.

The number of times the two played against each other, I don’t know how many times there have been. They knew the magic of the masters of both sides very well, and only by the vibration, Elisa judged that it was the attack by Netvolka. !

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