Chapter 753 Seventy-six deaths

Even though four hundred years have passed, Jeff still has a deep memory of the scene four hundred years ago! The unremarkable slash, but directly slashed his arm! Even using the lost magic that reshapes the limbs, there is no cure at all. It was as if his arm had never existed at all.

For four hundred years, Jeff has read countless magic books.

I have never found any kind of magic that is consistent with this.

However, Mukuro did not open the eye of death, but murmured: “Shen Luo Wanxiang! Let it all turn to ashes… Ryūjin Jakka!!!”

The blast fired from Ryūjin Jakka’s knife!

Directly kill the demon rushing in front.

“Fire refusal!!”

A terrifying flame erupted from Mukuro’s body. Although the demons around Jeff all possess the magic power that is close to the abyss of the magic way! But because Jeff created it in a hurry, they are nothing more than magical brutes.

Under Ryūjin Jakka’s Shikai’s edge, he was quickly slaughtered.

“Damn it!” There was visibly dreadful expression in Jeff’s eyes.

Mukuro is Shikai who disarmed Ryūjin Jakka. He looked at Jeff and said with a smile: “Then it’s time for me to change.”

“Then… let you feel the real abyss!”

As he said, Mukuro’s gaze condensed… His eyes began to change. Circles of lines appeared in Mukuro’s eyes! Reincarnation Tenseigan…appear! Then when Jeff didn’t react at all…

Tong Li invaded Jeff’s eyes through his sight!


In an instant… the world changes! !

Jeff only felt that his eyes were dark! When I could see things again… but I was at a loss to find that everything in front of me had changed.

It’s no longer Sirius Island! There is no longer a blue sky and white clouds in the sky… but a blood-colored sky! Even that big day was completely blood red! Depressed, gloomy…invaded Jeff’s heart. Jeff only felt a panic in his heart inexplicably. This is a feeling that Jeff has never had in four hundred years!

Subconsciously… just want to break free and escape from this place.

At this time, Jeff found out… he was tied to a wooden cross. Like a suffering god, his body is completely unable to move. What makes Jeff even more uneasy is that his own magic power that has already reached the abyss of the magic way…

He disappeared without a trace, as if he had never possessed magic power.

“Welcome to my world…the world of “Tsukuyomi”!!” I don’t know when, Mukuro appeared in front of Jeff.

Mukuro raised his hand, and a sharp karma appeared in his hand.

“In the world of “Tsukuyomi”. Whether it is space, time…or quality! Everything is under my control! For example…I now set your pain response to be the whole of you. A hundred times.” Mukuro smiled.

At the same time, the kunai in his hand slowly pierced into Jeff’s heart!

In an instant, Jeff felt a pain that made his muscles cramp all over his body.


Jeff let out a scream of pain.

Mukuro’s expression was cold, his eyes did not fluctuate…At the same time, his right hand slowly twisted the kunai that had pierced into Jeff’s heart, and the sharp kunai directly brought out Jeff’s heart. It was crushed.

With a hundred times the pain response, Jeff’s expression became more and more ferocious.

“Aren’t you dead yet!? That’s right… You have an immortal body! What’s more, you are in this world. I just don’t know, if you are torn apart… and then crushed into flesh. Mud, can you come back to life again!? When you have a chance, you can try it. But now let you feel death first.”

With that, five huge guillotines appeared out of thin air.

All of Jeff’s limbs and head were cut off… Jeff only felt that his consciousness was a little fuzzy, and then he plunged into darkness.

Is this death…

Cold, helpless… and reluctant…

This was the idea that Jeff had in his mind for an instant before he lost consciousness.

I don’t know how long it took before Jeff slowly opened his eyes… There was a trace of confusion in his eyes. But when I saw Mukuro with a smile on his face in front of him. But suddenly remembered, isn’t he dead already! ?

“I’m not dead!? What did you…do to me!?”

Jeff’s body was still tightly bound to the wooden cross. The heart was not punctured, and there were no injuries on his body.

It’s as if… everything just now was an illusion. But Jeff can be sure that everything he has just experienced… definitely will not be an illusion.

That kind of death-like feeling.

It is definitely not something that can be simulated by any magic!

“Didn’t I tell you already!? This… belongs to my world. Everything, including your life, is controlled by me. As long as I don’t let you die… then you are absolutely impossible to die. of.”

“Are you ready? Come to meet… the next death.”

Mukuro’s voice fell, and countless iron spears penetrated Jeff’s body! A mouthful of scarlet blood was spit out, and Jeff died again.

Death fell on Jeff’s body one after another.

From horror… to fear…

At the end… Jeff’s gaze was only numb in 5.8.

In Tsukuyomi’s world, Jeff can’t perceive the passage of time, so he doesn’t know how much time has passed.

Jeff only knew… he was killed by Mitarashi Mukuro seventy-six times!

Jeff has already felt all kinds of death methods! Finally know… It turns out that death can be such a terrifying thing!


Author’s words: The world of Monster Tail is about to end, and the curtain of New World is about to begin. Let’s do an investigation. However, there are not many animations written by Lao Nahui… The options may be a little less, but they also vote for it. The most important thing is to participate.

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