Chapter 752 Body of God

The blade-shaped pillar of fire rises from the sky! Cut off the huge canopy of the Sirius Tree in half, and Jeff was also in this terrifying flame. The surrounding sea evaporated white water vapor as a result of a single cremation.

However, Mukuro could clearly see Jeff in the flames.

Enveloped by magic, although he was barely able to resist, Jeff didn’t suffer any substantial damage until the flames gradually extinguished.

“What a terrifying flame!?” Jeff’s pupils shrank suddenly.

Even though Jeff had just held his whole body with the magical power of the Demon Dao Abyss Grade, there was still a feeling that the whole person was about to be burnt to ashes.

Although the temperature of the flame produced by a single cremation is not as terrible as a residual fire that is close to 20 million degrees Celsius! But after all, it is Hadō of the 96th super high grade. The temperature of its core is definitely close to a high temperature of hundreds of thousands of degrees!

Fine steel can be melted into molten steel in an instant!

What’s more, it is a body of flesh and blood, and it is estimated that only Jeff can carry it down in this world!

In the next moment, Jeff disappeared in front of Mukuro’s eyes!

Lost magic, the arc of space!

As a wizard who has lived for four hundred years. With Jeff’s outstanding talent, he almost learned all the lost magic! The arc of space is the magic of manipulating space. Can easily sneak into different dimensions of the same space to approach the enemy!

But for Mukuro, who owns the Samsara Tenseigan, the perception is very simple!

The corner of his mouth curled slightly, and Mukuro suddenly raised his arm and blasted to the right side of his body! The terrifying punch directly exploded the air!

Then a figure suddenly appeared, it was Jeff.

Jeff didn’t seem to expect this, and Mukuro’s punch came too suddenly. The whole person was directly blown out! The chest collapsed with a blast, and it slammed heavily on the rock wall next to it, and the rock wall extended outward with cracks.

“How is it possible!? How can you see me in the gap between space!?” Jeff’s eyes were full of incredible expressions.

He gritted his teeth, his expression condensed.

His hands made a weird gesture in the air.

“Death hunt!!”

Although the death hunt is a god who controls life and death, the curse of Anxelam on Jeff. When cursing restlessness, Jeff couldn’t stop its release. But when the curse was calm and subdued, Jeff was able to actively guide him out. But the consequence of death hunting is the extinction of all vitality! Jeff believes that this is the power of evil, so he has never actively released a death hunt.

But when facing Mukuro, Jeff couldn’t take so much into consideration.

With Jeff as the center…

The dark and strong breath of death instantly covered an area several kilometers in radius! Trees, grass, or animals. Anything that has vitality… It completely loses all vitality in just a few breaths!

And Mukuro is naturally exposed to the black mist of death.

There is not even any breath holding. While breathing, he swallowed a large amount of death black mist into his body.

But what really surprised Jeff was…

The expression on Mukuro’s face did not change at all. The breath of death is like breathing, just like ordinary air. How can this be! ? The breath of death exuded by death hunting, but even a tyrannical creature like a dragon can’t resist.

Because this is the power of God!

Why can the human being in front of me be able to resist it! ?

Jeff wouldn’t know that Mukuro’s body had already surpassed that of a mortal.

Naruto World, after Mukuro took the fruit of the sacred tree. His body has completed a leap in the level of life! If the ordinary flesh and blood body is composed of individual cells. Then Mukuro’s body is enlarged by hundreds of millions of dollars!

It can be found that…Mukuro’s body is not individual cells at all, but crystal particles in perfect shape. Every crystal contains terrifying energy! This is a form of life whose level of life is far beyond that of the mortal body!

Even if it is called the body of a god, it is not an exaggeration!

The moment Mukuro breathed the breath of death, it was transformed into the purest energy, and then radiated into the countless crystalline granular cells in the body!

But Jeff did not live empty for four hundred years. Four hundred years…have already sharpened Jeff’s mental will to a terrifying level! After the initial shock, Jeff calmed down, and his attack on Mukuro did not stop at all.

Black Magic·Heaven’s Punishment! ! !

Jeff is called the ancestor of the Black Sorcerer because he is best at black magic. Raising the black magic to Ultimate makes the world plunge into chaos, possessing the power to destroy the world, not just talking! The Dark Magic·Heaven’s Punishment is recorded in the twelfth paragraph of Chapter 4 of the Book of Jeff. Relying on the resonance of your own magical power and the magical power around you, you can create demons out of magical items!

The devil in the gate of the underworld was created by Jeff in this way.

Jeff’s magic power invaded the surroundings, and it was just a moment…Countless evil-looking demons appeared in front of Mukuro. These devils that Jeff created by drawing power from the source of magic “Atelias”.

Each one possesses the magic power that is close to the abyss of the magic way!

In other words, each of them has the strength comparable to the Twelve Shields of the Saints! It’s just that the consciousness is in a muddle-headed state.

“It really is Jeff… so many demons have been created in a flash!” Mukuro said with some emotion. Suddenly the conversation changed: “But… no matter how much waste it is, it is also waste. I can’t bring any interest to me at all!”

With that, Ryūjin Jakka in the sealed state appeared in Mukuro’s hands.

Seeing Ryūjin Jakka in Mukuro’s hand, the pupils in Jeff’s eyes shrank suddenly!

Obviously Jeff recognized that the sword in Mukuro’s hand… is the one that cut off his arm four hundred years ago…

Two hundred percent became nervous in my heart!

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