Chapter 742 Invincible

Touching Xia Lulu’s fluffy head, Mukuro smiled and said, “Of course it is not fake. This is a very powerful ability for you! Foreseeing what will happen in the future. But because your current strength is still too strong. It’s too weak, so you can only see fragments of things in the future. And you, a little guy who likes to think and think, just give yourself something completely unnecessary!”

“Look at the humble cat next to Naz, how free he lives every day. So don’t think about it so much in the future. Stay in the quiet garden with Wendy. Hmm…Although ha It’s a bit cheaper than that cat, but Xia Lulu, you can consider it.” Mukuro smiled.

“Mr. President!”

Xia Lulu blushed with a sullen face.

Suddenly frowned, he asked in confusion, “But…if there is no mission, then why do we appear in the world of Atlans?!”

Mukuro smiled and said, “That’s because… Xia Lulu’s mother has the same advancement ability as Xia Lulu. She foresaw that the Extania Floating Sky Island, where the Transcender lived, would fall. Misunderstood that humans did it. And your mother knows very well… Transcendents are actually very weak.

If you go to war with humans, the transcendents have no chance of winning!

In order to prevent the transcendents from being completely wiped out by the humans of Adras, a hundred transcendents who have not yet been born were sent to Atlans, and the task of capturing the dragon slayer was fabricated. Even the parents of many transcendents don’t know the inside story. ”

“Mother!? My mother…who is it!?” Xia Lulu asked hurriedly.

After hatching from the egg, Xia Lulu has never seen her mother. And the first person she saw was Wendy, so she was very kind to Wendy.

“Queen of Extania-Xiaget! In other words, Xia Lulu is a veritable little princess.” Mukuro quipped.

Xia Lulu blushed as Mukuro said.

“Mother… Xia Lulu has a mother.” Xia Lulu murmured.

Suddenly Xia Lulu’s expression changed, and she thought of something. Seeing Mukuro anxiously said: “My guild leader, just when I was in the underground prison. The wizard said, what plan King Faust is implementing. And the entire Extania will be finished. We… Let’s save Extania and mother.”

With that, Xia Lulu looked at Mitarashi Mukuro pleadingly.

Mukuro smiled and rubbed Xia Lulu’s head, and said, “Of course there is no problem. And… It looks like the Kingdom Army of the Kingdom of Adras… Let’s do it!”

Mukuro looked up into the sky, Xia Lulu was puzzled… also looked into the sky.

Dense silhouettes of people.

Wearing magic props that can fly into the sky.


Xia Lulu was crying in panic. She didn’t dare to imagine… what kind of damage would be caused if so many powerful magic warfare troops rushed onto Extania. I’m afraid… the mother who hasn’t seen each other may die!

“Don’t worry, let’s go to Extania now.”

With that said, Mukuro lifted Mistgang and Elisa Netivoka with a repulsive force, and then hugged Xaluru and galloped towards Extania.

Exeter, who lives in Extania, is the transcendencer. In fact, it is just a very weak race. And Shaggett’s true identity is nothing more than ordinary Excit. However, in order to protect the Exeters from being bullied by humans, they used their ability to predict the life and death of humans, and worked with the elders to create the illusion of “gods” with layers of lies. Only for a while deceived the humans in the world of Adras.

When encountering the attack of the Kingdom of Adras, there was no resistance at all.

Watching his own country invaded, a large number of transcendents were massacred. As the queen, Xiaget closed his eyes in despair.

At this time, she thought of her daughter who was sent to Atlans by herself.

“Mother…Chairman, mother is there.” Even though they were far apart, the connection between bloodlines made Xia Lulu recognize her mother at a glance.

Shaggett couldn’t help but opened his eyes…

What I saw was a transcendent who looked exactly the same as when I was young.

“Xia Lulu!?”

Shaggett couldn’t help but speak.

At this moment, suddenly a soldier of the magic warfare of the Kingdom of Adras appeared behind Shagut. And the spear in her hand was about to pierce Xiaget’s body… Seeing such a scene, Xia Lu showed her eyes and was about to split.

But at this moment, a sharp mallet pierced out!

It directly pierced the head of the soldier of the Demon Warfare of the Adras Kingdom Army, and the spear that pierced Shagatet in his hand was also tightly trapped by a cane. He didn’t know how he died and why he died.

Sage Art Wood Style·Tree World Bound and Kill Technique! ! !

This is the Wood Style ninjutsu developed by Mukuro based on Wood Style·The Birth of the Tree World.

It has never been used since Naruto World. Because the release condition of this technique is that there must be land, and it is a mass killing technique! The damage to a single attack is not very strong, so Mukuro has not been used in the Pirate or Shinigami world.

But this time, it is a very good time.

The towering giant trees instantly covered the entire Extania, the vines and branches stretched like crazy, and the front end turned into extremely sharp mallets, each mallet looked like a long mallet. He was able to penetrate the back of the soldiers of the Kingdom of Adras with an eye, just a few breaths, and the Sergeant Adras who attacked Extania suffered heavy casualties, except for a few. The captain of the magic war is still struggling to support.

“Elisa Netivoka!? Hurry…come over and help me.” Pansha Lili, who was struggling with support, cried out loudly when he saw Eliza Netivoka’s eyes lit up.

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