Chapter 741 Killing God

“You…what do you want to do!?” Seuss’ eyes showed horror. Just now Mukuro just squeezed Seuss’s arm casually, but the force that penetrated in… actually took the entire right arm of Seuss. All his bones were crushed!

The right arm was drooping, like a stick of meat.

Looking at Hughes, Mukuro smiled… showing his white teeth. But Mukuro’s smile was like the devil’s smile in Husseus’ eyes. Looking at Seuss, Mukuro slowly said, “Just now, which foot did you kick Xia Lulu with!? Hmm…Don’t tell me!? It’s easy to do… So I chopped off both of your legs. Enough.”

With that, Ryūjin Jakka in the sealed state appeared in Mukuro’s hands.

“Mummy Bandage!”

Hughes gritted his teeth and directly used all his magic power to release magic to Mukuro. Then he turned and ran behind him without even seeing it. The oppression that Mukuro gave to Seuss was too great… and he didn’t even have the courage to look directly at Mukuro, let alone resist.

But the magic released by Hugh did not even touch Mukuro’s body. He was torn to pieces by the surging magic power of Mukuro’s body!

“Want to run?” Looking at Hughes, Mukuro had a playful expression on his face.

Lifting the Ryūjin Jakka in his hand, he swiped towards Husseus… Suddenly, a terrifying explosion poured out from Ryūjin Jakka’s 377 knife… to Husseus.

At the next moment.

Boom… Hugh’s body fell heavily to the ground. Because of Hugh’s legs, they were burned by the explosion of Ryūjin Jakka in just an instant! Now only the upper body is left, and one of the arms is just an ornament. Using the remaining arms to prop up his body, Hughes moved his body little by little.

Looking at Mukuro, only panic and horror were left in Hughes’ eyes!

“Don’t come… Devil! Don’t come… I’m the captain of the third demon army of the Kingdom of Adras! If you kill me, you will provoke the entire Kingdom of Adras! His Majesty will definitely kill you. Hang you and then cut it in the middle…you will definitely die miserably!” Hughes roared hoarsely.

It seems that a loud enough voice can dispel the fear in his heart.

“Really!?” Mukuro walked slowly to Husse’s side. He took Ryūjin Jakka and patted Husseus on the face and said, “You are really an idiot! Can’t you still see the situation in front of you? It’s like this now, you still want to threaten me!? What if Please beg for mercy, maybe I can spare your life… but now, even God can’t save you.” Mukuro’s words fell, and Ryūjin Jakka’s blade became as black as charcoal.

Canfire Taito·Dong·Sunblade! ! !

All 15 million degrees of flame heat is concentrated on the blade! It doesn’t burn, and it doesn’t release explosive flames. It just wipes out the things it touches…A wisp of blue smoke drifts straight into the air from the blade of Canhuo Taitou.

The entire world of Adras was shrouded in a kind of heat! But Hughes, who is the closest to Canhuo Taitou, felt this temperature most truly. He could clearly feel that the water in his body was rapidly evaporating… His throat was extremely dry, there was no saliva in his mouth, and his lips were dry and cracked. The blood oozes out, but it condenses into blood scabs in the first place. . Hughes wanted to continue to retreat, but found that he had retreated to the corner of the wall.

Kanhuo Taito slashed from Seuss’ head…

Without any stoppage, Seuss was erased without a trace…

At this moment, in the palace of the capital of Adras.

“Hmm…!? Why does the surrounding air become so hot!?” Faust frowned, looking at the minister Bayiro beside him and asked.

“I don’t know, it seems that the whole king has suddenly become hot and dry.” Bairo said.

Faust waved his hand, not paying too much attention to these things. Inquired: “How is the preparation of the plan!? Is there anything happening in Extania!?” Nothing can be greater than what I will do next!

I want to create a world with unlimited magic power for the entire Kingdom of Adras! And also attack Extania! Destroy all transcendors! –Killing God! ! ! Let the entire world of Adras under my rule!

I want to build the strongest kingdom that Adras has never had!

Rather than saying that Uster is a king, he is more like a hero! If we proceed according to Fawster’s plan, maybe Adras will really recover his magic power, but this process will sacrifice a lot of people.

The writer of history will only belong to the victor, and victory is extremely justice!

In the original plot, Fawster happily met the protagonists of Naz and his party, and then it was a tragedy. Although Naz did not come to this world by accident, but even more unfortunately, Faust will encounter Mukuro this time!

As for the consequences…you don’t have to think about it, but you can know it.

“The wizards captured from Atlans have all been sealed in the magic crystal. They are now being protected by the captain of the first magic warfare, Pansha Lili. As for Extania, nothing can Our demon warfare troops can launch an offensive at any time! Then smash the entire Extania!” Bairo replied.

At this point, Bairo paused. Then he continued: “However, in the last two days there has been no way to contact Captain Elsa Netvolka of the Second Demon Warfare Unit. Your Majesty, do you send someone out to search!?”

“Don’t worry about Elisa Netivoka, although she is only the captain of the Second Magic War. But she is even more powerful than Pansha Lili!” Faust said.

“It’s time… ready to attack Extania!” Faust exclaimed.

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Bairo said.

“My lord. You said… Are all the pictures in my mind fake?! I was not sent by the world of Adras to the world of Atlans to capture the Dragon Slayer!?” Xia Lulu His eyes widened, he looked at Mukuro in disbelief and asked.

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