Chapter 711 The name of Mitarashi Mukuro

Youbing! The dark soldiers created by Joseph Zala using dark magic power can last as long as the magic power is sufficient. And when you touch the target, you can draw away the vitality of the target, which is very scary… If you face an ordinary wizard, no matter how many people are! As long as you release the Youbing, it can be completely resolved.

But now Joseph Zala is facing Mitarashi Mukuro!

A torrent of terrifying magic power vented from Mitarashi Mukuro’s body… like a huge wave, it rushed towards Joseph Zala’s secluded soldier! In just an instant, Joseph Zala’s secluded soldiers were all annihilated in Mukuro’s magic torrent!

At this moment, a giant man appeared behind Mukuro.

“It’s so sad!!

The figure of the giant man is very large, with a height of three or four meters! His eyes were tied with a white cloth strap, and he was crying all the time. It seems to be suffering extremely sad things! The two palms slammed toward Mukuro like a fan!

Aliya! !

The emptiness of the “Four Elements” of the Spectre Dominator! !

It is also the first of the “Four Elements”, the Sorcerer 16 in ghosts second only to Joseph Zala!

You can completely eliminate the opponent’s magic in an instant! With a blindfold on his eyes, it was to suppress his overpowering magic. Although she was very easy to cry for trivial things, she shouted: so sad…so sad…and so on. But in fact, he is a terrifying character who can take the lives of others ruthlessly!

Makarov was seriously injured in the bed at this time, but it was all his credit.

Airspace-“Exit”! !

Magic that can completely extract the opponent’s magic power. Even Holy Ten can! However, it must be activated when the enemy is unprepared.

Aliya’s magic hit Mitarashi Mukuro’s body!

Feeling his magic hit Mitarashi Mukuro, Alia’s face showed a hint of joy, but the crying voice became louder. He also shouted: “Too sad! Too sad! How could I be so sad!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh to to be seen that there will be a great mage who is about to disappear

“Great Sorcerer… are you describing yourself?” Mukuro said lightly.

“Huh!?” Aliya was taken aback.

What’s happening here! ? Why was he hit by his own empty magic… but he didn’t react at all! ? Hit by his own airspace-“Exit”! Obviously, he would drain all the magic power in his body! How could it be such an unaffected appearance now! ? Aliya asked in horror:

“You… are you immune to my empty magic!?”

“Immunity to your magic!?”

Mukuro smiled faintly, and said, “Although I can be completely immune to your magic. But I’m sorry… it was too troublesome to do that.”

“Impossible! This is impossible!” Aliya shook her head and shouted loudly.

“Nothing is impossible.” Mukuro smiled and said, “A straw can drain water from a cup. But… if you want to use it to drain water from the sea. Then I can only describe you as really. An idiot.”

The look on Alia’s face is still unbelievable!

The “destroy” of his airspace is a magic that can extract all the opponent’s magic power in an instant! Even if the person in front of you is very likely to be Saint Ten! But it is also Saint Ten level, and Makolov, who is the best among them, can’t resist it!

Could it be possible that the man in front of me will be a hundred times more magical than Makarov’s! ?

How can it be! ?

How could there be people with such terrifying magic power in the entire Yixugar continent! No… It should be said that such a monster cannot exist in this world!

Aliya was convinced that Mukuro must have used some kind of magic!

Aliya took off the cloth belt she was blindfolding, and no longer confined her own magic power! As the head of the “Four Elements” of the Spectre Dominator! The strength is absolutely infinitely close to the Saint Ten level, and the magic of the whole body is surging out!

Dead airspace-“zero”! ! !

Aliya’s strongest magic! Use your own magic power to create a dead airspace, in the dead airspace, Aliya’s magic can take all lives!

“Buried under my magic!” Aliya shouted.

Then both hands pushed the death airspace condensed with magic power to Mitarashi Mukuro’s position! The dead airspace invaded past places. The surrounding trees, flowers and plants… are all withered and died. All his life was taken away just in an instant!

Looking at the dead airspace that struck, Mitarashi Mukuro’s expression remained unchanged!

Raising his hand, Canhuo Taito appeared in Mukuro’s hand!

At the moment Canhuo Taito appeared, everyone present felt extremely dry in their throats, and the whole person felt as if they were being burnt in the flames! Especially Gray, who was fighting with the wizard of the Spectre Dominator, couldn’t even condense the ice cubes again! Because the moisture in the air has been evaporated by the residual fire Taisao!

At this moment, the entire continent of Yixugar was under the scorching fire of the burning sword!

Can Huo Taidao 617·North·Heaven and Earth Ashes! !

The terrifying flames vented from the burning fire sword in Mukuro’s hand! Suddenly, the world became extremely red! The terrifying Haoyan swallowed Aliya, and there was no scum left behind. And this terrifying flame still didn’t have any meaning to go out, and the next one destroyed the entire huge six-legged walker!

The earth was burnt to black, and I don’t know how far it is!

All the people present stopped the movement in their hands and stared at the incredible scene in front of them dumbfounded!

There is such a terrifying magic in the world! ?

How can this be! ?

But the scene before them shouldn’t allow them to believe it. When I look at Mitarashi Mukuro again, there is only shock and fear in my eyes! Such a powerful wizard… I am afraid it has already surpassed the boundaries of the wizard. It’s not an exaggeration to be called a god…

“You…what on earth are you… who are you!?”

Joseph Zala swallowed hard. Shaking hand, pointed at Mukuro. The voice not only trembled, but also asked in horror.

“Me… Mitarashi Mukuro.” Looking at Joseph Zala, Mukuro spoke lightly.

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