Chapter 710 Appearance

“The Garden of Quiet Spirits…your Magic Guild!? Are you Mitarashi Mukuro!? The first member of the Magic Council!?” Zhu Bian covered his mouth and exclaimed.

She didn’t expect that she would be able to see such a big person when she came out and just wandered around.

And… I also invited myself to join the Garden of Quiet Spirits. Your lord is so handsome… Zhu Bi’an really wants to join! But… Zhu Bi’an is already a member of Spectre’s Dominator, and can no longer join another magic guild, what should I do!

It seemed that Zhu Bi’an’s entanglement was noticed. Mukuro opened his mouth and said, “In this case, it is up to me to defeat the dominator of the ghost. Then return the freedom to you. In this way, you can choose the magic guild you like again.”

With that, Mitarashi Mukuro disappeared in front of Zhu Bi’an.

But Zhu Bi’an stayed in place and struggled… what should I do! ? Stay here or help the ghost master. But if you help the ghost ruler yourself, will Mitarashi Mukuro-sama hate yourself?

“That… what is that…”

“Walking Guild…”

“A ghost…”

The wizards of Fairy Tail have also noticed the huge monsters coming by!

“Unexpectedly… I didn’t expect them to attack in this way! What should I do… Suddenly, there is no time to find my brother now. There is no way, I can only carry it up by myself!”

“Dress Up·Armor of Sky Wheel!!!”

Elisa thought about it for a while, and put on the armor of the sky wheel!

And Joseph Zala, standing on the six-legged walking building, looked at the tattered fairy tail station in his eyes. My heart can be said to be very enjoyable! The resentment of the ghost ruler for more than a hundred years… is to destroy the fairy tail. It’s about to be realized in one’s own hands! This is why Joseph Zala attacked Fairy Tail!

“Magic Cluster Cannon, Jupiter…prepare!”

Above the huge six-legged walker, a cannon tube suddenly stretched out.


The Jupiter Sorcerer Cluster Gun is a horror Sorcerer Cluster weapon that has been developed by the successive presidents of the Spectre Dominator! The purpose of the research is to destroy the fairy tail. That is to say, in the hands of Joseph Zala, the magic cluster gun was finally successfully studied… and Joseph Zala no longer covered it, and declared war on Fairy Tail for no reason!

“Oops!! Everyone get down!!” Elisa yelled in panic.

Then, he rushed forward alone.

“Dress Up·King Kong Armor!!”

A rare piece of armor appeared on Elsa’s body, the whole body in a state of being wrapped. The heavy steel makes Elisa extremely powerful! King Kong armor is the armor with the strongest defense in the world! Even a terrifying giant can’t break it!

“King Kong armor!?”

“Are you planning to block the attack of the Magic Guide Cluster Cannon!?”

“Stop! Elisa! It’s going to die!!”

Elisa completely ignored everyone’s obstruction. The look resolutely rushed to the magical cluster gun that bombarded the Fairy Tail station!

Elisa could not help but close her eyes slightly with the dazzling light.

However, a few seconds passed… Elisa still didn’t feel any discomfort in her body.

I couldn’t help but opened my eyes…

In front of him… stood a figure that he knew very well.

“elder brother!”

Elisa said. The expression on his face also relaxed, and with his own brother, even the most powerful opponent would be easily resolved. This is Elsa’s unconditional belief in Mitarashi Mukuro for no reason!

Mukuro just raised it with one hand and blocked the terrifying Jupiter cannon!

Looking at Elisa next to him, Mukuro’s tone was slightly blamed: “Really, how can you use your body to resist the Magic Cluster Cannon.”

“Because I know you will show up, brother.” Elisa said with a smile.

“You really can’t help it.”

Mukuro shook his head, and said helplessly, “Okay…then let me solve the problem with the ruler of the ghost! I promised Zhu Bian to destroy the ruler of the ghost. , When it comes to nature…”

“Zhu Bi’an!?” Elisa was taken aback.

The water element in the “four elements” of the most terrifying wizard among the ghost masters! The strength of the S-rank wizard is definitely no less than that of Fairy Tail! How could he have something to do with his brother again! ? But when she thought that Zhu Bian was also a beauty, Elisa understood. At the same time, there is a slight sense of urgency… I have to hurry!

“Open…what’s the joke!?”

Joseph Zala stared at the scene before him. What a joke! ? Someone was able to catch Jupiter’s attack with bare hands! Although it is not 100% power, the magic cluster gun Jupiter is based on the principle of magic wizard power. It can be said that it is a weakened version of the magic wizard power!

“President…what should I do now!?” The wizard who was in charge of firing the Jupiter cannon next to him, at this time also seemed to be a little innocent, and asked in a panic.

“Prepare…full power launch!!” Joseph Zala gritted his teeth and said: “I don’t believe that he still dares to resist the full-power Jupiter gun!

3.6 The fairy tail must be destroyed! Before that, I will stop him! ”

After all, the Demon Wings behind Joseph Zala unfold! The evil magic power exuding the breath of death rushed in all directions…As one of the top ten holy wizards, Joseph Zala is the ten wizards standing on the top of the continent of Ishogar! The magic is naturally terrifying! All the magicians present can feel this terrifying magic!


The magic of Joseph Zala!

His magic is “dark” and can manipulate the power of darkness. This is a very powerful magic, but his practice is not very homey. It’s just a few moves, otherwise it’s impossible to be killed by Makarov in the original plot.

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