Chapter 384 Threat Four Emperors

Whitebeard just wanted to say something, but Mukuro’s voice rang again: “Whitebeard, what you are after is to feel like family with your crew. After joining the Marine Armed Forces, there will be nothing about this. Change!”

“I just need a sea that is completely under my control! Think about it, Whitebeard…is it a momentary effort to be refreshed, or is it your wish to end up with a ruined home? Don’t worry… destroy the entire Whitebeard pirate. Tuan, to me, it’s just a silly thing.”

“Think about it, three days. If you have not chosen to agree, then there is no need for the Whitebeard Pirates to exist…dudududu…”

Mukuro didn’t say much, and hung up the phone worm in his hand.

Aboard the new Mobile Dick.

Whitebeard was silent with a gloomy face, clenched fists, bruises on his arms, and he couldn’t help trembling slightly. The sound of breathing has also increased a lot, showing how violent the anger suppressed under this calmness!

“Father, Mitarashi Mukuro, what did he say!?” Marco couldn’t help but ask.

“Nothing, don’t ask too much.” Whitebeard said, his voice low, as if he was holding it out of his throat.

“Yes…yes, old man.”

Marco was taken aback, looking at Whitebeard a little bewildered. There was some trepidation in his eyes, and Marco had never seen such an old man in twenty or thirty years.

Mukuro, who is far away in Marlene Vatican, doesn’t care about Whitebeard’s feelings.

Then he dialed the second phone worm.

“Hey, this is Red Hair Pirates, this is Raki Lu, who are you looking for!” The big fat man Raki Lu chewed with a huge chicken leg in his hand.

“Mitarashi Mukuro, look for red hair.”

With a few simple words, the chicken leg in Laki Lu’s hand fell directly from his hand. After swallowing hard, the food in his mouth was swallowed raw.

It took a long time for Laki Lu to react.

Holding the phone worm in his oily hand, he rushed to the captain’s room on the bow, and shouted: “Captain! Captain! Nothing…nothing, something big!!!”

“Yeah…what’s the matter, Laki Lu. Don’t have any chicken legs!?” Yasopp, who was wiping the sniper rifle in his hand, looked at Laki Lu’s running figure and couldn’t help but laugh.

“What’s the matter? Laki Lu.” The redhead asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Marine… Marine’s… Big Demon… Mitarashi Mukuro, there is a call bug!” Raki Lu said with a mouthful of breath, looking at the red hair.

“Mitarashi Mukuro!?”, “Mitarashi Mukuro!?”…

Countless exclamations sounded, the attention of the entire Red Hair Pirates. They were all concentrated on the humble phone worm in Laki Lu’s hand on the deck.

The look of the red hair also became serious.

Picking up the phone worm in Raki Lu’s hand, he made a deep voice and said, “Marshal Marine Mitarashi Mukuro, why are you free to come to me as a little character?”

“Little character!?”

Mukuro was a little dumb, and said with a smile: “If even a big pirate of the “Four Emperors” level can only be regarded as a small character, then I am not just a small Marine, Mitarashi Mukuro?”

“Master Marshal, you laughed.”

Gan Hongfa laughed twice, and said: “Um…we are having a banquet at Red Hair Pirates. Marshal, you can come over, of course, if there is nothing wrong, then our call will stop here.”

“For the banquet, I won’t go. After all, Naval Headquarters still has a lot of business to deal with. But…”

Mukuro opened his eyes and said nonsense, causing Nami and Robin on the side to chuckle frequently. Many things need to be dealt with! ? Go to the ghost. Actually, I am embarrassed to say it.

“However, there is one thing I want to explain to you.”

Mukuro paused and continued: “Within three days, choose whether to join the Marine Wuhai Army. Otherwise… I’m sorry, Marine will wipe out the Red Hair Pirates!”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Shanks’ eyes flashed killing intent.

Shanks has a very good personality, and he can even laugh when he is insulted by others. But everyone has their own inverse scales, and red hair is no exception. His inverse scales are Red Hair Pirates! ! !

He will never allow anyone to insult Red Hair Pirates! ! !

“Mitarashi Mukuro, are you threatening our Red Hair Pirates!?” Shanks said coldly.

“Um… why are you the same as Whitebeard. Well, if you want to understand it that way, then there is no problem. I’m just… threatening you, what can you…what!?”

Mukuro snorted and continued: “Birth… or meaningless death, you make your own choice, red hair. But to be honest, I really don’t want to see the demise of Red Hair Pirates. And, even if I joined Marine armed forces, I can assure you that as long as you don’t violate Marine’s regulations, you can still do the same as before. Just say it all and consider it for yourself.”

After speaking, Mukuro hung up the phone worm.

The redhead standing on the deck of the Dray Firth, his face was almost the same as the Whitebeard just now, so gloomy and terrible. People around, including Beckman dare not come forward to ask the reason.

At this time, Mukuro also dialed the last phone worm in his hand.

As soon as the phone worm was connected, Charlotte Linlin roared:

“Kaido! You bastard! My old lady explained clearly why you wanted to get me in this battle. If you don’t tell me clearly today, I will kill you now and take the life of your crew. Absorb the light!!!”

Kaido gave him the phone worm in Mukuro’s hand. When Charlotte Linlin saw the phone worm, she thought it was a call from Kaido.

“Um… Charlotte Linlin. My name is Mitarashi Mukuro. If you want to trouble Kaido, please feel free to do it yourself. But before again you have to decide whether to join the Marine Wuhai Army. Otherwise I can assure you, even if you If you don’t go to Kaido, he will also come to you. Then… destroy the entire BIGMOM Pirate Group!!!”

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