Chapter 383 Mukuro’s big move

“Um, okay.” Sengoku nodded and said, then looked at Mukuro with a hesitant expression.

“Is there anything else!?”

Seeing Sengoku’s face, Mukuro asked aloud.

Hearing Mukuro’s question, Sengoku asked straightforwardly: “Marshal, three months have passed since the Battle of the Top. There hasn’t been any movement from the World government and Five Elders for a long time!? Will it be one of them? What big conspiracy is brewing. Should we send someone to investigate the Five Elders’ activities?”

“Oh, you are talking about this.”

Mukuro smiled and said, “If this is the case, then there is no need to worry about it. The reason why Five Elders did not move is because they dare not! I never put Five Elders in my eyes. inside!

But… the final battle should come soon! By the way, Sengoku Admiral, you personally go to the MarineG-1 branch to bring me the weapons developed by Dr. Vegapunk. The half-year deadline has come. I believe Vegapunk’s 120 members can give me a satisfactory answer! ”

“Well, okay. I’ll go tomorrow.”

Sengoku nodded and said.

Although it is not clear what Mukuro said the battle is coming, what kind of battle will be. But now Sengoku is only a Marine Admiral, he still knows the reason why he is not in his position and does not seek political affairs, so he has not asked too much.

Moreover, the difference in strength between himself and Mukuro is definitely not a level difference! The enemy that Mukuro will face, he doesn’t even have the qualifications to face it, so why bother to find it boring?

“Then Sengoku will retire first!” Sengoku said.

“Yeah.” Mukuro nodded.

Seeing Sengoku walked out of Marshal Marine’s office, Mukuro groaned for a moment, picked up a phone bug at the table, and connected. In a moment, a deep voice came from the phone worm:

“My lord, do you have any instructions?”

“Um… Kaido. How is the development of Marine Wuhai troops?”

It was Kaido, one of the “Four Emperors” who was talking to Mukuro, Mukuro’s loyal subordinate!

“The development of Marine Wuhai troops is pretty good! The pirates I can see in New World hardly dare to refuse!” Kaido said.

However, a sentence was added immediately afterwards: “Except for those three guys.”

Although Kaido did not name the three guys by name, Mukuro also knew that what Kaido said must be the other three of the “Four Emperors”!

Mukuro was not surprised at all that the three of them did not agree to join Marine Wuhai Force!

They are powerhouses who can be called “Four Emperors”, powerhouses of this kind, their self-esteem is not allowed to be trampled on by anyone! In their opinion, being a member of the Marine Armed Forces is simply an insult to themselves!

How could they agree? ?

“Well, I see, I will take care of this myself.”

Mukuro spoke, paused, and continued: “I will contact the three of them immediately. If there is no reply within three days… Give me the artificial Devil Fruit legion to destroy the three pirate regiments! Me! Let the people on the sea know! There can only be one voice on the sea in this world…

That is the voice of my Mitarashi Mukuro! ! ! ”

“Yes, my lord!”

Kaido said with excitement. Kaido who completely surrendered to Mukuro from the depths of his consciousness naturally regarded the glory of Mukuro as his own. How could he not be excited when he heard such impassioned words?

Hanging up the phone bug with Kaido, Mukuro took out three phone bugs from the drawer on the table beside him.

It was the phone worm who contacted Whitebeard, Redhead, BIGMOM, and the three pirate groups! This was given to him by Kaido. They are the “Four Emperors” and belong to the pirate force. Regardless of whether it is a hostile relationship or not, but the four pirate groups have ways to communicate with each other.

Without distinguishing, Mukuro directly dialed one of them.

“Who is it? This is the Whitebeard Pirates.” Marko’s voice came from the phone worm.

“Mitarashi Mukuro!”

I’m too lazy to say something, but simply state my name. Although it is only four words, it sounds like a nuclear explosion in Marko’s ears.

Did not doubt Mukuro’s voice, because Marko is so familiar with Mukuro’s voice! !

I was once completely defeated by Mitarashi Mukuro! And the battle on the top is Mukuro’s figure and voice. That terrifying strength is almost etched in his mind!

“Marine, why do you have a call from our Whitebeard Pirates…”

Before Marco finished speaking, he was interrupted by Mukuro, “Give the phone bug to that guy Whitebeard!”

He seemed to have heard the impatience in Mukuro’s tone. Marco did not dare to be slack and rushed to Whitebeard’s side, handed the phone bug to Whitebeard, and whispered, “Daddy, it’s Mitarashi Mukuro!”


A trace of doubt flashed in Whitebeard’s eyes, and he didn’t say anything. He just took the call and said, “Mitarashi Mukuro…what can you do with me!?”

“It’s nothing, I just hope you can join Marine Wuhai Army!” Mukuro said.

“Koohahahahaha… Marine, what do you mean!? Are you asking me to be Whitebeard as Marine’s lackey?” Whitebeard’s voice could clearly hear anger.

With Whitebeard’s character, if the one on the phone is not Mukuro, the phone worm in his hand has already been pinched!

“Well… if you understand it this way, it really upsets me!”

There was a hint of helplessness in Mukuro’s voice, and then faintly said: “What Raftel represents, I believe Roger told you something before his death. This world… should also usher in real peace!

As a Marine, I don’t want any pirates in the sea, so three days later… Marine will carry out a complete eradication of the pirates in the sea! There won’t be any pirates left! ”

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